I love Peeps at Easter. But I looovveeee Diet Coke all year round. My DC consumption varies, but I always have at least one a day. I am certain that at family events I've had as many as 7, maybe more. Especially long family events like Thanksgiving or Christmas. Now that I'm legal drinking age, I have replaced a DC or two with a glass of wine or two, but I always, always have at least one DC. I am aware that it is a real addiction.
On the rarest of occasions that I'm out of DC and have to go without one, a painful caffeine-withdrawal headache ensues. But, as soon as I get that next, cold, refreshing DC... well, it's immediate relief. I mean, the second the DC hits my lips, I can feel it go down my esophagus and straight into my veins. (No medical explanations or critiques needed.) And, instantly, the headache is gone.
At work, I bring a chilled DC can with me and have it at lunch.. except today, I had my DC early (10:14AM). Even though I love DC, I'm sometimes embarrassed of opening the can at a socially unacceptable time (before noon). And, although I've been cracking open cans for as long as I can remember... I can never do it quietly when I'm opening the DC at a socially unacceptable time. I don't look around when I do it, but I do slightly cringe when the can opening noise happens... it's like if you are sneaking around and then step on the one creaky floor board in the entire place.. your shoulders go up, your eyes close and you pray oh pray that no one heard or comes looking.
I have no plans to stop my love affair with DC. Or chocolate, while we're at it.
Since I'm still have capacity, I have a lot of time to figure out what is going on around me. Best thing I figured out? Annoying rude girl is moving to Minneapolis!!! Soon too. I think in just a few weeks. I found out her name also, but I'm never going to call her by it. Although, I have started saying hi to her. She isn't always responding, but people around me are noticing that I say hi... who's the B now, B!?
Also, it's business casual day at the office. For those of you that work for a company that has field offices and corporate offices... this will make sense to you. For those of you that are just in a corporate office, well, you miss out on a lot of excitement. My company has both, and while I'm located now in a classier field office, it is still that... a field office. Which means dress codes are lax, conversation is... interesting, and things are just done with more friendly chatting than in a corporate office.
Today a client is visiting the office so the entire building has to participate in business casual. This is fine with me since I LOVE business casual. But, it was so nice to see everyone so... dressed up today! They actually can match a shirt to a pant or brush their hair!!!! It's fabulous. I mean, it's not my version of my Sunday best, but it is definitely their version and you can see a definite effort. What am I wearing you ask? A great gray long walking short with a white oxford and teal vest. I'm wearing a peacock feather clip in my hair for pizazz and my highest black heels. My nails are painted orange and I'm so in love with the color, I think I'll just keep doing touchups and never change the color.
Oh, yesterday remember how I told you about purchasing apples at the Super Target. Well, Gala is my absolute favorite (Red Delicious is my absolute least favorite). But, I purchased Fuji apples- barf. I'll never do that again. They are... tart-ish? And super crunchy. And, they make me make a sour face and I can't even finish one of them because of the weird crunchy after taste it leaves. Gala4lyfe.
Also, yesterday I told you about my girl, Kate Gosselin. Well I'm over her. She's so terrible. I'd rather watch the oldie but goodie Buzz dance instead of her. But, I'm using all my votes on Chad Ochocinco because he is so handsome. You should do the same.
7:30 and Sunny!
Do you remember when you were little, and in the summer it was sunlight much later... like bedtime and still sunlight? Or maybe not your actual bedtime, but more of you just hit your brother or sister (or all three) and your mother sent you to bed when it was light out... and it was just awful?? Well, I'm trying to keep my eyes open, and basically thinking how fabulous it would be to go to sleep for the night while the sun was still out. Oh how times have changed!
So this past weekend I had my 3rd visitor! Friend from work who lives in CA was visiting another TX office and we got to hang out. We went to the Fox Sports bar to "watch" basketball (read: he watched basketball and I talked a lot about probably nothing he cared about). But, we did have a great time. When we were driving over to the bar, he saw some of the CD's I have in my car and started laughing immediately. I was a little offended, because yeah, Alanis Morissette is so 7th grade, but I still enjoy her tunes occasionally. But actually he was laughing at Love Mix #6.
For those of you that don't quite know my history with boys, I always get the weird ones. Never normal, or never stay normal. Sophomore year of college friend says my friend wants to meet you, blah blah. I say ok and go on an awkward date that leads to additional awkward encounters. The roommates encourage this because we did laugh over it a lot. This kid serenaded us in our dorm room while he played the guitar, he won me a stuffed lobster at a fair or something, I had to watch Aladdin with him (HIS pick- barf!), oh and then there was the final "date" during finals week that I was so looking forward to the end of. Well, he had different plans and asked if he could come and "see the sites of Pittsburgh" to which I responded "there are no sites in Pittsburgh". He did not get the drift and still gave me a CD in a pink jewel case. He signed it "love" which was weird and I couldn't get home to listen to the CD with the roommates fast enough. Songs on the CD included "A whole new world", "Your body is a wonderland", "Check yes or no" and other awkward songs to be given on a love mix post a third "date"- They were more like encounters. Anyway, I've been listening to Love Mix #6 all weekend since it was in the CD player. Also, don't make a mix CD for someone, unless they ask for it.
Saturday night I went out with my new friend from last week's girlmance... I'll just call her S from now on. So, we went to this establishment that I'm pretty sure is the adult version of Indigo. We get there at 9 and there is already a line (obviously, early bed times for the olds). "Line" means 15 people. Two bouncers (one of which is a 7 foot 4 inch tall man- seriously) seriously scrutinize our ID's and then send us inside where we have another counter where we have to pay a cover (more than $3 Indigo cover). There was a live jazz band (not a DJ playing actual enjoyable tunes like Miley Cyrus and Flo Rida) and three old men with instruments (saxophone, trumpet, something else brass) that would pop up behind you and start playing those instruments in your ears. Not so terrible, but not so wonderful either. Old people grinding everywhereeee. It was embarrassing. I mean, multiple people sucking face- not kissing- tonsil hockey like high schoolers. But, unlike Indigo which peaks at midnight, most of this bar was heading home by 11 as it was way past most everyone's bedtime. Oh, and an old gave me what I can only assume was meant to be a compliment. It went something like this: "You have beautiful red hair....... that is not a pick up line". Wow, thanks dude. For those of you that didn't catch the backwards-ness of that "compliment" - it's there. Reread it, and then don't ever repeat that. Even if it is NOT a pickup. Gosh. I wasn't trying to get this dude to pick me up... but I also wasn't trying to have him be a brat about it!
One establishment down, no husbands, many more to go. Great news on the Findigo trip though- I got to meet some more new people. Hopefully potential friends.
Sunday I did some shopping at my favorite stores: JCP, Macys, Marshalls and Target. I was most successful at JCP, but not as successful as I would like to be. I bought this so great funky vest with leather on it (but it is not what you are imagining). Macys and Marshalls unsuccessful (both stores were a total disaster and I couldn't concentrate). And Target.... that was an accident, I was just stopping in for a book, but you know how Target goes... in for one thing, out $100 later. It wasn't quite $100, but I did end up getting two books and a really great dress... and then it's the Super Target so I stopped to get a can of green beans (I just really wanted them), but I walked past the Peeps, and then the apples... and, it just turned into a grocery trip. And while I was there, I stopped at the Ulta and now I'm getting my hair cut on Thursday. I have no self control. Hopefully my tax return gets here soon.
Ohhhhh Dancing with the Stars is on!!! I have to go watch my girl Kate Gosselin.
So this past weekend I had my 3rd visitor! Friend from work who lives in CA was visiting another TX office and we got to hang out. We went to the Fox Sports bar to "watch" basketball (read: he watched basketball and I talked a lot about probably nothing he cared about). But, we did have a great time. When we were driving over to the bar, he saw some of the CD's I have in my car and started laughing immediately. I was a little offended, because yeah, Alanis Morissette is so 7th grade, but I still enjoy her tunes occasionally. But actually he was laughing at Love Mix #6.
For those of you that don't quite know my history with boys, I always get the weird ones. Never normal, or never stay normal. Sophomore year of college friend says my friend wants to meet you, blah blah. I say ok and go on an awkward date that leads to additional awkward encounters. The roommates encourage this because we did laugh over it a lot. This kid serenaded us in our dorm room while he played the guitar, he won me a stuffed lobster at a fair or something, I had to watch Aladdin with him (HIS pick- barf!), oh and then there was the final "date" during finals week that I was so looking forward to the end of. Well, he had different plans and asked if he could come and "see the sites of Pittsburgh" to which I responded "there are no sites in Pittsburgh". He did not get the drift and still gave me a CD in a pink jewel case. He signed it "love" which was weird and I couldn't get home to listen to the CD with the roommates fast enough. Songs on the CD included "A whole new world", "Your body is a wonderland", "Check yes or no" and other awkward songs to be given on a love mix post a third "date"- They were more like encounters. Anyway, I've been listening to Love Mix #6 all weekend since it was in the CD player. Also, don't make a mix CD for someone, unless they ask for it.
Saturday night I went out with my new friend from last week's girlmance... I'll just call her S from now on. So, we went to this establishment that I'm pretty sure is the adult version of Indigo. We get there at 9 and there is already a line (obviously, early bed times for the olds). "Line" means 15 people. Two bouncers (one of which is a 7 foot 4 inch tall man- seriously) seriously scrutinize our ID's and then send us inside where we have another counter where we have to pay a cover (more than $3 Indigo cover). There was a live jazz band (not a DJ playing actual enjoyable tunes like Miley Cyrus and Flo Rida) and three old men with instruments (saxophone, trumpet, something else brass) that would pop up behind you and start playing those instruments in your ears. Not so terrible, but not so wonderful either. Old people grinding everywhereeee. It was embarrassing. I mean, multiple people sucking face- not kissing- tonsil hockey like high schoolers. But, unlike Indigo which peaks at midnight, most of this bar was heading home by 11 as it was way past most everyone's bedtime. Oh, and an old gave me what I can only assume was meant to be a compliment. It went something like this: "You have beautiful red hair....... that is not a pick up line". Wow, thanks dude. For those of you that didn't catch the backwards-ness of that "compliment" - it's there. Reread it, and then don't ever repeat that. Even if it is NOT a pickup. Gosh. I wasn't trying to get this dude to pick me up... but I also wasn't trying to have him be a brat about it!
One establishment down, no husbands, many more to go. Great news on the Findigo trip though- I got to meet some more new people. Hopefully potential friends.
Sunday I did some shopping at my favorite stores: JCP, Macys, Marshalls and Target. I was most successful at JCP, but not as successful as I would like to be. I bought this so great funky vest with leather on it (but it is not what you are imagining). Macys and Marshalls unsuccessful (both stores were a total disaster and I couldn't concentrate). And Target.... that was an accident, I was just stopping in for a book, but you know how Target goes... in for one thing, out $100 later. It wasn't quite $100, but I did end up getting two books and a really great dress... and then it's the Super Target so I stopped to get a can of green beans (I just really wanted them), but I walked past the Peeps, and then the apples... and, it just turned into a grocery trip. And while I was there, I stopped at the Ulta and now I'm getting my hair cut on Thursday. I have no self control. Hopefully my tax return gets here soon.
Ohhhhh Dancing with the Stars is on!!! I have to go watch my girl Kate Gosselin.
"ahh, yes yes, ahh"
Well, it seems I've lifted the bar again. Not that I need reassurance, but the few extra followers and the complainers telling me that my last post was acceptable... hopefully this means I'm back in shape as far as blogging goes. And, the new followers... 19! Super! Thanks for coming!!
Important things.... girlmance occurred last night. I think we might be making a friendship! We had the texting that I told you about last time, and the yesterday was the big day. Even though the adventure was occurring after work, I was especially mindful to have a nice work but still young outfit on. Which- while we are talking about clothes, the office definitely hates me and my dressing. But I don't care. I have to be the most put together person, and I think that's fine, and they don't really make it that hard for me... I think my outfit today might have been overkill towards corporate minus the suit.. but it was a great outfit. And my hair was so great and slicked back (we'll talk about that later....)
Ok, so we met at this Mexican restaurant in the town center thing by my apartment. Because it was raining and I had the great high black heels on and because the Twilight book 4 just came in the mail and I had to read 4 chapters and was running late... I drove over. I felt bad/lazy about it for a minute... but then the gps told me it was 1 mile away and I realized that wasn't necessary. Start of the chatting was a little awkward, but we ordered a mambo taxi (frozen margarita, sangria, brandy topped with a lime.... so yum). She also suggested my dinner... sour cream enchiladas which are apparently a delicacy special to Dallas. I wouldn't know this because I have never had an enchilada before and I pretty much shy away from anything with sour cream in the title (except Auntie Ro's mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving). So, since I'm being a grown up and not making "yuk" faces when new things are suggested to me... I got the sour cream enchiladas... and.. they were really good. I got NO BEANS, yuk. Have you seen Mexican beans?! It looks like poop slush on a plate... barfola and keep those away from me. But everything else, fabulous.
So, yes, the girlmance went well and I think we have plans on Saturday!
Work was lame today, as expected. But I had the great outfit on... and the slicked back pony... remember? Well, by the time 3 rolled around my stupid great slick pony was giving me the headache of a lifetime. I couldn't get home fast enough to pull it out. Oh, and then there was Twilight..
So, I get home, make some dinner and set the DVR and start reading. And... then it began. The banging. The pounding. The jumping up and down. The person above me, I honestly, for two weeks have been trying to figure out what they DO UP THERE!?! And finally, at the end of the third week, I'm over it. So, friend K coached me through gchat on the confrontation. And, I can't figure out if it is better to go up there polished or disheveled. Finally, I went up there as is and a little nervous.
Before I knocked on the door I had a few ideas as to what was going on up there. In no particular order they were:
1) lady doing aerobics/jillian shred for hours
2) boys playing wii
3) family chasing dog or child
4) high schooler doing cartwheels and other gymnastic-y things
5) someone paid to stomp back and forth to annoy me
So, when I knocked on the door I about died- I couldn't contain myself. The door opens and it is, of course, a brown. A total FOB (and I say this with love and knowing I have brown permission to say it). And I said "Hi, I live downstairs. There's been a lot of noise" His immediate response "Ahh, yes yes, ahh". While he is ahh-ing and yes-ing me I'm obviously sneaking a peak at the apartmnet... no furniture, 16 inch television with more browns on it and an air mattress against the wall. Even though he was ahh-ing and yes-ing me I was thinking he wasn't really hearing/understanding me. So I said "I moved in two weeks ago, and there's been a lot of noise" and he of course said "Ahh, yes yes, ahh". And then I said thank you and left.
A brown. I was smiling ear to ear. I mean.. what are the chances? Apparently high. Well, I haven't heard a peep from him since. It's only been an hour, so I'm not going to hold my breath just yet...
Important things.... girlmance occurred last night. I think we might be making a friendship! We had the texting that I told you about last time, and the yesterday was the big day. Even though the adventure was occurring after work, I was especially mindful to have a nice work but still young outfit on. Which- while we are talking about clothes, the office definitely hates me and my dressing. But I don't care. I have to be the most put together person, and I think that's fine, and they don't really make it that hard for me... I think my outfit today might have been overkill towards corporate minus the suit.. but it was a great outfit. And my hair was so great and slicked back (we'll talk about that later....)
Ok, so we met at this Mexican restaurant in the town center thing by my apartment. Because it was raining and I had the great high black heels on and because the Twilight book 4 just came in the mail and I had to read 4 chapters and was running late... I drove over. I felt bad/lazy about it for a minute... but then the gps told me it was 1 mile away and I realized that wasn't necessary. Start of the chatting was a little awkward, but we ordered a mambo taxi (frozen margarita, sangria, brandy topped with a lime.... so yum). She also suggested my dinner... sour cream enchiladas which are apparently a delicacy special to Dallas. I wouldn't know this because I have never had an enchilada before and I pretty much shy away from anything with sour cream in the title (except Auntie Ro's mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving). So, since I'm being a grown up and not making "yuk" faces when new things are suggested to me... I got the sour cream enchiladas... and.. they were really good. I got NO BEANS, yuk. Have you seen Mexican beans?! It looks like poop slush on a plate... barfola and keep those away from me. But everything else, fabulous.
So, yes, the girlmance went well and I think we have plans on Saturday!
Work was lame today, as expected. But I had the great outfit on... and the slicked back pony... remember? Well, by the time 3 rolled around my stupid great slick pony was giving me the headache of a lifetime. I couldn't get home fast enough to pull it out. Oh, and then there was Twilight..
So, I get home, make some dinner and set the DVR and start reading. And... then it began. The banging. The pounding. The jumping up and down. The person above me, I honestly, for two weeks have been trying to figure out what they DO UP THERE!?! And finally, at the end of the third week, I'm over it. So, friend K coached me through gchat on the confrontation. And, I can't figure out if it is better to go up there polished or disheveled. Finally, I went up there as is and a little nervous.
Before I knocked on the door I had a few ideas as to what was going on up there. In no particular order they were:
1) lady doing aerobics/jillian shred for hours
2) boys playing wii
3) family chasing dog or child
4) high schooler doing cartwheels and other gymnastic-y things
5) someone paid to stomp back and forth to annoy me
So, when I knocked on the door I about died- I couldn't contain myself. The door opens and it is, of course, a brown. A total FOB (and I say this with love and knowing I have brown permission to say it). And I said "Hi, I live downstairs. There's been a lot of noise" His immediate response "Ahh, yes yes, ahh". While he is ahh-ing and yes-ing me I'm obviously sneaking a peak at the apartmnet... no furniture, 16 inch television with more browns on it and an air mattress against the wall. Even though he was ahh-ing and yes-ing me I was thinking he wasn't really hearing/understanding me. So I said "I moved in two weeks ago, and there's been a lot of noise" and he of course said "Ahh, yes yes, ahh". And then I said thank you and left.
A brown. I was smiling ear to ear. I mean.. what are the chances? Apparently high. Well, I haven't heard a peep from him since. It's only been an hour, so I'm not going to hold my breath just yet...
chocolate and bacon?
I can't believe that there are more of you that thought my blog was getting BORING. You people. GET OVER IT! God. Instead of bitching, you should call me and say "I'm so sorry your life is so tired and slow right now!!". But did any of you do that? No. Thank God I'm listening to a FratMusic.com remix right now that includes gangster rap and Shania Twain. Yes- it is as weird as it sounds. And part of "Lean On Me" just got mixed in... I can't wait to see where this goes...
I'm sure it helps if I tell things in chronological order, but that is more difficult for me. I'll just tell them in the order that they pop into my brain. And I will not call them "Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, etc." Those words annoy me. And FIRSTLY? Is that even a real word? I hate that anyone ever uses that.
I wrote last week how everyone at work was saying if you don't like the weather, just wait a minute and it will change. Welp, it changed. I can see snow out my window right now. YEA! SNOW! INBELIEVABLE. (Have I defined inbelievable for you yet? It means "unbelievable, but I believe it"... inbelievable.) But seriously, the Blizzard of 2010 has followed to TEXAS! That's unreal. And, as with the Blizzard of 2010 Chattanooga edition, it really isn't significant snow... but it was really snowing and sticking to the roofs and cars and grass! And- it didn't even all melt today.. I can still see some. Come on, Texas. (I'm not proofreading any of this, hopefully you are keeping up.)
I promised a friend from work in CT that I would eat lunch in the cafeteria last week. I didn't. I'm actually more comfortable with the idea of skipping lunch than awkwardly sitting in the cafeteria alone. What do I do? Do I read? Do I eat fast? Do I eat slow? Do I look around and smile? Do I go early? Do I go late? It's so stressful!! But, I can't skip lunch because I wake up thinking of lunch... And the glass cubes really messes with my TN lunch event which was usually emails and noshing in my cube. But with the windows, I'm afraid people are looking at me and thinking "Oh, poor girl. Lunch in her cube again?" or "Oh my, do you see how she is eating that?? ANOTHER DIET COKE??" and things like that.... But, I don't really pay attention to other people, so why would they pay attention to me?
I'm going to have a Lean Cuisine for lunch tomorrow. I take my lunch in a lunch box. An aqua one with the company symbol on it. I've had the LB since July but never used it because I thought "this is weird". But, everyone has an LB and it really does keep things chilled and looks much nicer than a grocery store bag. Not that I EVER took a grocery store bag. With the fresh start in Plano, I decided to break out the LB. The first week with the LB I was a little awk carrying it... I mean, do I wear it like a purse since the strap is long enough? Or do I carry it low? (Which is what I did.) Are people thinking "Where did she get that sweet LB?" or are they thinking "Sweet LB, nerd.". I don't know. But I have an LB.
In third grade I got a pink LB from the Pharmor (which don't exist anymore, and neither do white cheddar Wheatables which were my favorite treat that we could only get at the Pharmor). Anyway, the LB was pink and had Minnie in a weird castle and Mickey on the ground. And, the first few days of school the cafeteria was never open so you HAD to bring a lunch. Well, I did pack a lunch, but I FORGOT it! It was terrible. I cried. (Surprised?) And the teacher told me I had two choices: a PB&J or a cheese sandwich. I hate/have never had a PB&J and a cheese sandwich- seriously? It was terrible. One other boy forgot his lunch too. It was really so sad, even now thinking about it... How could I forget the LB I was so excited about??
Let's see, other things... I have developed an eye twitch. I think it is from all (all 16 of you) my readers complaining. You've really put a lot of unnecessary stress on me that is causing a nervous and weird tick in my right eye. Do you feel bad? You've all had an eye twitch at some point I'm sure- it makes things difficult, doesn't it? I mean, someone is talking to me and all I can think about is "I wish my eye would stop twitching".
Friends from PSU were in Plano this weekend. L/G is actually from Plano and took me and MM on a guided tour of the area which included drivebys of her 5 schools and 3 houses. And the swankiest of swank homes that are probably so beautifully decorated for the holidays. We had a such great family dinner with amazing salad. It had apples in it and this sweet dressing and... yum. And the steak was perfect. I was full at the end of that meal. I was afraid though, because you know how I can be the... particular eater. And it's always high stress to have to eat something you don't like or something new since I hate trying new things... but these were fabulous items that I was used to (except the salad that was well worth the initial anxiety of seeing an unfamiliar item on the table).
After dinner we continued to have such great conversations and laughs. And the stepsister even brought up a pancake stuffed with chocolate and bacon. This is weird to me because I don't like pancakes... but I do have to say I'm very intrigued by the bacon/chocolate mix. I hope to get an update at some point. Would you eat a pancake stuffed with chocolate and bacon?
Afterwards, when the Blizzard of 2010 really hit, we went to a bar to meet with some of L/G's friends. This was a high stress event for me. It's the worst kind of date ever. I was so nervous and my internal dialog was wild. I needed to have a great outfit and hair. And keep a smiley face that looked natural and friendly. And talk about the right things and look like a lot of fun to hang out with. And.... uh! But! I got the heads up prior to arrival that there was going to be this girl that liked meeting new people and was fun and she could be the one for me.... This did not make things easier. And the entire night I'm checking with L/G and MM "do you think she likes me?" "should I get her number?" "when do you think we can see each other again?". Finally, L/G and MM helped facilitate the number exchange... what a relief! Did I mention she is tall? This will probably be weird for her to read if we do really become good friends.... Hi new friend. Did that make it more awk? Whatever. So! The great news is that she texted me this morning (yes I realize how this sounds to some of you... but YOU go try to meet a total new person and build a friendship).. so she texted me this morning and we're doing a happy hour on Wednesday. Are you excited for me!??!!
Back to the bar... they had this 80's cover band called the Space Rockers....Oh my gosh. They wore neon leotards with weird shapes on them. And they had these head pieces and dance moves. And it was pretty much amazing. You would have to see it all in action to really get the full impact. Oh, and the few shots and beverages really helped skyrocket the enjoyability factor. I might have been hungover this morning.
I've never woken up with a hangover. It always hits me 2 or 3 hours later. This morning was no exception and I've been laying around like death all day. I couldn't think of food at all. I couldn't even finish my Diet Coke. It was awful. And when I finally could think of food- all I wanted was Stouffer's macaroni. Ohhh how I love that macaroni. It's so amazing. And definitely hit the spot.
Looking to the week ahead and sans hangover, I have to accomplish some things. This includes taxes, laundry, setting up online bill pay, figuring out my HRA and finding a Zumba class. It's nice that my house is pretty much in order (special thanks to MM who hung a shelf for me and completed the bedroom decor). Oh! I need to get a battery charger for my camera... so I can take pictures and post them for you all to view. Busy week, obviously. Hopefully the weather fixes itself too- I'm totally over the Blizzard of 2010 Texas edition.
I'm sure it helps if I tell things in chronological order, but that is more difficult for me. I'll just tell them in the order that they pop into my brain. And I will not call them "Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, etc." Those words annoy me. And FIRSTLY? Is that even a real word? I hate that anyone ever uses that.
I wrote last week how everyone at work was saying if you don't like the weather, just wait a minute and it will change. Welp, it changed. I can see snow out my window right now. YEA! SNOW! INBELIEVABLE. (Have I defined inbelievable for you yet? It means "unbelievable, but I believe it"... inbelievable.) But seriously, the Blizzard of 2010 has followed to TEXAS! That's unreal. And, as with the Blizzard of 2010 Chattanooga edition, it really isn't significant snow... but it was really snowing and sticking to the roofs and cars and grass! And- it didn't even all melt today.. I can still see some. Come on, Texas. (I'm not proofreading any of this, hopefully you are keeping up.)
I promised a friend from work in CT that I would eat lunch in the cafeteria last week. I didn't. I'm actually more comfortable with the idea of skipping lunch than awkwardly sitting in the cafeteria alone. What do I do? Do I read? Do I eat fast? Do I eat slow? Do I look around and smile? Do I go early? Do I go late? It's so stressful!! But, I can't skip lunch because I wake up thinking of lunch... And the glass cubes really messes with my TN lunch event which was usually emails and noshing in my cube. But with the windows, I'm afraid people are looking at me and thinking "Oh, poor girl. Lunch in her cube again?" or "Oh my, do you see how she is eating that?? ANOTHER DIET COKE??" and things like that.... But, I don't really pay attention to other people, so why would they pay attention to me?
I'm going to have a Lean Cuisine for lunch tomorrow. I take my lunch in a lunch box. An aqua one with the company symbol on it. I've had the LB since July but never used it because I thought "this is weird". But, everyone has an LB and it really does keep things chilled and looks much nicer than a grocery store bag. Not that I EVER took a grocery store bag. With the fresh start in Plano, I decided to break out the LB. The first week with the LB I was a little awk carrying it... I mean, do I wear it like a purse since the strap is long enough? Or do I carry it low? (Which is what I did.) Are people thinking "Where did she get that sweet LB?" or are they thinking "Sweet LB, nerd.". I don't know. But I have an LB.
In third grade I got a pink LB from the Pharmor (which don't exist anymore, and neither do white cheddar Wheatables which were my favorite treat that we could only get at the Pharmor). Anyway, the LB was pink and had Minnie in a weird castle and Mickey on the ground. And, the first few days of school the cafeteria was never open so you HAD to bring a lunch. Well, I did pack a lunch, but I FORGOT it! It was terrible. I cried. (Surprised?) And the teacher told me I had two choices: a PB&J or a cheese sandwich. I hate/have never had a PB&J and a cheese sandwich- seriously? It was terrible. One other boy forgot his lunch too. It was really so sad, even now thinking about it... How could I forget the LB I was so excited about??
Let's see, other things... I have developed an eye twitch. I think it is from all (all 16 of you) my readers complaining. You've really put a lot of unnecessary stress on me that is causing a nervous and weird tick in my right eye. Do you feel bad? You've all had an eye twitch at some point I'm sure- it makes things difficult, doesn't it? I mean, someone is talking to me and all I can think about is "I wish my eye would stop twitching".
Friends from PSU were in Plano this weekend. L/G is actually from Plano and took me and MM on a guided tour of the area which included drivebys of her 5 schools and 3 houses. And the swankiest of swank homes that are probably so beautifully decorated for the holidays. We had a such great family dinner with amazing salad. It had apples in it and this sweet dressing and... yum. And the steak was perfect. I was full at the end of that meal. I was afraid though, because you know how I can be the... particular eater. And it's always high stress to have to eat something you don't like or something new since I hate trying new things... but these were fabulous items that I was used to (except the salad that was well worth the initial anxiety of seeing an unfamiliar item on the table).
After dinner we continued to have such great conversations and laughs. And the stepsister even brought up a pancake stuffed with chocolate and bacon. This is weird to me because I don't like pancakes... but I do have to say I'm very intrigued by the bacon/chocolate mix. I hope to get an update at some point. Would you eat a pancake stuffed with chocolate and bacon?
Afterwards, when the Blizzard of 2010 really hit, we went to a bar to meet with some of L/G's friends. This was a high stress event for me. It's the worst kind of date ever. I was so nervous and my internal dialog was wild. I needed to have a great outfit and hair. And keep a smiley face that looked natural and friendly. And talk about the right things and look like a lot of fun to hang out with. And.... uh! But! I got the heads up prior to arrival that there was going to be this girl that liked meeting new people and was fun and she could be the one for me.... This did not make things easier. And the entire night I'm checking with L/G and MM "do you think she likes me?" "should I get her number?" "when do you think we can see each other again?". Finally, L/G and MM helped facilitate the number exchange... what a relief! Did I mention she is tall? This will probably be weird for her to read if we do really become good friends.... Hi new friend. Did that make it more awk? Whatever. So! The great news is that she texted me this morning (yes I realize how this sounds to some of you... but YOU go try to meet a total new person and build a friendship).. so she texted me this morning and we're doing a happy hour on Wednesday. Are you excited for me!??!!
Back to the bar... they had this 80's cover band called the Space Rockers....Oh my gosh. They wore neon leotards with weird shapes on them. And they had these head pieces and dance moves. And it was pretty much amazing. You would have to see it all in action to really get the full impact. Oh, and the few shots and beverages really helped skyrocket the enjoyability factor. I might have been hungover this morning.
I've never woken up with a hangover. It always hits me 2 or 3 hours later. This morning was no exception and I've been laying around like death all day. I couldn't think of food at all. I couldn't even finish my Diet Coke. It was awful. And when I finally could think of food- all I wanted was Stouffer's macaroni. Ohhh how I love that macaroni. It's so amazing. And definitely hit the spot.
Looking to the week ahead and sans hangover, I have to accomplish some things. This includes taxes, laundry, setting up online bill pay, figuring out my HRA and finding a Zumba class. It's nice that my house is pretty much in order (special thanks to MM who hung a shelf for me and completed the bedroom decor). Oh! I need to get a battery charger for my camera... so I can take pictures and post them for you all to view. Busy week, obviously. Hopefully the weather fixes itself too- I'm totally over the Blizzard of 2010 Texas edition.
change of pace??
So apparently my blog isn't satisfying some of you.
Apparently I haven't been doing enough bitching and whining since getting to Texas.
Apppparently my tired entries make you tired.
Apppppparently my life doesn't have enough excitement for you.
Apppppppppppppparently, my readers are JUST as whiney as me!!!
Well, whatever. I don't really care. And I'm just sharing with you all in case you were thinking these things yourself- now you can all join in knowing you all are thinking the same things. And now, that we're all on the same page- you can just watch your tude. (Not that I'm even really offended by any of this.. sorry)
For those of you that are just happy see my latest post and just keep up to date with me - I thank you. I'm assuming you are my 15 followers that let your name show. The rest of you secret followers.... that's crap.
Things I need to provide more details on- the girl in my row that hates me. In discussing with a friend, she's decided that I've left out key details that prove that I am in the right and this girl will never be my friend.
My cube is glass. Not totally glass. But from the desk up it's 75% glass- see through. And I'm right on the end of a row facing the break room and I see a lot of action through my window (that's basically what it is). And, I think there are a few of you that won't believe my next statement- but I smile at these people that walk past me. I don't know all of them, but now I'm starting to pick up their routine and pick up on what they are doing and who their friends are. And most everyone (we'll get to her...) smiles back at me. Sometimes it is weird if I smile at them 2 times in 3 minutes, but whatever. If I see them, I smile.
My row has 4 cubes, two on each side of the aisle. On my row, we both face forward (So, person behind me stares at my head through her window) but on the row to my left, they are facing each other and stare at each other through their windows. And, girl that is awful terrible, is at the end so she is facing forward and she can see me, but I can't see her until she comes up the aisle. So I never know she is coming... but I always know she has left. And I can see where she goes (obviously- windows) and I've just been staring a hole into the back of her head trying to figure out why she is a TOTAL B even though I've done NOTHING to her (except forget her name- I didn't call her the wrong name ever- I just don't know what it is anymore). Anyway, friend from earlier says blah blah try to smile again at her blah blah. So I did.
The situation occurred like this- she left and I saw her from the back (gray on gray outfit, boring) and I watched her go fill up her mug in the break room and then watched her walk back. I stared directly at her, smiling. Not a cheesy, school picture smile, but an obvious smile with happy eyes. This B looks at the CEILING. The entire walk (16 steps, we'll say) and when she gets 4 steps from my cube, she looks at the wall, follows it to the floor and then looks at the floor the rest of her 10 steps to her cube. Total B.
And, before I thought it would be awkward to go to lunch with someone that I didn't know. But now that I hate this girl I just want to 1. learn her name and 2. kill her with kindness and go to lunch with her or something. And be oh so charming and a great listener and ask her all these questions about herself (yes, a friend date). And basically show her how amazing I am. But, after thinking this through, she's not worth my time. 1. I am certain she is the key to nothing amazing 2. I would have to edit my blog if we ever (I doubt it though) because good friends that she gmailed me 3. She has gone through such feats to ignore even GLANCING in my direction, it would take me the next 18 months to engage her in a conversation let alone a meal.
But, I do have a confession. At the end of the day, behind me, I heard her say bye to one of the other women in the row... so I turned around and looked directly at her and said BYE!! :) smiley voice!! She said bye too. Hopefully we don't become friends...
The other people in my aisle are nice enough. Significantly older. I don't think they are sure what to do with me. No one really is. They ask "what are you doing?" and I don't really know my full role yet so I answer with some vague answer and then "As I learn more I'll let you know too!" (friendly voice).
While we are on the subject of windows.... The see through nature of everything, and the clear view 5 people have into my cube life, has really made me a little nervous about decorating my cube. Not streamers and balloons, but just general items on my desk and how many notes and pictures and just general crap I have.. and where I place it. My favorite thing in my last cube (which should come at no surprise to you) was my mirror. Now- before you get all wild on me, I had the mirror because my old cubes were not see through. And people entered my cube from behind (I know one of you reading is trying to make a lame "that's what she said" joke right now.... ). Anyway, I couldn't always look behind me and I hated people creeping up on me, and I noticed that a lot of people had mirrors by their computer monitors so that they could watch what was happening behind them. So - I got a mirror and it really helped with my spying on the humes who were always passing by and I couldn't hear if I was on a call. But, the mirror was so great when I had a great hair day or when I was certain there was something in my teeth or something like that. All very important things. So, basically, I really enjoyed checking myself out throughout the day to confirm I was still in tip-top shape. Well, I can't put my mirror up here!!! I don't need it to see visitors (I see them through the windows) and everyone will see me looking at myself. I'll have to get a sly compact or something... I need to be able to see myself. To make sure my face is still on, or practice my walking and smiling face. My favorite thing to do with the mirror was to email people and tell them I was looking in the mirror right now and I thought I was having a good hair day or something. This is funny, because it is true. Now, I can't do it anymore. I need to think of something else pointless to email about.
Yesterday I needed to find a printer. I thought I found the printer. But every time I hit "print" nothing ever came out of the printer, even though the computer said it printed. This means I was printing things to some other printer in the building... who knows where. Hopefully they like what they found. Stupid technology.
I'm making myself a fabulous chicken parmesan hoagie tonight. I'm breading and cooking the chicken and adding such great sauce to a toasted roll.... It will be delectable. At first I thought I would make fajitas, but then I just kept thinking about a warm hoagie... mmm.
Hopefully this entry is a change of pace for you humans.(Although I doubt it for you cranky ones) But, I do still have to keep up the positive attitude. This is only week 2. I can't hate everything already.
Oh- and friends from Penn State come this weekend! So, that should be interesting enough to blog about!! Gosh. You people!
Apparently I haven't been doing enough bitching and whining since getting to Texas.
Apppparently my tired entries make you tired.
Apppppparently my life doesn't have enough excitement for you.
Apppppppppppppparently, my readers are JUST as whiney as me!!!
Well, whatever. I don't really care. And I'm just sharing with you all in case you were thinking these things yourself- now you can all join in knowing you all are thinking the same things. And now, that we're all on the same page- you can just watch your tude. (Not that I'm even really offended by any of this.. sorry)
For those of you that are just happy see my latest post and just keep up to date with me - I thank you. I'm assuming you are my 15 followers that let your name show. The rest of you secret followers.... that's crap.
Things I need to provide more details on- the girl in my row that hates me. In discussing with a friend, she's decided that I've left out key details that prove that I am in the right and this girl will never be my friend.
My cube is glass. Not totally glass. But from the desk up it's 75% glass- see through. And I'm right on the end of a row facing the break room and I see a lot of action through my window (that's basically what it is). And, I think there are a few of you that won't believe my next statement- but I smile at these people that walk past me. I don't know all of them, but now I'm starting to pick up their routine and pick up on what they are doing and who their friends are. And most everyone (we'll get to her...) smiles back at me. Sometimes it is weird if I smile at them 2 times in 3 minutes, but whatever. If I see them, I smile.
My row has 4 cubes, two on each side of the aisle. On my row, we both face forward (So, person behind me stares at my head through her window) but on the row to my left, they are facing each other and stare at each other through their windows. And, girl that is awful terrible, is at the end so she is facing forward and she can see me, but I can't see her until she comes up the aisle. So I never know she is coming... but I always know she has left. And I can see where she goes (obviously- windows) and I've just been staring a hole into the back of her head trying to figure out why she is a TOTAL B even though I've done NOTHING to her (except forget her name- I didn't call her the wrong name ever- I just don't know what it is anymore). Anyway, friend from earlier says blah blah try to smile again at her blah blah. So I did.
The situation occurred like this- she left and I saw her from the back (gray on gray outfit, boring) and I watched her go fill up her mug in the break room and then watched her walk back. I stared directly at her, smiling. Not a cheesy, school picture smile, but an obvious smile with happy eyes. This B looks at the CEILING. The entire walk (16 steps, we'll say) and when she gets 4 steps from my cube, she looks at the wall, follows it to the floor and then looks at the floor the rest of her 10 steps to her cube. Total B.
And, before I thought it would be awkward to go to lunch with someone that I didn't know. But now that I hate this girl I just want to 1. learn her name and 2. kill her with kindness and go to lunch with her or something. And be oh so charming and a great listener and ask her all these questions about herself (yes, a friend date). And basically show her how amazing I am. But, after thinking this through, she's not worth my time. 1. I am certain she is the key to nothing amazing 2. I would have to edit my blog if we ever (I doubt it though) because good friends that she gmailed me 3. She has gone through such feats to ignore even GLANCING in my direction, it would take me the next 18 months to engage her in a conversation let alone a meal.
But, I do have a confession. At the end of the day, behind me, I heard her say bye to one of the other women in the row... so I turned around and looked directly at her and said BYE!! :) smiley voice!! She said bye too. Hopefully we don't become friends...
The other people in my aisle are nice enough. Significantly older. I don't think they are sure what to do with me. No one really is. They ask "what are you doing?" and I don't really know my full role yet so I answer with some vague answer and then "As I learn more I'll let you know too!" (friendly voice).
While we are on the subject of windows.... The see through nature of everything, and the clear view 5 people have into my cube life, has really made me a little nervous about decorating my cube. Not streamers and balloons, but just general items on my desk and how many notes and pictures and just general crap I have.. and where I place it. My favorite thing in my last cube (which should come at no surprise to you) was my mirror. Now- before you get all wild on me, I had the mirror because my old cubes were not see through. And people entered my cube from behind (I know one of you reading is trying to make a lame "that's what she said" joke right now.... ). Anyway, I couldn't always look behind me and I hated people creeping up on me, and I noticed that a lot of people had mirrors by their computer monitors so that they could watch what was happening behind them. So - I got a mirror and it really helped with my spying on the humes who were always passing by and I couldn't hear if I was on a call. But, the mirror was so great when I had a great hair day or when I was certain there was something in my teeth or something like that. All very important things. So, basically, I really enjoyed checking myself out throughout the day to confirm I was still in tip-top shape. Well, I can't put my mirror up here!!! I don't need it to see visitors (I see them through the windows) and everyone will see me looking at myself. I'll have to get a sly compact or something... I need to be able to see myself. To make sure my face is still on, or practice my walking and smiling face. My favorite thing to do with the mirror was to email people and tell them I was looking in the mirror right now and I thought I was having a good hair day or something. This is funny, because it is true. Now, I can't do it anymore. I need to think of something else pointless to email about.
Yesterday I needed to find a printer. I thought I found the printer. But every time I hit "print" nothing ever came out of the printer, even though the computer said it printed. This means I was printing things to some other printer in the building... who knows where. Hopefully they like what they found. Stupid technology.
I'm making myself a fabulous chicken parmesan hoagie tonight. I'm breading and cooking the chicken and adding such great sauce to a toasted roll.... It will be delectable. At first I thought I would make fajitas, but then I just kept thinking about a warm hoagie... mmm.
Hopefully this entry is a change of pace for you humans.(Although I doubt it for you cranky ones) But, I do still have to keep up the positive attitude. This is only week 2. I can't hate everything already.
Oh- and friends from Penn State come this weekend! So, that should be interesting enough to blog about!! Gosh. You people!
Work has been... slow. I guess I expected that with the new job and all, but it just makes me so blah! In the next week or two things should be picking up. My new manager keeps telling me things she's going to put me on- so I'm excited to be busy, busy and productve again! Although, at the end of the day a few of the people were getting chatty and talking about the extreme summer heat. One woman said she drives to the grocery store in her swimsuit because she doesn't think her AC works well enough... Can't wait to see that... not!
I wore leopard pumps to work today with my heather green top. This seemed to catch many eyes-- I don't know if they were envious or judging. I'll stick with envious, since you all know how sensitive I am with low self esteem and all.
I've finished the 3rd Twilight book and watched the first movie. The movie is awful. I mean, it almost made me fall out of love with the series. I'm still going to watch the New Moon movie though- I heard it gets better. I'll probably still read the remaining 2 books, I just can't start now. Once I start, I can't put them down... and I need to get a decent night's sleep!!
This girl at work, the one with the coughing (read: hacking) issues.. she definitely doesn't like me. She came into the bathroom while I was washing my hands and MADE EYE CONTACT with me and didn't smile or say hi. In the remaining time in the bathroom I plotted a plan to turn the lights off and then go back to my desk.. and then she would come back and say "Why did you turn the lights off on me!?" and I would say "I didn't do that" and she would say "I saw you in there!" and I would say "Oh really? YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID HELLO YOU B!". But, I just finished washing my hands and went back to my cube.
Honestly, this entire week I've been dreaming of bed. I want to get my nails done and do laundry and just do some final tidying touches on the apartment.. but I'm always so exhausted when I get home!! I hope I fall asleep at 9 tonight. Maybe I'll DVR American Idol and fall asleep at 8. That would be glorious...
Uh- just rereading for spelling errors.. I sound so lethargic! Barf!! Bed... here I come!
I wore leopard pumps to work today with my heather green top. This seemed to catch many eyes-- I don't know if they were envious or judging. I'll stick with envious, since you all know how sensitive I am with low self esteem and all.
I've finished the 3rd Twilight book and watched the first movie. The movie is awful. I mean, it almost made me fall out of love with the series. I'm still going to watch the New Moon movie though- I heard it gets better. I'll probably still read the remaining 2 books, I just can't start now. Once I start, I can't put them down... and I need to get a decent night's sleep!!
This girl at work, the one with the coughing (read: hacking) issues.. she definitely doesn't like me. She came into the bathroom while I was washing my hands and MADE EYE CONTACT with me and didn't smile or say hi. In the remaining time in the bathroom I plotted a plan to turn the lights off and then go back to my desk.. and then she would come back and say "Why did you turn the lights off on me!?" and I would say "I didn't do that" and she would say "I saw you in there!" and I would say "Oh really? YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID HELLO YOU B!". But, I just finished washing my hands and went back to my cube.
Honestly, this entire week I've been dreaming of bed. I want to get my nails done and do laundry and just do some final tidying touches on the apartment.. but I'm always so exhausted when I get home!! I hope I fall asleep at 9 tonight. Maybe I'll DVR American Idol and fall asleep at 8. That would be glorious...
Uh- just rereading for spelling errors.. I sound so lethargic! Barf!! Bed... here I come!
So I got a new bedspread that is actually a quilt. I very much enjoy it. I was very concerned over what I would put over my bed. I considered using curtain panels to make a dramatic headboard - but that required thought and dry wall screws- things I don't have patience for. So I was so upset and looking for a photo. And everything I found was just too small. And- besides flowers, what else can you get a picture of? Maybe a dog or something- but that would be weird above my bed. So I was in the IKEA (which I mostly like, but the general layout stresses me out) and found all these weird vases, fake flowers and candles and just in general chooch (even if you've never heard of "chooch" you know what it is- and that is your mom or grandma's family word for trinkets/crap that really serves no purpose but you will still be devastated to lose in a fire). So I am going to try shelves with chooch on them- but decorative chooch that doesn't get lost on the walls. This is my project tonight, that I must start soon- because I don't want the neighbors I have yet to meet to call me "the girl next door that is always pounding on the walls".
So- wish me luck.
So- wish me luck.
Week 1
I have been in Texas one week. I think I like it.
The weather has been fabulous... mostly. In the 70's and sunny as can be. Except for the rain that seems to come out of nowhere, terribly loud, and then disappear again. I've had 4 older women at work approach me and tell me that if I don't like the weather, just wait a second- I'm beginning to see what they mean. Oh, and the wind. It's very windy sometimes. I will have to drop the medusa hair and get back into a slick ponytail so I don't choke on my hair. Which, yesterday I noticed it's getting very long. I'm going to continue to grow it even longer, but I guess a trim is in order.
Ok- so week 1 of Texas is probably going something like week 1 of Chattanooga. Now, don't get all worried, I don't imagine I'll be suicidal or anything. But, god, I forgot how lame it was to not know a soul. And worse, last week I was still doing my old job, so no one knew really had the need to speak with me. I mean, I introduced myself to people around me and I've been extra smiley when walking around. But, it's crap not knowing anyone. And worse, I don't really know exactly what I'll be doing so they definitely have no idea what I'll be doing.
The people around me are alight. This one girl, I'll be honest I can't remember her name, I'm pretty sure she especially doesn't like me or, at least, doesn't want to get to know me. And since I'm pretty confident of that, and thus the fact that she'll never be reading my blog, I'll tell you she has the most disgusting cough. Ever. She is ALWAYS clearing her throat. Loudly. It's really disgusting. If she had the flu, ok, I'd forgive her. But, she's at work, so I'm guessing it's not the flu, just a disgusting habit I have to get used to listening to for the next year and a half. She also is always lisening to her iPod and never smiles at me or even says hello. B. And then there is the people on the phone on the other side of my cube.
I think anyone that works in an office can attest to the fact that you pick the sounds you hear. (Yes, I guess that means I'm going to have to start ignoring the hacking on my left side.) Anyway, I'm good at tuning out the people that are on the phones just because I'm concentrating on other things (coughing). But, this one woman had such a phone issue last week- I could have died, laughing of course. She was trying to transfer someone. As soon as she put the first person on hold, the phone started ringing back to her. This is literally what took place for 5 minutes:
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: M? Hello? Uh.. Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: L? Hello? Uh… Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: M? Hello? Uh.. Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: L? Are you there? Uh…oh gosh. Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: M? Hello? Hello? Are you there? Uh.. Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: L? Are you there?? Uh… Click
Rep: M? Oh! There you are. I did something weird. Let's see if I can get L…
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: L? Oh no. M? L? Uh… Click.
(rining, rining)
Rep: Oh no. Click.
Rep: K, I need your help.
She finally got the person transferred. I thought she was going to throw the phone out the window too. It was a long 5 minutes. I'll tell you what though, they will keep me young here. And- this is why The Office is a successful TV show- Because it is real.
In other news- I'm down to 3 boxes in my apartment! And, they are mostly empty, just need to put a few more things away and then throw the rest of the crap away. Despite my size downgrade, I've found a place for most things. I've also found the need to buy a few things. I wanted to buy a washer and dryer, and was set on doing that this weekend, but after I loaded up the closet, I found that I still had lots of crap to put places... like the closet with the washer and dryer hookup. So- clothes are important to me, but not the convenience of washing them in my own home. Oh well, laundry room it is.
Other things you should know- I'm reading Twilight. I know. I know! I can't believe it either. One of my employees in Chattanooga always talked and talked about them. So, she got me the first one and told me to read it. And I did. Every day before bed this week. Until Friday when I stayed up until 2AM to finish it. And then Saturday, when I went to the grocery store, I bought the second one. And read all but the last 50 pages until past 3AM and couldn't keep my eyes open. And then this morning, when I woke up to my phone "droiding" me and I didn't even look at it, I just knew I had to finish the last 50 pages. So- I'll probably be going to get the third and probably fourth one today. And then I'll probably have to watch the movies too. I know, I know. Whatever. I like them. Uh.
This week the new role officially starts. I'm back to the beginning. I know nothing. I have an idea of what I'll be doing, but I don't really know anything about the details. I'm going to have to sit with a bunch of people who don't know who I am or what I'm doing and spend days and days smiling and being presentation Megan until my face falls off. I'm so excited. But-! Friends this Saturday- so that is just fabulous.
And, for you Penn Staters, my flight and hotel are booked for Blue White weekend. I can't wait to see all your faces!
The weather has been fabulous... mostly. In the 70's and sunny as can be. Except for the rain that seems to come out of nowhere, terribly loud, and then disappear again. I've had 4 older women at work approach me and tell me that if I don't like the weather, just wait a second- I'm beginning to see what they mean. Oh, and the wind. It's very windy sometimes. I will have to drop the medusa hair and get back into a slick ponytail so I don't choke on my hair. Which, yesterday I noticed it's getting very long. I'm going to continue to grow it even longer, but I guess a trim is in order.
Ok- so week 1 of Texas is probably going something like week 1 of Chattanooga. Now, don't get all worried, I don't imagine I'll be suicidal or anything. But, god, I forgot how lame it was to not know a soul. And worse, last week I was still doing my old job, so no one knew really had the need to speak with me. I mean, I introduced myself to people around me and I've been extra smiley when walking around. But, it's crap not knowing anyone. And worse, I don't really know exactly what I'll be doing so they definitely have no idea what I'll be doing.
The people around me are alight. This one girl, I'll be honest I can't remember her name, I'm pretty sure she especially doesn't like me or, at least, doesn't want to get to know me. And since I'm pretty confident of that, and thus the fact that she'll never be reading my blog, I'll tell you she has the most disgusting cough. Ever. She is ALWAYS clearing her throat. Loudly. It's really disgusting. If she had the flu, ok, I'd forgive her. But, she's at work, so I'm guessing it's not the flu, just a disgusting habit I have to get used to listening to for the next year and a half. She also is always lisening to her iPod and never smiles at me or even says hello. B. And then there is the people on the phone on the other side of my cube.
I think anyone that works in an office can attest to the fact that you pick the sounds you hear. (Yes, I guess that means I'm going to have to start ignoring the hacking on my left side.) Anyway, I'm good at tuning out the people that are on the phones just because I'm concentrating on other things (coughing). But, this one woman had such a phone issue last week- I could have died, laughing of course. She was trying to transfer someone. As soon as she put the first person on hold, the phone started ringing back to her. This is literally what took place for 5 minutes:
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: M? Hello? Uh.. Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: L? Hello? Uh… Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: M? Hello? Uh.. Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: L? Are you there? Uh…oh gosh. Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: M? Hello? Hello? Are you there? Uh.. Click
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: L? Are you there?? Uh… Click
Rep: M? Oh! There you are. I did something weird. Let's see if I can get L…
(ringing, ringing)
Rep: L? Oh no. M? L? Uh… Click.
(rining, rining)
Rep: Oh no. Click.
Rep: K, I need your help.
She finally got the person transferred. I thought she was going to throw the phone out the window too. It was a long 5 minutes. I'll tell you what though, they will keep me young here. And- this is why The Office is a successful TV show- Because it is real.
In other news- I'm down to 3 boxes in my apartment! And, they are mostly empty, just need to put a few more things away and then throw the rest of the crap away. Despite my size downgrade, I've found a place for most things. I've also found the need to buy a few things. I wanted to buy a washer and dryer, and was set on doing that this weekend, but after I loaded up the closet, I found that I still had lots of crap to put places... like the closet with the washer and dryer hookup. So- clothes are important to me, but not the convenience of washing them in my own home. Oh well, laundry room it is.
Other things you should know- I'm reading Twilight. I know. I know! I can't believe it either. One of my employees in Chattanooga always talked and talked about them. So, she got me the first one and told me to read it. And I did. Every day before bed this week. Until Friday when I stayed up until 2AM to finish it. And then Saturday, when I went to the grocery store, I bought the second one. And read all but the last 50 pages until past 3AM and couldn't keep my eyes open. And then this morning, when I woke up to my phone "droiding" me and I didn't even look at it, I just knew I had to finish the last 50 pages. So- I'll probably be going to get the third and probably fourth one today. And then I'll probably have to watch the movies too. I know, I know. Whatever. I like them. Uh.
This week the new role officially starts. I'm back to the beginning. I know nothing. I have an idea of what I'll be doing, but I don't really know anything about the details. I'm going to have to sit with a bunch of people who don't know who I am or what I'm doing and spend days and days smiling and being presentation Megan until my face falls off. I'm so excited. But-! Friends this Saturday- so that is just fabulous.
And, for you Penn Staters, my flight and hotel are booked for Blue White weekend. I can't wait to see all your faces!
The big move!
Hey humes! It's been a while, huh??!
Again, I've been thinking of great things to blog about since my last blogging, but they come and they go.
So, Friday morning I was still in Chattanooga. Waiting for the carpet cleaners to arrive. Honest to God, Chattanooga was not letting me go easy. Those damn carpet cleaners were late.. and not 15 or 25 minnutes... an hour! Well I wasn't sticking around to yell at them (I had to get to work) so I went to the leasing office (I'm pretty sure they are using my face as a dart board in the back room) and yelled at them for recommending the worst and most unprofessional carpet cleaners EVER and then I gave them my keys and said "they are your problem now- I have to get to work!". And of course this wacky smiley loony tunes was like "Well, sweetheart!! I'm just so darned sorry to hear that!! I hope something isn't wrong with good, ole Chuck! The truck might have broken down again! My gosh! I'll tell them they better keep pickin up their phones!!" blah blah blah. Shut up, lady. I hate you and your complex.
By the time I got to work I was so ruffled and on the verge of sweaty (embarrassing) and of course had back to back meetings- they weren't letting me out easy. But, that's fine because when I left I got Chili's to go and enjoyed a fabulous steak fajita for dinner. Then, in perfect Chattanooga style, I had a few beverages with my friends (again-yes, they are real), played some Scattegories and Chatroulette (both are so amazing) and then went to the newer of the 2 local bars- Bart's. Ohhh the locals. In all fairness, it was everything I wanted to see my last night in the Noog and then some- there was a local band playing live music and switching out costumes/hats for each song/era. Basically... amazing.
Saturday I had a little bit of a need for water and an asprin (read: hangover), but I didn't let me put that behind schedule. I turned in my keys, took one last drive to the dumpster, got my oil changed and my tank filled and off I went to Texas. Well- to Louisiana. I stopped at a hotel over night after 8 or so hours of driving. The drive went smoothly- I played this game (yes, alone) that doesn't seem hard- but believe me does get hard. I didn't hit the shuffle on my iPod any time! And- honestly, I've acquired a lot of weird/crap music. Anyway- it was cool to let the pod determine my driving mood, and pretty much a successful shuffle.
Woke up early on Sunday and started the drive into Texas straight into rain. Perfect. If I thought Chattanoogans were bad in snow, well, Dallasites are awful in rain. 6 accidents within 10 miles. Idiots.
Made it to the leasing office and got my keys! I'm right by the elevator, my storage space is on the same floor, I drive right by the lovely pool on my way in... just great things. Spent Sunday driving around trying to get my bearings. I didn't. There is strip mall after strip mall and it all looks the same- I could probably do some serious shopping damage down here, but I don't remember how to get to anything. You may be thinking it will come with time... but I really have no sense of direction and this will take months and months and months to figure out.
The movers came Monday. Sweetest men ever! Went out to meet them and try to get them into the parking area with my clicker thinger and the people in the gym were watching me the entire time while I walked the parking lot clicking this damn thing trying to get the gate to open. Finally the movers decided to help me find the right censor and get them in and settled. I don't necessarily have millions of boxes, but they literally wrap a shoe in 8 pieces of paper and a plate in 14 pieces of paper. Needless to say, I'm still throwing paper and boxes away.
I've got a lot more wall space in this new apartment- I think. But a hug closet. Oh, and a huge bathroom. And, I don't think my bedroom is bigger, but I don't need a dresser because of the huge closet. Oh, and my ceilings are so high! Even if I was so so so tall and a foot taller, I would have still so much head room. I even think my refrigerator is taller than the last one. Uh.. I just love my new apartment. Really! So, all of you, go ahead and make your plans to visit. Did I mention it was 75 degrees today and sunny? It's a dream. Well- it will be a much better dream when I meet some people... Hopefully some handsome people.
I went into the office today. I don't even want to talk about it. I'm still doing my previous job for the rest of the week- except I had awful connection issues while I'm transitioning locations and I was pretty much dead weight for the 2nd half of the day. I mean- there were things I could get done- but not the stuff I wanted to/needed to get done. Annoying.
Oh- I know what I hate about my apartment (most of you were thinking- I knew it! There had to be something!). There is either an angry person who can only run or a fat toddler learning how to walk in the apartment above me. They are so noisy and thumping around everywhere. Doofuses.
So- the rest of the week is tidying/organizing/getting my Plano life in order. I also want to locate a new bed set and nightstands. Oh- and sleep. I'm still so tired from this past week, I can't wait to catch up on some sleep this weekend. And just get some odds and ends for my apartment! It will be a home in no time... perfect.
PS- Glee's on. It's pretty much amazing.
Double PS- If you know taytay, I just want you to know how amazing I think he is. He's a little upset I haven't proclaimed how fabulous and funny and great he is in the blog. So I guess we are fighting. Hopefully this helps our friendship: Taytay, you are a total dream and I can't wait to chat with you again and hear more of your so wonderful stories and such great jokes. XOXOdroid.
Again, I've been thinking of great things to blog about since my last blogging, but they come and they go.
So, Friday morning I was still in Chattanooga. Waiting for the carpet cleaners to arrive. Honest to God, Chattanooga was not letting me go easy. Those damn carpet cleaners were late.. and not 15 or 25 minnutes... an hour! Well I wasn't sticking around to yell at them (I had to get to work) so I went to the leasing office (I'm pretty sure they are using my face as a dart board in the back room) and yelled at them for recommending the worst and most unprofessional carpet cleaners EVER and then I gave them my keys and said "they are your problem now- I have to get to work!". And of course this wacky smiley loony tunes was like "Well, sweetheart!! I'm just so darned sorry to hear that!! I hope something isn't wrong with good, ole Chuck! The truck might have broken down again! My gosh! I'll tell them they better keep pickin up their phones!!" blah blah blah. Shut up, lady. I hate you and your complex.
By the time I got to work I was so ruffled and on the verge of sweaty (embarrassing) and of course had back to back meetings- they weren't letting me out easy. But, that's fine because when I left I got Chili's to go and enjoyed a fabulous steak fajita for dinner. Then, in perfect Chattanooga style, I had a few beverages with my friends (again-yes, they are real), played some Scattegories and Chatroulette (both are so amazing) and then went to the newer of the 2 local bars- Bart's. Ohhh the locals. In all fairness, it was everything I wanted to see my last night in the Noog and then some- there was a local band playing live music and switching out costumes/hats for each song/era. Basically... amazing.
Saturday I had a little bit of a need for water and an asprin (read: hangover), but I didn't let me put that behind schedule. I turned in my keys, took one last drive to the dumpster, got my oil changed and my tank filled and off I went to Texas. Well- to Louisiana. I stopped at a hotel over night after 8 or so hours of driving. The drive went smoothly- I played this game (yes, alone) that doesn't seem hard- but believe me does get hard. I didn't hit the shuffle on my iPod any time! And- honestly, I've acquired a lot of weird/crap music. Anyway- it was cool to let the pod determine my driving mood, and pretty much a successful shuffle.
Woke up early on Sunday and started the drive into Texas straight into rain. Perfect. If I thought Chattanoogans were bad in snow, well, Dallasites are awful in rain. 6 accidents within 10 miles. Idiots.
Made it to the leasing office and got my keys! I'm right by the elevator, my storage space is on the same floor, I drive right by the lovely pool on my way in... just great things. Spent Sunday driving around trying to get my bearings. I didn't. There is strip mall after strip mall and it all looks the same- I could probably do some serious shopping damage down here, but I don't remember how to get to anything. You may be thinking it will come with time... but I really have no sense of direction and this will take months and months and months to figure out.
The movers came Monday. Sweetest men ever! Went out to meet them and try to get them into the parking area with my clicker thinger and the people in the gym were watching me the entire time while I walked the parking lot clicking this damn thing trying to get the gate to open. Finally the movers decided to help me find the right censor and get them in and settled. I don't necessarily have millions of boxes, but they literally wrap a shoe in 8 pieces of paper and a plate in 14 pieces of paper. Needless to say, I'm still throwing paper and boxes away.
I've got a lot more wall space in this new apartment- I think. But a hug closet. Oh, and a huge bathroom. And, I don't think my bedroom is bigger, but I don't need a dresser because of the huge closet. Oh, and my ceilings are so high! Even if I was so so so tall and a foot taller, I would have still so much head room. I even think my refrigerator is taller than the last one. Uh.. I just love my new apartment. Really! So, all of you, go ahead and make your plans to visit. Did I mention it was 75 degrees today and sunny? It's a dream. Well- it will be a much better dream when I meet some people... Hopefully some handsome people.
I went into the office today. I don't even want to talk about it. I'm still doing my previous job for the rest of the week- except I had awful connection issues while I'm transitioning locations and I was pretty much dead weight for the 2nd half of the day. I mean- there were things I could get done- but not the stuff I wanted to/needed to get done. Annoying.
Oh- I know what I hate about my apartment (most of you were thinking- I knew it! There had to be something!). There is either an angry person who can only run or a fat toddler learning how to walk in the apartment above me. They are so noisy and thumping around everywhere. Doofuses.
So- the rest of the week is tidying/organizing/getting my Plano life in order. I also want to locate a new bed set and nightstands. Oh- and sleep. I'm still so tired from this past week, I can't wait to catch up on some sleep this weekend. And just get some odds and ends for my apartment! It will be a home in no time... perfect.
PS- Glee's on. It's pretty much amazing.
Double PS- If you know taytay, I just want you to know how amazing I think he is. He's a little upset I haven't proclaimed how fabulous and funny and great he is in the blog. So I guess we are fighting. Hopefully this helps our friendship: Taytay, you are a total dream and I can't wait to chat with you again and hear more of your so wonderful stories and such great jokes. XOXOdroid.
Yellow Rose of Texas
Firstly- Long live Vienna. Secondly, I don't think firstly is a word and all of a sudden everyone I have to listen to is using that stupid word. It's dumb. Don't say firstly- if you haven't said anything yet, it is OBVIOUSLY FIRST(ly). Gosh.
Last I left you I was cheering for Vienna and eating a row of Peeps. I acutally ended up eating the entire package of Peeps. And then yesterday, for dinner, I had a bag of goldfish and a diet coke. I can't wait to have a kitchen again so I can cook something semi-decent for dinner.
My going away party was yesterday. Apparently yellow roses have something to do with Texas. And, apparently there was this fabulous show called Dallas with a man named JR. And, apparently, you put sherbet in punch when you are Southern. Oh, and I talk with my hands.These are all things I learned at my farewell party.
I was pretty much as excited as you could be for sheet cake and a conference room. The powerpoint invitations went out weeks in advance and had roses, and Texas license plate clipart galore. Pretty much everyone who is anyone was invited. But- doom struck. The weather man said something about snow and by the time 2PM rolled around yesterday, most everyone had gone home. (More cake for the rest of us....!) They got me the most beautiful flowers ever (really, I don't think I've ever received prettier flowers!) and the biggest sheet cake in the world. This cake could have served 60 people- easy... and the total turn out was... 14. We also had southern punch and they gave me the recipe... 4 times with a few variations that include Sprite, gingerale or champagne and always sherbet for a foamy top.
The sweetest, oldest man I work with was such the jokester the entire time. He made fun of me for talking with my hands (so what, I do) and insisted I continue to mail him homemade treats. (I don't know if they'll miss me or the actual treats and goodies I bring in for them to snack on....) Then they all started talking about this show Dallas or whatever and when I confessed that I had no idea what they were talking about he really let into me with the "WHAT! HOW OLD ARE YOU??!!!".
I don't care how old I am- but when you are obviously way younger than everyone around you, even those people that you are managing, you kind of guard your age to keep some level of respect and professionalism, blah blah. So they have been guessing pretty much since I started and when they ask if they are right I respond with "do you want to know how much I weigh too?". It keeps them in line and they get the point to stop asking... but, at my going away party, for the 14 people that showed up, I confessed my age. First, I confessed that no, I was not alive in 1970 (I can't believe they even had to ask) and then I confirmed the actual age. Which of course led into everyone claiming to be only 32 and they've been with the company longer than I've been alive, etc, etc. They really keep me on my toes... but only for 2 more days!
You are probably wondering what they did with the leftover sheetcake for 60 if only 14 showed up. I will tell you. Instead of giving it away to the people that were there, they put it in the empty cube next to me and alerted everyone to its location and told them to get cake and stop by and see me. Believe it or not, even though I'm nearing the end of my rotation, I still have things to do and drive bys are a lot of energy for me to smile and be friendly. There is still cake left even after it being out all day today... hopefully they eat it all tomorrow.
Last I left you I was cheering for Vienna and eating a row of Peeps. I acutally ended up eating the entire package of Peeps. And then yesterday, for dinner, I had a bag of goldfish and a diet coke. I can't wait to have a kitchen again so I can cook something semi-decent for dinner.
My going away party was yesterday. Apparently yellow roses have something to do with Texas. And, apparently there was this fabulous show called Dallas with a man named JR. And, apparently, you put sherbet in punch when you are Southern. Oh, and I talk with my hands.These are all things I learned at my farewell party.
I was pretty much as excited as you could be for sheet cake and a conference room. The powerpoint invitations went out weeks in advance and had roses, and Texas license plate clipart galore. Pretty much everyone who is anyone was invited. But- doom struck. The weather man said something about snow and by the time 2PM rolled around yesterday, most everyone had gone home. (More cake for the rest of us....!) They got me the most beautiful flowers ever (really, I don't think I've ever received prettier flowers!) and the biggest sheet cake in the world. This cake could have served 60 people- easy... and the total turn out was... 14. We also had southern punch and they gave me the recipe... 4 times with a few variations that include Sprite, gingerale or champagne and always sherbet for a foamy top.
The sweetest, oldest man I work with was such the jokester the entire time. He made fun of me for talking with my hands (so what, I do) and insisted I continue to mail him homemade treats. (I don't know if they'll miss me or the actual treats and goodies I bring in for them to snack on....) Then they all started talking about this show Dallas or whatever and when I confessed that I had no idea what they were talking about he really let into me with the "WHAT! HOW OLD ARE YOU??!!!".
I don't care how old I am- but when you are obviously way younger than everyone around you, even those people that you are managing, you kind of guard your age to keep some level of respect and professionalism, blah blah. So they have been guessing pretty much since I started and when they ask if they are right I respond with "do you want to know how much I weigh too?". It keeps them in line and they get the point to stop asking... but, at my going away party, for the 14 people that showed up, I confessed my age. First, I confessed that no, I was not alive in 1970 (I can't believe they even had to ask) and then I confirmed the actual age. Which of course led into everyone claiming to be only 32 and they've been with the company longer than I've been alive, etc, etc. They really keep me on my toes... but only for 2 more days!
You are probably wondering what they did with the leftover sheetcake for 60 if only 14 showed up. I will tell you. Instead of giving it away to the people that were there, they put it in the empty cube next to me and alerted everyone to its location and told them to get cake and stop by and see me. Believe it or not, even though I'm nearing the end of my rotation, I still have things to do and drive bys are a lot of energy for me to smile and be friendly. There is still cake left even after it being out all day today... hopefully they eat it all tomorrow.
Easy off really does work
The movers came.
I get a call the day before from a man who identifies himself as the mover - but not quickly.
"Hi, is this.... um.... (really long pause) Megan?"
"Yes? Who is this?"
"This is... well... (way longer pause).. this is Glenn"
"Glenn? Glenn who?" Etc. A very awkward conversation as you can imagine. Anyway, he told me to be ready bright and early Saturday morning and "Uh... um...where are you?" "Right now?"
"Your apartment... where is it?"
"No, um.. the floor, what floor are you?"
"Haha, just kidding. See you tomorrow!"
So at this point I'm definitely terrified. And when they got here on Saturday morning (bright and early!) I was still very scared. Glenn was definitely the leader of the pack (there were two others) and he continued to ask me why the third floor? Why didn't I bring any boxes down? Where's my boyfriend? Shouldn't he be doing this?. I'm pretty sure he is joking, but I'm still definitely scared of him. Anyway, I just sat upstairs in my loft and listened to them clank, clank, clank all my items around until they put on the biggest boom box I've ever seen (it was definitely an industrial boom box) and they listen to light rock. The weirdest light rock ever- Michelle Branch, The Eagles, Adam Lambert - very unexpected. But, they were definitely quick while they were jamming out, so I guess that's fine. Whatever.
Now my apartment is so barren and lonely. I have an air mattress with two pillows and two light weight blankets (this is important because I am very cold at night and sleep in my winter socks with the heat cranked), two lamps, a tv and tv stand and a long, skinny table I am using as a computer desk. I right now live in the saddest apartment ever. And now, with nothing in it, all the annoying dirt is making itself known - baseboards, weird spots on the wall, the oven, the corners of the rooms. And I need to clean all this crap!! Gosh!
Cleaning - I'm good at the general stuff- sweep the floor, wash the counters, do the dishes, empty drawers - but I need to do the real stuff... scrub the oven, bleach the counters, hands and knees scrubbing of the floor and .... uh... I just hate it! But, I went to the Target (I love the Target!!) and I bought some great cleaning supplies which include Clorox bleach spray, Easy Off, this multi purpose cleaner, Magic Erasers and... most importantly... cleaning gloves. Yes. The yellow ones. I don't know what took me so long to buy these gloves... THEY ARE AMAZING!! I am going to always clean with these gloves on - they make me less afraid of all the gross things I am finding in weird crevices. (Note: I'm not a gross person, just some things fall into crevices not to be found until 18 months later.) And - the Easy Off... holy cow! It works MIRACLES! I wish I would have known about this sooner! If you are cleaning an oven you must use Easy Off- it works wonderssss!!
Back to Target though... Target is a very dangerous store. You could go in there for Easy Off and come out $70 later with shampoo, earrings, a nice shirt, maybe a pantyhoe or two, a little treat from the grocery section, maybe you need a spatula... I mean, it's very easy to leave with lots of unrelated things from the Target. And this usually happens to me. Except today I was really good! The only weird thing I bought was Peeps - and they aren't weird, especially not this close to Easter. (Note: I know people either LOVE Peeps or HATE Peeps. I LOVE them. And could eat them all day long. AND! There aren't that many calories in them for being pure sugar. Only 140 calories for 5 blue chicks! That's just a little more than a 100 calorie back and definitely way (way!) tastier!)
Well, I'm sure I could go on, but the Bachelor comes on in just minutes. I just wanted to give you a little start of the week teaser- and I think I've done that.
Me and my Peeps (haha, like they are people or something!) are going to go watch the worst Bachelor ever make the best television mistake ever (with the exception of Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake Superbowl wardrobe malfunction).
I get a call the day before from a man who identifies himself as the mover - but not quickly.
"Hi, is this.... um.... (really long pause) Megan?"
"Yes? Who is this?"
"This is... well... (way longer pause).. this is Glenn"
"Glenn? Glenn who?" Etc. A very awkward conversation as you can imagine. Anyway, he told me to be ready bright and early Saturday morning and "Uh... um...where are you?" "Right now?"
"Your apartment... where is it?"
"No, um.. the floor, what floor are you?"
"Haha, just kidding. See you tomorrow!"
So at this point I'm definitely terrified. And when they got here on Saturday morning (bright and early!) I was still very scared. Glenn was definitely the leader of the pack (there were two others) and he continued to ask me why the third floor? Why didn't I bring any boxes down? Where's my boyfriend? Shouldn't he be doing this?. I'm pretty sure he is joking, but I'm still definitely scared of him. Anyway, I just sat upstairs in my loft and listened to them clank, clank, clank all my items around until they put on the biggest boom box I've ever seen (it was definitely an industrial boom box) and they listen to light rock. The weirdest light rock ever- Michelle Branch, The Eagles, Adam Lambert - very unexpected. But, they were definitely quick while they were jamming out, so I guess that's fine. Whatever.
Now my apartment is so barren and lonely. I have an air mattress with two pillows and two light weight blankets (this is important because I am very cold at night and sleep in my winter socks with the heat cranked), two lamps, a tv and tv stand and a long, skinny table I am using as a computer desk. I right now live in the saddest apartment ever. And now, with nothing in it, all the annoying dirt is making itself known - baseboards, weird spots on the wall, the oven, the corners of the rooms. And I need to clean all this crap!! Gosh!
Cleaning - I'm good at the general stuff- sweep the floor, wash the counters, do the dishes, empty drawers - but I need to do the real stuff... scrub the oven, bleach the counters, hands and knees scrubbing of the floor and .... uh... I just hate it! But, I went to the Target (I love the Target!!) and I bought some great cleaning supplies which include Clorox bleach spray, Easy Off, this multi purpose cleaner, Magic Erasers and... most importantly... cleaning gloves. Yes. The yellow ones. I don't know what took me so long to buy these gloves... THEY ARE AMAZING!! I am going to always clean with these gloves on - they make me less afraid of all the gross things I am finding in weird crevices. (Note: I'm not a gross person, just some things fall into crevices not to be found until 18 months later.) And - the Easy Off... holy cow! It works MIRACLES! I wish I would have known about this sooner! If you are cleaning an oven you must use Easy Off- it works wonderssss!!
Back to Target though... Target is a very dangerous store. You could go in there for Easy Off and come out $70 later with shampoo, earrings, a nice shirt, maybe a pantyhoe or two, a little treat from the grocery section, maybe you need a spatula... I mean, it's very easy to leave with lots of unrelated things from the Target. And this usually happens to me. Except today I was really good! The only weird thing I bought was Peeps - and they aren't weird, especially not this close to Easter. (Note: I know people either LOVE Peeps or HATE Peeps. I LOVE them. And could eat them all day long. AND! There aren't that many calories in them for being pure sugar. Only 140 calories for 5 blue chicks! That's just a little more than a 100 calorie back and definitely way (way!) tastier!)
Well, I'm sure I could go on, but the Bachelor comes on in just minutes. I just wanted to give you a little start of the week teaser- and I think I've done that.
Me and my Peeps (haha, like they are people or something!) are going to go watch the worst Bachelor ever make the best television mistake ever (with the exception of Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake Superbowl wardrobe malfunction).
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