

Before this becomes unnecessarily long and I lose some of you throughout the blog... I need to get a few important things out there:

1) This doppleganger crap needs to stop. I've had my laugh at who some people think they look like, but I'm definitely over it now. And I don't want to hear this "so and so told me I look like him/her". They were lying. Get comfortable with your own face.

2) I'm glad Jake the Bachelor dumped Corrie. This crap that he dumped her because she was a virgin is.... crap. She was SO boring! "I go 10, he goes 90" blah blah... barf. Get over yourself, girlfriend. AND nobody liked her from the beginning anyway, so what's the big deal!!? I know who wins already- I couldn't resist the spoiler. But I'm still so caught up in what is easily the best reality TV drama ever!(American Idol is not a drama. It's just the best reality TV ever.)

3) I saw alive birds today. Multiple alive birds. But I paid special attention to one particular live pigeon who was making a nest in a weird part of the tree.

Now that that is out there...

I'm moving to TEXAS! Can you believe that!?!! TEXAS!! The first time Texas was put out on the table I was a little.. um.. nervous. And now, that's the way it is. Texas!! I'm really excited. When my director called to tell me he told me to grab my "big hair". Obviously, the wild mane is my favorite style of them all. Obviously, this was meant to be. And now I can go get the wild cowgirl boots I saw in Nashville that I couldn't justify buying since I was moving to Minneapolis! But now... Now they are justified.

Get this... I was so excited to get my rotation fate, I was actually smiling at work today when I was sitting at my cube! Now, you're probably thinking "Why is that so special? Megan, you are one of the happiest, smiliest people I know!". But, the truth is, I'm not always like that!! Believe it or not.. my natural "resting" face is.. well, not a smile. And lately I'm more aware of this (particularly in the South where someone is always smiling back at you or waving or holding the door for you even if you don't know them). So, I've been taking hints from friends (smiley friends) on how to walk and smile naturally. Honestly, the no-tooth smile is a little awkward. And, if you think of anyone you've deemed "creepy" they were doing one of two things:
1) Lurking.
2) Smiling. Alone.
So, you can see that there is a very fine line to walk when it comes to smiling. But, today I was so great. I noticed in the bathroom when I was washing my hands... I had a closed-mouth smile and people were probably like "Wow, why is Megan so happy today!?". So, to practice walking and smiling to be more approachable I'm going to just think "CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE MOVING TO TEXAS AND NOT LIVING IN A BOX!" and hopefully that gives me the perfect not awk (but awk because I'm alone) smile.

Did I mention I'm moving to Texas?!!!? Ohhh.... the attractives! I have such high hopes for husband hunting. And people watching. I'm definitely getting a gun. Not to shoot people or attractives, just because I think if you own legit boots, you should also own a legit weapon. Especially if you're in Texas.

Tuesday was a good day. Until... the final hours. Part of my team hasn't had a staff meeting since November? Maybe December? Well, did they have things to talk about! I try to silently listen and not let it be known that I'm on the call... but when I'm particularly keen on not speaking to them, it always happens... "Um, well... let's see. Megan? Megan are you on the call?" Mute. Sigh. GOD. SIGH. Unmute. "Yes! (smiley voice!) I'm here!". It was whine after whine. Any suggestion given was answered with an unrelated complaint to cement the fact that YOU AREN'T LISTENING TO ME AND I AM COMPLAINING. It was a long call. A really, long call.

FAFs going ok, thanks for wondering. My trouble is breakfast... I really love cereal and milk. But, lately, all the cereal I try is just so... vom. I don't know. Frosted Mini Wheats is a pretty good stand by- but I was eating it this morning and it was getting so mushy and just... blah. I might have to go back to Special K (boring). I will not go back to Corn Pops though. Super yuk. That was a mistake. It's a cereal that occasionally I see in the store and think "Oh, that's from my childhood. That would hit the spot!". It NEVER hits the spot. It is NEVER a good choice.

This is totally a cattywampus entry. You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Am I one of your "smiley friends"?

    Why would you ever shoot an attractive?
