Firstly- Long live Vienna. Secondly, I don't think firstly is a word and all of a sudden everyone I have to listen to is using that stupid word. It's dumb. Don't say firstly- if you haven't said anything yet, it is OBVIOUSLY FIRST(ly). Gosh.
Last I left you I was cheering for Vienna and eating a row of Peeps. I acutally ended up eating the entire package of Peeps. And then yesterday, for dinner, I had a bag of goldfish and a diet coke. I can't wait to have a kitchen again so I can cook something semi-decent for dinner.
My going away party was yesterday. Apparently yellow roses have something to do with Texas. And, apparently there was this fabulous show called Dallas with a man named JR. And, apparently, you put sherbet in punch when you are Southern. Oh, and I talk with my hands.These are all things I learned at my farewell party.
I was pretty much as excited as you could be for sheet cake and a conference room. The powerpoint invitations went out weeks in advance and had roses, and Texas license plate clipart galore. Pretty much everyone who is anyone was invited. But- doom struck. The weather man said something about snow and by the time 2PM rolled around yesterday, most everyone had gone home. (More cake for the rest of us....!) They got me the most beautiful flowers ever (really, I don't think I've ever received prettier flowers!) and the biggest sheet cake in the world. This cake could have served 60 people- easy... and the total turn out was... 14. We also had southern punch and they gave me the recipe... 4 times with a few variations that include Sprite, gingerale or champagne and always sherbet for a foamy top.
The sweetest, oldest man I work with was such the jokester the entire time. He made fun of me for talking with my hands (so what, I do) and insisted I continue to mail him homemade treats. (I don't know if they'll miss me or the actual treats and goodies I bring in for them to snack on....) Then they all started talking about this show Dallas or whatever and when I confessed that I had no idea what they were talking about he really let into me with the "WHAT! HOW OLD ARE YOU??!!!".
I don't care how old I am- but when you are obviously way younger than everyone around you, even those people that you are managing, you kind of guard your age to keep some level of respect and professionalism, blah blah. So they have been guessing pretty much since I started and when they ask if they are right I respond with "do you want to know how much I weigh too?". It keeps them in line and they get the point to stop asking... but, at my going away party, for the 14 people that showed up, I confessed my age. First, I confessed that no, I was not alive in 1970 (I can't believe they even had to ask) and then I confirmed the actual age. Which of course led into everyone claiming to be only 32 and they've been with the company longer than I've been alive, etc, etc. They really keep me on my toes... but only for 2 more days!
You are probably wondering what they did with the leftover sheetcake for 60 if only 14 showed up. I will tell you. Instead of giving it away to the people that were there, they put it in the empty cube next to me and alerted everyone to its location and told them to get cake and stop by and see me. Believe it or not, even though I'm nearing the end of my rotation, I still have things to do and drive bys are a lot of energy for me to smile and be friendly. There is still cake left even after it being out all day today... hopefully they eat it all tomorrow.
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