

I was on such a streak with the updating... and then I totally blew it! But, it's not my fault (yep- excuses, excuses!).

I went into a 36 hour hate/depression because of work (nothing Texas related - phew!) Even though blogging is therapeutic(ish), it was not going to hit the spot for my anger. I was having an issue at work and felt like a bad manager! And, that's really sucky because I didn't want to ruin anyone's life but someone was making me feel like I was a life ruiner. GOD! I am not a life ruiner!!! So, I stressed (read: ate cookie dough, called my mom and bitched, called my sister and bitched, just in general pouted/sulked), prepared for confrontation (read: found every policy online and printed them out) and then had the conversation I was dreading. Guess what.... it turned out phenom!! I was so shocked at my composure and the complete 180 in attitude from the person I was talking with... It was such a relief! See - I'm not a bad manager!! But, I am a happy to take a temporary project role and not be responsible for other humans... I need a breather before my next team.

Speaking of my next role... I go to Texas this week!!! I've really been doing my research the best I can - but it's really so stressful. I was going to try to live close to my work - Plano - but, it is a suburb and I'm going to see what I can get closer to the city... to the action... to the young people. I want to be where the (young) people are! - That is so Ariel (my Disney princess, obviously).

I don't even know what I did this week. A great happy hour on Thursday. Nothing at all this weekend (standard). Oh- I volunteered at the animal shelter. My program at work is service based so we have to do service at work and in our communities. I go to the animal shelter to get my sweet puppy love fix. They are oh so cute.

Saturday I volunteered at a birthday party for 10 6 year old girls at the shelter. God. I hate kids. I mean, I really try to like them and there are some really cool kids, in life, they just weren't at this party. We walked them through the center and brought in puppies and kitties for them to pet and squeal over. It was a little cute... for 20 minutes.

Today I was at the pet store trying to get our shelter puppies adopted. They were so sweet too. It's a long 5 hours because usually people don't chat too much (and I love chatting) but S and L were there and they are the sweetest old ladies ever. L doesn't have many teeth and adopts seriously injured animals (most recently - a mini poodle, blind, that someone dumped in the middle of the road - this person should be shot) and then S just recently adopted an older beagle mix that we've been trying to adopt for weeks and weeks with no success. These ladies crack me up and they love to talk about my job. L just thinks I can do so much shopping in Texas she just hopes I make enough money and that I don't put it on a credit card. S's daughter lives somewhere in Texas and she is happier that I'm moving to a warmer climate. L always brings popcorn and feeds it to the dogs and the humans - even if we don't want it. S brings coffee and dog treats. Sometimes S will take human treats from L too. Woop for 8 hours of service this weekend!

Well, I guess I'm going to go enjoy my Valentine's meal for one: diet coke (obv) salad with hard boiled egg and vinegarette dressing, pork cooked in worcestershire sauce and garlic rice. For dessert, the classiest of desserts, a fudge round and a giant glass of milk. Delsih!!

Hopefully a more exciting update at the end of the week once I've visited Texas! :) Send happy thoughts and lots of luck my way!

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