
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, readers! I hope you were all out celebrating and getting wild, just don't tell me about it - I have an extreme case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) right now! Let's compare NYE 2010 and NYE 2011.

6PM 2009: Out on the streets of NYC with Natalie, searching for doodads for our outfits. This would result in my lovely feather hair piece.
6PM 2010: Cleaning my kitchen.

7PM 2009: Arriving at 34-15 after a great subway ride and primping and consuming.
7PM 2010: Tidying up the living room with Monk (worst television show ever) on mute in the background.

8:00PM 2009: Finishing primping, increasing consumption and giggling and taking photos with friends
8:00PM 2010: Making spinach dip for house party

9:00 PM 2009: Raging. Gathering tickets. Putting bags over our heads to protect beautiful hair. Calling cabs. More photos. More consuming.
9:00PM 2010: Driving to house party

10:00PM 2009: Arriving at bar. OPEN bar. Checked coats. Consuming.
10:00PM 2010: Teaching people how to play flip cup. (As in, there are people that don't know how to play out there). Teaching people how to play flip cup with Dr Pepper because they don't drink.

11:00PM 2009: RAGING. Seriously. RAGING.
11:00 PM 2010: Receiving text messages from east coast midnight.

12:00AM 2010: 3 way lip kiss, blackout.
12:00AM 2011: Half a solo cup of champagne. People clanging pots.

1:00AM 2010: Unknown
1:00AM 2011: Already home, in bed, sleeping.


10:00AM 2010: 5 way chatting session in a full bed with BFFs and searching for Cone's missing jacket, phone and wallet.
10:00AM 2011: Showering for work and eating toast and an orange for breakfast.

I mean, before I go any further, let me say this: Friend Cathy invited me to her house for NYE and I was excited to go because, really, Cathy is great! I knew Lizzie and John would be there. Any beyond that, I predicted it to be a marrieds party... and I was right. I also knew I was driving, so me raging was not happening.

It's just, I felt a little out of place... I still can't believe there are people out there that don't know how to play flip cup! (Not Cathy/Lizzie - thank God!) At one point, the group played Kings and someone's category was "Books of the Bible". Books. Of. The. Bible. On NYE. Is that a little weird?? Although, Katie was there (and while I've met her before, we aren't friends after 2 meetings) anyway, Katie went 3rd during category BOOKS OF THE BIBLE and her contribution was "Scott". That is laugh out loud funny. But, I felt like I couldn't laugh out loud because, I felt like I was in the presence of Jesus people. And, I don't have anything against Jesus people - except I'm not trying to drink with them.

Anyway, most of the night I was having extreme FOMO of all friends in Philadelphia straight up raging and getting wild and giggling the next day and all I wanted was to be overdressed with fake eyelashes and great heels and close chatting with friends or standing on tables and dancing and sipping on rum and diets or cran vods or maybe a shot of tequila and... well, I need to know: does this mean I have a problem? Are other people, besides my friends, this way? Will I never meet kindred ragers in Dallas? Am I left to rage alone? Which, will, undoubtedly turn me into a non rager so that all of my raging friends are no longer kindred ragers and they are in fact blogging about what happened to poor Megan? She used to be such fun? When did she start playing flip cup with Diet Coke???

Lord, I hope not! Anyway, NYE continues to be the worst holiday ever, even though NYE 2010 was amazing and I miss it terribly.

(And, I love that my feather doodad is totally blocking Jarrod!)

Ok - moving on to the present, but, kind of actually the past. I made a killer spinach dip for the party last night and got SO MANY compliments on it! I mean, could I be more domestic? It was hard to find a recipe I liked because lots of spinach dip has artichokes in it and I'm not all about artichokes. I did some research and picked out my favorite ingredients (frozen spinach, mayo, creamcheese, fresh parm, paprika, onion and garlic powder) and made the party's hit food (which is great for my domestic resume). If you're looking for an easy party pleaser, this dip is it!

And now, work. When I took this job, and moved to Dallas, I knew I was going to have to work hardcore around January 1... So, I can't really complain about not being in Philadelphia or having to be functioning for work on New Years Day, I've known this for 9 months and I had plenty of time to mentally prepare! Except, last week some people were just really irking me and I didn't want to help any of them! In the three day week I had last week, I don't think I even had 4 hours worth of work. Until I check my email on Friday (company holiday) to see that people had all of a sudden found things for me to do that they send on Friday but NOT Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday when I had all the time in the world. This stresses me out. I'm the site coordinator for this project and I want everything done and this is just a loose end and it stressed me out. And THEN last week this total B copies me on HER forwarding MY message to HER TEAM and calls me the AA!! AA - ADMIN ASSISTANT!! BITCH PLEASE! ADMIN NOTHING! This infuriates me more than you can know. First because when I do admin shit it is FOR THEM as a FAVOR so they can get other crap done. Also because they will undoubtedly screw something up, and sometimes, isn't it just easier to do it yourself and have your mind at ease? And TWO BECAUSE MY TITLE IS NOT ADMIN! And I run projects! And she knows it!!! So, I think I'm going to ignore her emails and requests for a week or so. That's right lady, I'm 25 years younger than you and I'm your peer - not your admin!

More to come in 2011 :)

PS: Holler to Cranberry Millers with cousins Ryan and Kelly becoming followers 51 and 52! And, if you don't backtrack to read my comments, Kelly did confirm that me eating the pierogi off the floor did get me cousin of the year status! And, actually, Ryan's wedding is the first wedding cousin Lexi got sloshed at and also the location of Aunt Jean's alcohol poisoning. Rock on, Millers. Rock on!

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