

I used to be such a great napper - before Corporate America. BUT! On Saturday I absolutely, positively, needed a nap. So I took one. And then I got ready to go out in Uptown with friends Jessica, Kelly, Carissa and meet up with Erin. We went to a so crowded bar/restaurant for dinner and missed our reservation by 15 minutes which caused them to give up the reservation and then caused us to wait for an hour for a table. This was ok since lots of great chatting occurred. Also, the bar was full of fairly attractive people, mostly young (!) and attractive men too -- all pluses that make waiting easier. Dinner was great and then we went to a piano bar for the rest of the evening.

This bar was pretty much an entry from the site Stuff White People Like. Not only was 95% of the bar all white humans, the dress code was pretty consistent for men: quaffed hair, collared shirt, occassionally a sweater over the collared shirt, lots of khakis, sometimes a blue jean, always a belt. There were also continuous $20 requests for THE WORST SONGS EVER and a $100 request for a school fight song. There were repeated requests of proud to be American songs. Lots of bromance. A 20 something woman wearing what can only be her dead grandma's floor length fur coat (it was 40 degrees out). I mean - they were having THE TIME. White people.

Regardless of all of this -- I did have a great time with the girls and I am so very much looking forward to moving to that part of town!! And, actually, this weekend I am going to look at apartments with future roommate Erin. More to come on that!

Sunday I was tired - which was timed perfectly with snow in Dallas.
I pretty much didn't leave my bed all day, except to make a grilled cheese. I'm Ok with this 1) because I worked all those days and hours, 2) I'm not getting on the road with the crazy Dallasites and 3) I was pretty much stocked up on Diet Coke and chocolate. The news reported on the Arctic Chill and Operation Snow Force One. I also received a threatening email from my apartment complex on the dangers of freezing pipes and the necessity for me to keep cupboard doors open to allow heat to get to the pipes and also the need to leave all faucets on with a steady stream of water to prevent freezing. Blah, blah blah. Idiots.

Monday - regular, long, work day. Most exciting was that after work I had dinner with Matt McCowan and girl named Ryan that he works with. McCowan sent me what I consider the funniest text message he has ever sent to prepare me for the meeting. "I found out Thursday that a newer girl I work with may be coming to the field with me, so she might be around too? She doesn't talk at all though so we won't even know she's there :)". It is still making me laugh just becuase it is so the opposite of typical McCowan. Dinner was great. Ryan did speak. But barely. And I did sometimes forget to look at her when talking.

Tuesday - regular, long, work day broken up by an afternoon dentist appointment. I don't think I have a fear of the dentist - but, I just don't enjoy going there. I am constantly uncomfortable at the dentist - but, since I've been going to the same dentist my entire life, I pretty much know what to expect. Except, my same dentist from home is not also in Texas and I had to pick a new one. And because I'm such a smart health shopper, I took the first guy listed, in-network with the funky stamp next to his name that means "GOOD! COST SAVINGS!".

This was the longest dentist appointment I have ever had. At home, I'm usually in and out - if it takes 30 minutes, I'd be surprised. This appointment was an hour and 15 minutes!! Outrageous. They took xrays that are not just picture on the left picture on the right - they took 7 bite xrays! Do other people do this? My old dentist doesn't do this. And When the dental assistant was done with me the dentist came in and interviewed me. Seriously - interviewed me. "Where are you from? Why did you move here? Where did you go to school? Do you always go to the dentist? Does your family go to the dentist? Do you know about this x,y,z fact of random politics about Pennsylvania?" It was weird and I thought if I answered wrong he would not clean my teeth!! He also put it out there that, as a rule of thumb, he judges people's teeth by the way they are dressed and what kind of car they drive - and then he knows what he will find in their mouth. Um.. ok. He said because I was dressed professionally he expected me to have no cavities. That's a pretty bold statement, having not seen my mouth, right? I told him that and said that I hope I don't disappoint him (I was really afraid) and then I also added in that I just had my car washed and it was spic and span.

I had no cavities. He must know what he is talking about!

And then the dental assistant came back in to do the final part of whatever gets done. She asked me: Do you floss? Now, I know people out there are probably floss maniacs, but for the rest of you normals - do you floss daily? I surely don't. I don't know why - but I just don't. And, since a lot of people lie to their doctors, I decided to be honest and tell her - Nope. I don't floss. But I do use an electric toothbrush, which I know has nothing to do with flossing but I wanted you to know. I think she appreciated my honesty and said if I could try flossing only once or maybe twice a week, that would be a good idea. And then, she did my second least favorite dentist thing (1st least favorite being using that pick in my mouth when they check the teeth) and she flossed my teeth for me.

I don't have a fear of flossing, but I definitely HATE other people flossing my teeth. I especially hate when the dentist does it because they aren't soft and kind - they are aggressive and getting it done SO FAST. I am most afraid that the floss will get stuck in my teeth - even though I know that is not possible. I know this is not possible because I told my old dentist that and he proceeded to floss my teeth but instead of pulling up, he pulled the entire strand through my teeth. SO. SO. SO! Uncomforatble. Uh. I hate that!!!

There was some extra excitement in my family on Tuesday too because sister Allie was HIT BY A CAR!!!!!!! YES!!! HIT. BY. A. CAR!!! I found this out because she posted it on Facebook. The situation was... she was crossing the street in Oakland (Pittsburgh) and was in the walkway when this car was, I guess, rushing to make its light and make a left hand turn - except, the car did not yield to pedestrians and both Allie and her boss were


by the car. Allie was thrown 5 feet. It is an unknown distance how far her boss was thrown.

While all of this was occuring, my mother was taking my Grandma into Oakland for a visit to the hospital and my mother was in all of the traffic at this light. And as she drove past, and saw a "woman" on the ground, she thought "I'm so glad Allie doesn't have a red coat" since the ground woman was wearing a red coat. And she drove past and continued on her way. Except...


So, I call Allie not realizing she was in the hopsital and I talk with my Dad about the situation. He tries to give me all the details, but really that kind of body stuff makes me squirm and hurts me, so I asked my dad to just provide the thumbs up or thumbs down on her status and I got the thumbs up. Allie was in the hospital overnight with scans and xrays and monitoring what appeared to be possibly a hole in her esophagus but turned out just to be air and I know you all have so many questions, so I'm going to interview her and plan on posting the interview this week. This will be the first installment of a new segment that I am calling "Meet My Followers". You could be my next interview.

Speakingggg of followers - I have new ones!!! Follower 54 or 55 is asian college roommate of sister Allie, also known as Smeiss which is a combination of OH MY GOD Sarah and Meiss JUST LIKE Sam and Merrit!! ANOTHER BLOG LOVE CONNECTION?! Wow, I can't believe I never put that thought process together before. And, actually, I think Smeiss existed before Smerrit! Wow. Ok. And then other follower 54 or 55 is simply "kt". I have two guesses as to who KT may be. The maybe more unrealistic thought (and dream) is that it is the oh so handsome Kit, roommate of Jarrod from New Orleans, and I think this because me and Jarrod were just talking about him via the gchat. (Jarrod gets so many mentions in the blog, he may have to be Meet My Followers Interview #2). Or it is most likely Katie Talerico who I just talked about with Greg Hyde and because I think this thing is telling me she also follows Chronicles of Nan-ia.. The reason they are both "Follower 54 or 55" is because I don't know who joined first - they were there on the same day. You two can decide if you would like to both be known as "Follower 54 or 55" or if you want to be known as your number, which, you would have to tell me what that is. Follower 56 is future roommate Erin! I actually went to $2.25 happy hour with her today! If I had to sum her up, it would be "totally McCowan's type" - pretty, blond, great time. I should also do a Meet My Follower #3 with her since you all should know each other better.

Wow, gosh, I'm going to be so busy!

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, Dad took plenty of pictures in the hospital- just so I could make a scrapbook of the incident. Pictures range from his with my back board to the nurse putting in my IV to my first hospital meal 36 hours after being hit by a car.
