
Stupid news...

I don't know if you know this... but I hate the Chattanooga news. Honestly, I don't know how these people got on TV.

Number 1- they are awful presenters of the news.
Number 2- they are not attractive.
Number 3- they are not funny even though they think they are.

When I watch the news I want to be informed and charmed. The all star news lineup was Good Morning America with Diane, Robin, Sam and Chris. I was not really ever a huge fan of Chris, but boy was I a huge fan of GMA. Now with MVP Diane gone and standins George and JuJu (JuJu- really?) it's just ok.

Back to Chattanooga news- I hate it. They report on useless things. They try to navigate their facebook page while on the air. The weather man is a complete idiot and appears very slow and sloppy. Sometimes they don't even get to the weather in the first ten minutes... Honestly, that is the most important part of the news! I wish I had a better account of some of the ridiculous things they've aired, but I don't. But... that changes today. I'll keep you all posted as things come up. This morning they aired the story of two delinquents who stole their mother's car and crashed it into a house and put a hole in it. They interviewed someone who appeared to be totally unrelated to the incident and asked her what she would do if those were her kids. Her response? "I would beat them." (Yep. Beat them). "And then I would let them spend some time in juvenile." The interview closes and flashes back to doofus reporter who thinks this is so funny and says "Tough love. Coming up next....". Honestly, if they were my kids I would probably beat them too... but, really, is this news? No.

The best news story I saw was on how grillz (for your teeth, not your burgers) got their start in Chattanooga. I have no idea why they thought it was a good thing to air that. Apparently people were getting arrested for grillz in Atlanta so they came to a shady Chattanooga hotel to illegally install grillz in people's mouths. The interviews were priceless. The information from the interviews was ridiculous. ... Oh- AND NOT NEWS! If you want to talk to talk, get a blog. God.

So, things are super busy at work. I had a cube drive by from Pricess Brown who caught me eating KitKats. I wouldn't be surprised if there was chocolate on my face. I LOVE kitkats. They are my most favorite treat of all time. I LOVED LOVED kitkat bites- but they don't make them anymore. Annoying. Anyway, last night at the Target a bag of mixed Valentine's treats was an impulse buy. And I bought them with the best of intentions to give them to my team as a Vday treat. But... I wanted one. And then the bag was open, so I had another one becuse two mini's equal a regular size treat. And then I couldn't see the kitkats between the hershey bars so I dumped the bag out in my bottom drawer and honestly, just kept snacking. Then I was caught by Pricess Brown and he wanted one, but I'm not sharing a kitkat. So I opened the stash and let him take a regular hershey bar. And now I have to be well behaved and save some to go on my Vday treat plate for Friday. They expect treats from me here- I've set the bar high. Packaged candies is a pretty lame treat and not enough packaged candies is pretty much the worst treat ever.

I also had a great meal with UGAa and UGAb - soon to be married (aww!) And we watched Star Wars (well, part of it). I don't know anything about any of those Star movies and being not in a movie theater I have a pretty bad attention span and tend to ask a lot of questions. I'll need to rent this and watch it from the beginning - black holes, time travel, tv show mixed with movies, pointy ears and flying motorcycles? This definitely needs a closer look.

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