If I've had a crush on you for half a day- I've probably called you my boyfriend when discussing you to friends. Sometimes I've called someone my boyfriend and I haven't even met them- and this is NOT weird. Do not be creeped out, I know that we aren't dating. When I am finished with whatever crush I have at the moment, I then refer to them as my ex-boyfriend. But, a boyfriend who doesn't know he is my boyfriend can also break up with me- which is devestating when someone that doesn't know he is your boyfriend knows enough to break up with you anyway.
Like I've said before, I go through crushes like underpants. My crushes rarely last as long as you would expect- but now I can blame my fickleness on my stars and planets.
See- I'm in to astrology right now. SO IN TO IT! I even purchased Astrology for Dummies from the Barnes and Noble. When I didn't leave my apartment pretty much all weekend, I read some of Astrology for Dummies and created my birth chart (which you can do online for $Free.99.- BUT you need to know your EXACT birth time because planets shift by the minute and if you are just a few minutes off you can end up with your Neptune in Libra in the fifth house when really that is wrong!).
Anyway- back to what I was talking about- my Venus is in Leo. The birth chart gives you a break down of your strengths and weaknesses based on each planet in each house with each sign.... And, my weaknesses for Venus in Leo are stated, exactly, like this:
"seduces for the sake of seducing to prove to herself that she is attractive (this gets worse with age)"
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?! Especially the "this gets worse wtih age" part!! The first time I read that and thought "my birth chart is so rude!!" but then I read it again, and well, maybe this is why I don't have a husband. As soon as I have the crush, I'm over it. That is terrible of me.
Other things that are very amusing as I connect the dots to my future husband:
House II in Libra: Income will come either as a result of an advantageous marriage, or by a very useful association.
House IV in Sagittarius: She will certainly marry a foreigner, or go to live abroad permanently and set up home there.
House VII in Pisces: Marriage with someone who will quickly disappoint. The spouse's lack of energy and vitality will annoy her, and this could lead to the break-up of the marriage. A second, happier one could happen.
And, even though I know it, it's nice to see my stars are counting on it:
Sun in X: Successful career is guaranteed, but may sometimes come late.
House X in Gemini: Profession requiring lots of change and movement. If this isn't the case, then lots of job changes. Likes to move, travel, write.
This is all very fascinating to me and my end goal is to be able to chat with someone and go "Oh, you're an Aries" or "Oh, you are being such a Virgo right now" or "Your third house must be in Cancer".
It's nice to know that I might be in love twice, but while I'm waiting for at least ONE handsome man, I've really been doing a great job at treating myself. For example- yesterday when I finally decided to leave my apartment I went to purchase two green peppers, one red pepper and chicken (this was at half of Pete's suggestion). But, while I was in there I decided to treat myself to champagne. And then I was cooking up dinner and having just one glass of champagne and then Mad Men was over and the champagne was gone. And I was feeling quite great. And I think that is how I will spend more Sundays.
In an effort to educate my readers in all things brown that I pick up on a daily basis- you should know that some of the browns are super big on their stars and planets and before they can get married to another brown they have to have their stars approved by the priest or whoever the browns have at their weddings. OH! Also- browns have this great thing called biodata that they put up on brown dating websites. Literally- this data is OUT OF CONTROL. Height, weight, parents occupation, past times- it's more of a resume than a dating profile. AND! LORD! Even WORSE these browns (or their crazy brown parents) send emails to other profiles with subject lines of "marriage". MARRIAGE. ON THE FIRST COMMUNICATION. BASED OFF OF A RESUME. OUT. OF. CONTROL. I love every second of brown life. (9 browns in that last paragraph if you were counting...)
Safety Committee Update: Ergonomics training and testing will take place and I may be involved/responsible. I let them know (them=outside consultant on ergonomics who has a skewed vision of what my role is since it is NOT ergonomics anything) that I was not ergo-anything and my name was not ending up in a disability claim somewhere. I mean, really, ergoconsultant? Leave me alone- I have other things to do besides record injuries based on improper keyboard fitting, or whatever.
Hey, Pittsburgh readers and followers: I'll be home the 28th-13th!!! Are you so excited!? Let's rage!
Welcome new followers!! Wow, my last b-session mut have been fooorrr real since I got FOUR new followers!! Brother Adam is Twin A in the twin set and continues to secure his position as number one twin as a new blog follower. Miss Jillian seems to have figured out her gmail status and is now a real follower- which is good since she was on thin ice with fake following AND missing out on the most recent training in CT. THIRD FOLLOWER (can you believe this!!) is cousin Kelly who is living out ever PSU grads dream and living in State College. And, final and fourth follower is Dave's girlfriend (not sure why) Lindsay who recently did something disgusting to her arm that has caused it to need stitches and a cast and really I can't look at it without my stomach turning- but she's a really nice girl anyway.
And, was anyone else worried that Kym wasn't going to pick Storm on Dating in the Dark!!?? Heart stopper!
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