

Work has been... slow. I guess I expected that with the new job and all, but it just makes me so blah! In the next week or two things should be picking up. My new manager keeps telling me things she's going to put me on- so I'm excited to be busy, busy and productve again! Although, at the end of the day a few of the people were getting chatty and talking about the extreme summer heat. One woman said she drives to the grocery store in her swimsuit because she doesn't think her AC works well enough... Can't wait to see that... not!

I wore leopard pumps to work today with my heather green top. This seemed to catch many eyes-- I don't know if they were envious or judging. I'll stick with envious, since you all know how sensitive I am with low self esteem and all.

I've finished the 3rd Twilight book and watched the first movie. The movie is awful. I mean, it almost made me fall out of love with the series. I'm still going to watch the New Moon movie though- I heard it gets better. I'll probably still read the remaining 2 books, I just can't start now. Once I start, I can't put them down... and I need to get a decent night's sleep!!

This girl at work, the one with the coughing (read: hacking) issues.. she definitely doesn't like me. She came into the bathroom while I was washing my hands and MADE EYE CONTACT with me and didn't smile or say hi. In the remaining time in the bathroom I plotted a plan to turn the lights off and then go back to my desk.. and then she would come back and say "Why did you turn the lights off on me!?" and I would say "I didn't do that" and she would say "I saw you in there!" and I would say "Oh really? YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID HELLO YOU B!". But, I just finished washing my hands and went back to my cube.

Honestly, this entire week I've been dreaming of bed. I want to get my nails done and do laundry and just do some final tidying touches on the apartment.. but I'm always so exhausted when I get home!! I hope I fall asleep at 9 tonight. Maybe I'll DVR American Idol and fall asleep at 8. That would be glorious...

Uh- just rereading for spelling errors.. I sound so lethargic! Barf!! Bed... here I come!

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