

So I got a new bedspread that is actually a quilt. I very much enjoy it. I was very concerned over what I would put over my bed. I considered using curtain panels to make a dramatic headboard - but that required thought and dry wall screws- things I don't have patience for. So I was so upset and looking for a photo. And everything I found was just too small. And- besides flowers, what else can you get a picture of? Maybe a dog or something- but that would be weird above my bed. So I was in the IKEA (which I mostly like, but the general layout stresses me out) and found all these weird vases, fake flowers and candles and just in general chooch (even if you've never heard of "chooch" you know what it is- and that is your mom or grandma's family word for trinkets/crap that really serves no purpose but you will still be devastated to lose in a fire). So I am going to try shelves with chooch on them- but decorative chooch that doesn't get lost on the walls. This is my project tonight, that I must start soon- because I don't want the neighbors I have yet to meet to call me "the girl next door that is always pounding on the walls".

So- wish me luck.


  1. chooch...not to be confused with choch or cooch...as in a woman's vagina.

    see you saturday!

  2. yes gosh... i would hope you weren't putting a woman's vagina all over your headboard....
