
my b yo

Uh, gosh- today I really HAD. A. DAY.

We had visitors in from Eden Prairie and I knew they were coming and I got everything set up for them and was in the office early waiting for their arrival... and things just fell apart.

I wasn't all the way reading emails- and then responding. I was starving but couldn't find anything to eat. My desk drawer was jammed. I mean- all minor things, but I really was tote mis (= totally miserable for new followers. Keep up, god.)

The morning (read: next 2 hours) continues to be crappy and EP guests arrive. Their cubes are not letting them hook up to the network and I'm freaking out because this is NOT A SMOOTH WELCOME AND WE ARE LOOKING BAD. I'm calling the IT guy and I tell him the problem and the fix I know will fix it but I can't do it myself since I don't have access... and he says, Ok, no problem just give me their cube numbers. I say, yes, of course 105 and 106. He flicks the switch.

I go over to check on 105 and 106 and... weird... it's still not working?? What are their REAL cube numbers, you ask? 217 and 218. I mean, REALLY MEGAN? Immediately the blood rushes from my face after I realize what I have done... not only have I NOT fixed the problem at hand, but I have just requested power/access be removed from two other cubes in the office. With people in them. Working on projects. Attending meetings. And then... nothing. Access = gone.

Oh. My. God. I run back to my desk to call the IT guy but it's too late- he's already out of his lair since cubes 105 and 106 are pretty TOed (Ticked Off- Napoleon Dynamite, people, gosh) and want to know what's wrong. I of course run over and apologize, and apologize AND apologize. I then promise to never work from memory again and to write all cube numbers down. Cubes 105 and 106 give me a hard time since it is convenient that they are the newest ones in the office and maybe this is some type of initiation (which it isn't, but kind of was)... All three men (105, 106 and IT -who wears really weird shirts that are like wind breaker jackets but still shirts?- really weird) Anyway, they all say this is fine, but it really can't be. That was a pretty crappy mistake I made... and remember 217 and 218? STILL WITHOUT ACCESS!! Also, timing on all of this? Before 10am. I mean, can you just shoot me already??

Now pretty much everyone in the office knows that I have "the power" to end their day and there was some teasing- which I totally deserved- but, despite what you read in the blog, I do really try to keep my stupid idiot jackass moments OUT of the office. And, well, I messed up today.... my b, yo.

PS: In the beginning of the year I was rocking out with 11 posts a month!!! You think I can do that in August???!!! Here goes nothing....

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