

Even though I just posted, I wanted to share with you this totally normal email I received from Cone:

Subject: CFDC

I've been saving a caffeine free Diet Coke all day and I CANNOT WAIT to crack that baby open, I just don't know when. I currently have gum in my mouth so I'm going to need to remove that 15 minutes prior to opening, so my pallet is cleansed and ready for a PARTY! My tongue will be wearing a doo-dad like your's on NYE.

If you are a true DC aficionado, you nodded in agreement with Cone's note that he would remove his gum at least 15 minutes before consuming the glorious DC. I can't wait for mine tomorrow with lunch... maybe I'll treat myself to one with breakfast too.

And, while I'm posting things I forgot to post before, you MUST watch this video and visit this website. If you do not watch Parks and Recreation you are MISSING OUT!!

1 comment:

  1. I must say that after seeing this and the trailer below...i love aziz ansari. hilarious.

