
Slowing down...

I like stress. Not stress over my move... but stress in my job. It keeps me on my toes, it makes the day go faster and usually it means I get to do a lot of talking to people. I love talking to people. Well, that isn't entirely true. I can think of lots and lots of instances where I would absolutely under no circumstances want to be bothered with conversation. But, at work, when I'm leading meetings and trying to figure things out and just in general socializing- I do like it... or, at least, I put on a great show.

This version of myself is "Presentation Megan" and she is fabulous. But, now that Presentation Megan has to manage people and get things done, she's merged a little with Regular Megan and I've created Southern Megan. Southern Megan also puts on a great show, but instead of endless patience (Presentation Megan) she has limited patience and headphones. Southern Megan also gets to say things like "Well, bless his heart... but that is just not the way we are doing it" or after obvious disagreement from someone else "I understand your concern but appreciate your continued support".

Someone that doesn't come out too much in Chattanooga is Drunk Megan- she's a lot of fun and has probably introduced you to Blackout Megan. I haven't met Blackout Megan yet- but she looks like a lot of fun from all the pictures. She's also super sneaky- always deleting my text messages and leaving things in weird places.

Anyway..... Southern Megan is getting lonely. My meetings have dwindled to... hardly any. And, I sit in the work-at-home corner (everyone around me works at home often) so there aren't even fun people to chat with. There was one whackadoo, but she left the company. She was always telling me about her so smart nephew and all the schools he was getting into... except he was in 10th grade. Total nerd.

One of my meetings today was a follow up call with zero action items and I didn't expect it to last more than 3 minutes. It turned out to be my best laugh of the day and lasted twelve minutes! We were talking about my next rotation (she thought I was still going to MN) and she is just IN LOVE with me going to Dallas. "Oh- You know what they say about Texas!!!! Big hair, BIG diamonds!!!!!!"

She used to travel there for business and just LOVED so many of the GREAT CLUBS!!!!!!!! She is a total Southern gem (too wild to be a belle) but living in New Hampshire now. I got to meet her once when she was in Chattanooga - she is a kindred spirit... nearly 6 feet tall. Anyway, she thinks Dallas is wonderful because there won't be any of that "New England French blood" and it just more acceptable to be tall there. (I didn't know I was unacceptably tall somewhere else.) She also wants me to make sure that wherever I live they have a pool with lots of single activities. And my, my, my there is just "something about a nice ole boy in a cowboy hat". I'm pretty sure she was having heart palpitations remembering the man she dated while she was there- Cash. That was his first name. Like money.

While exciting, the conversation was over quickly and I was left to my own devices to find things to do that were still outstanding. This included resume screening for my program. Well, all these resumes came in with cover letters. And not your generic cover letter "I am excellent for this position because...." they all had a ton of fluff and were really long and in general, these people put a lot of thought into it. Especially one. Amazing. He talked about analyzing his steps to class and how he could make each converstaion better. He talked about his bedroom-hybrid-studio-something that helps his left brain get just as much exercise as his right brain (or whatever side belongs to whatever type of activity). It was laugh out loud enjoyable and my peers at work couldn't believe that I liked it (Regular Megan is a cut-the-crap kind of girl... but I don't know why I'm saying that because I think anyone reading this knows who Regular Megan is). But, I did love the cover letter. And I'm so excited to hear how the interview goes. He is going to have such a great personality, I can just tell!

In other news?... Nothing. Super Bowl commercials were regular to me and Drew Brees is very handsome. The Tsunami of 2010 became the Blizzard of 2010 again (there were...15? flurries in the air) and some schools were closing at 10:30AM. Seriously, it's unreal. I bought poppyseed dressing from the store for homemade wraps and it is so great and sweet and tasty. Oh, and Bryer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream (my favorite of all time) was on sale at the Bi-Lo (BOGO) so I got two. Oh! And the Bachelor, hometown dates, is on!

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