

Two new followers!! Woohoo! These two must be credited to the one and only Shubes who had a funny gchat status for a week, until it became annoying a month later. I emailed him to let him know my feelings on this "SHUBES! CHANGE YOUR GSTATUS" to which he updated his status with my comments and a link to my blog. Thank you, Shubes.  Because of his plug, I now have two new followers!

Follower 62 is CP, fellow Penn Stater and red head. We really bonded, almost exactly a year ago, at the Blue/White tailgate in the RV. We were having great laughing chatting times and then someone came in and said "Are you two sisters?" to which both of us took immediate offense. Not because we wouldn't love to be sisters (I mean, how pretty would our Thanksgiving table be?), but because the only reason they asked was because we both had red hair. All red heads are NOT related! I do think we both enjoyed making more of a scene than was necessary.

Follower 63 is an unknown, mysterious person named Ashley with no photo. I tried to figure out who the H is 63 by looking at my friends on Facebook with the first name of Ashley. I have 5 friends named Ashely and the only two I would expect to be following are following (woohoo Rosie and Netz!). Of the other 3, 1 is definitely not my follower (said in the tone of Maurry annoucing paternity) because that would be weird. Of the remaining 2- either one would be out of left field, but not totally random. If it's anyone else, well, I just don't know what I would say. So, Ashley Follower 63, please reveal yourself in comments.

Do you know how close I am to 100?? This is the closest I've been!! Do you think for my 25th birthday, I could get 100 followers?? That would be the best birthday present ever!

Actually, second best. The first best birthday present for my 25th birthday is the one I'm giving to myself which includes roundtrip airfare to Philadelphia and a weekend at OCMD with nonstop adventures at Seacrets with the girls. Do you know how excited I am? VERY.

The other thing I need to tell you about is I met this guy for drinks. It did not go as planned. I was really hoping to LOVE him since he is 6'4, and because I was having a great hair night. I was not so lucky. We met at the beer garden down the street from me and he was really, truly, awkward for the first... 20 minutes of the encounter. There were no tables so he was always looking for a table and he also could not answer the question "Give me the 5 minutes scoop on you". Totally disappointed. We "randomly" ran into some of his friends and joined them for a bit and he seemed to loosen up and was finally more chatty. I've talked it through with a few people, and I can only imagine he was wildly intimdated by beauty and peacock earings. It's the only thing that makes sense.

While sitting with his friends I forgot how ANNOYING other groups of friends can be. I am certain that me and my friends have irritated a newcomer, and, to be perfectly honest, I don't care. I think we were most irritating to that man in the tapas restaurant in Baltimore who was trying to enjoy his meal but we were just trying to have the times. Whatever. In general, my group of friends are inclusive and have a number one priority of giggling and talking about situations that just happened (we really love recapping about ourselves). Not so much with this new group of friends I had the "pleasure" of sitting with who were mostly irritating - with the exception of one girl who I wish I could have full court pressed for friendship, but could not because I was so irritated by "Let me put my hand up like a 3rd grader in English class and wave it around to get the attention of the waitor who will probably continue to ignore me but I will keep my hand up anyway" and also by "I bring my cell phone charger everywhere and even though we are outside at the bar and there is no plug in sight, I'm going to keep the charger on the table in case a magicina makes an outlet plug appear". Oh, and then there were the two rugby bro's who loved smoking cigs and talking about mountains. Dude, it was awesome. God.

Anyway, I was so charming and pretty funny so of course this kid is enjoying my company. And he holds me hand at the table. The problem with this is, I didn't really want him to hold my hand, but in that situation it was just easier to let him hold my hand than to awkwardly remove my hand from his grasp. So now, I'm thinking, he's thinking I'm interested. And really, I'm not. I mean, he needed to brush his hair, he wasn't that funny or witty to me, and, in general, he just isn't my type. I think I should be allowed to ignore him for these three reasons alone. But, friends Jessica and Sarah say "No! You are so picky! Be nice! Give him a second chance!" blah blah blah whatever. But, I think because I am not going to marry the guy, and probably not even friend him since his friends were mostly irritating, that I should not have to pretend to be nice when, in reality, we know that is not the person I am.

He did text me this weekend on both Friday and Saturday night - I only have my charm and great hair to blame. I did not meet up with him because I just didn't feel like faking interested. I don't know if he will or will not text again, we shall see. But, if he does communicate with me again, I guess this leads to a new question for you:

What Would My Followers Do?


  1. i heart seacrets also! had my first encounter there while with abbey and we are pretty sure she was roofied but still...good times!

    p.s. still enjoy reading your blog!

  2. ughhh so bummed... i thought WWMFD was totally going to translate to What Would Mary Fran Do?

    when are you going to choose a design for www.abitcattywampus.blogspot.com?

  3. Now I understand Seacrets after your explanation last night. I thought it was code for Ryan Seacrest or something for the longest time. Anyway, sad you'll be gone, but oh so happy you'll have the times and lots of stories to share with me when you return! But, what would be better is a trip to penn state and tail gating once the season begins! We still must do. Break my tail gating cherry girl ;)

    And.... I'm officially following your blog now. And not secretly anymore, either. You would be proud :)

  4. If you weren't completely repulsed by the guy, you should def give him a second chance. Patti (the millionaire matchmaker) says a good rule of thumb is go on 3 dates, if he is still boring or there is no connection then you can cut it off. Sometimes you need 3 “meetings” to loosen up and get to know the real person.

    I am also the girl who does not believe in love at first sight or soul mates…so take my comment as you will!
