Do you remember when you were little, and in the summer it was sunlight much later... like bedtime and still sunlight? Or maybe not your actual bedtime, but more of you just hit your brother or sister (or all three) and your mother sent you to bed when it was light out... and it was just awful?? Well, I'm trying to keep my eyes open, and basically thinking how fabulous it would be to go to sleep for the night while the sun was still out. Oh how times have changed!
So this past weekend I had my 3rd visitor! Friend from work who lives in CA was visiting another TX office and we got to hang out. We went to the Fox Sports bar to "watch" basketball (read: he watched basketball and I talked a lot about probably nothing he cared about). But, we did have a great time. When we were driving over to the bar, he saw some of the CD's I have in my car and started laughing immediately. I was a little offended, because yeah, Alanis Morissette is so 7th grade, but I still enjoy her tunes occasionally. But actually he was laughing at Love Mix #6.
For those of you that don't quite know my history with boys, I always get the weird ones. Never normal, or never stay normal. Sophomore year of college friend says my friend wants to meet you, blah blah. I say ok and go on an awkward date that leads to additional awkward encounters. The roommates encourage this because we did laugh over it a lot. This kid serenaded us in our dorm room while he played the guitar, he won me a stuffed lobster at a fair or something, I had to watch Aladdin with him (HIS pick- barf!), oh and then there was the final "date" during finals week that I was so looking forward to the end of. Well, he had different plans and asked if he could come and "see the sites of Pittsburgh" to which I responded "there are no sites in Pittsburgh". He did not get the drift and still gave me a CD in a pink jewel case. He signed it "love" which was weird and I couldn't get home to listen to the CD with the roommates fast enough. Songs on the CD included "A whole new world", "Your body is a wonderland", "Check yes or no" and other awkward songs to be given on a love mix post a third "date"- They were more like encounters. Anyway, I've been listening to Love Mix #6 all weekend since it was in the CD player. Also, don't make a mix CD for someone, unless they ask for it.
Saturday night I went out with my new friend from last week's girlmance... I'll just call her S from now on. So, we went to this establishment that I'm pretty sure is the adult version of Indigo. We get there at 9 and there is already a line (obviously, early bed times for the olds). "Line" means 15 people. Two bouncers (one of which is a 7 foot 4 inch tall man- seriously) seriously scrutinize our ID's and then send us inside where we have another counter where we have to pay a cover (more than $3 Indigo cover). There was a live jazz band (not a DJ playing actual enjoyable tunes like Miley Cyrus and Flo Rida) and three old men with instruments (saxophone, trumpet, something else brass) that would pop up behind you and start playing those instruments in your ears. Not so terrible, but not so wonderful either. Old people grinding everywhereeee. It was embarrassing. I mean, multiple people sucking face- not kissing- tonsil hockey like high schoolers. But, unlike Indigo which peaks at midnight, most of this bar was heading home by 11 as it was way past most everyone's bedtime. Oh, and an old gave me what I can only assume was meant to be a compliment. It went something like this: "You have beautiful red hair....... that is not a pick up line". Wow, thanks dude. For those of you that didn't catch the backwards-ness of that "compliment" - it's there. Reread it, and then don't ever repeat that. Even if it is NOT a pickup. Gosh. I wasn't trying to get this dude to pick me up... but I also wasn't trying to have him be a brat about it!
One establishment down, no husbands, many more to go. Great news on the Findigo trip though- I got to meet some more new people. Hopefully potential friends.
Sunday I did some shopping at my favorite stores: JCP, Macys, Marshalls and Target. I was most successful at JCP, but not as successful as I would like to be. I bought this so great funky vest with leather on it (but it is not what you are imagining). Macys and Marshalls unsuccessful (both stores were a total disaster and I couldn't concentrate). And Target.... that was an accident, I was just stopping in for a book, but you know how Target goes... in for one thing, out $100 later. It wasn't quite $100, but I did end up getting two books and a really great dress... and then it's the Super Target so I stopped to get a can of green beans (I just really wanted them), but I walked past the Peeps, and then the apples... and, it just turned into a grocery trip. And while I was there, I stopped at the Ulta and now I'm getting my hair cut on Thursday. I have no self control. Hopefully my tax return gets here soon.
Ohhhhh Dancing with the Stars is on!!! I have to go watch my girl Kate Gosselin.
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