
The Big Move!

Before we get to the trivial things, I want to take this time to acknowledge TWO new followers.
Follower 60 is Cousin Becca! Cousin Becca dates not cousin Jeff. She lives in Philadelphia and was maid of honor in July's most beautiful wedding ever with Cousin Jessie (follower) and Gibber (not a follower...!). Becca is very pretty. But then again, all us Miller ladies have been blessed with legs and beauty. Heyyy pretty cousin Becca!
Follower 61 FINALLY is Jarrod. Who insists he has BEEN following, but finally we had a breakthrough in communication and he now understands he has been following annonymously for WEEKS AND WEEKS which did not make him a follower. I feel like I don't even need to introduce Jarrod to you since he is regularly mentioned in the blog, but I know he is waiting for it, so here it goes: Jarrod and I were friends in college, obviously. We did lots of giggling, but I did not expect our friendship to move to the level it has post college. We have played together in PA, NC, NY, LA, MD, VA, WV and TX. That's a lot of places! And we have giggled together in bed, on the phone, in hotels, in bars, on beaches, at the swamp. EVERYWHERE! And now he is following. So I'll have to showcase him in a future interview!!
Next up: I moved! To Dallas! To Uptown! With a roommate! In a beautiful new apartment! I'm so excited!

My dad got here on Wednesday and we started by packing up little things in my apartment to prepare for Thursday's big move of all large items into the truck. Once we were loaded up we were going to head out to dinner and we drove past this so old car, blocking half of the road, with the hood propped up by a broom and a giant black man who was in a white tee and gym shorts. Just sitting there. If you've seen Plano and PDP - this was a pretty good example of "what does not belong". And he's just sitting there, with cables hooked to his car and no other car. My father and I are chatting so we notice him but continue talking.
When we leave the complex my dad says "Oh, I wonder if that guy wanted a jump?" And I say - Oh, that makes sense. So we loop around the block and pull back up to this stranded man and I say "Do you need some help?" And he says "OH my OH my! Why yes I do!". Turns out he does need a jump and his friend hasn't shown up yet and if we could help him, oh my gosh! He continues "You must be my angels from below! Wow!". Yes. Angels from BELOW. What the heck? I'm too uncertain of the situation to question this. But I am positive that is what he said. We tried and tried to help Mr. Jiles jump his 250,000 mile car - but with no success. After about 15 minutes, Mr. Jiles said that it wasn't going to work and we could go, so we left him in the middle of the road just like we found him.

Being angels from below really paid off in the way of good karma later in the week - when me and my dad were unloading the truck at my new apartment there was BIG DOG MOVERS or something moving someone OUT of the 4th floor. So on their way up, they took my big stuff and on the way down they did the job they were actually there to do! Miracle! So easy! The new apartment is so great and me and my Dad spent the rest of the weekend installing. 

The apartment has since then been unpacked, but ya'll can take the tour right here:

Even though there are no dogs in the dog park, there are lots of dogs in the apartment complex. Including a GREAT DANE that lives on my floor - so cute!! More footage of the dog park, coming soon!!

The first work week with the commute was a total work nightmare. By the time Friday rolled around, I was so happy! Smerritt 2.0 (Baby Sister of Smerritt) was interviewing in Dallas so I picked her up on my way into town and we had the first night out in town with Roommate Erin!  We tried a new beer garden called the Ice House that is just out the back door and 10 steps down the Katy Trail. Roommate Erin and I think we might get into some trouble here! Then we went to Common Table which is Erin's favorite place and had a great time chatting and laughing and moved onto another bar that is something with an R and had a rooftop deck which is great for the times but not great for heels as I kept slipping into the cracks. GOD! Anyway, having the times and bar closes and me and roommate Erin are so excited that we are able to walk home that we decide to forgo the cab and walk home. Except, we get lost and can't figure out how to get home so we take a cab .5 miles for $6 but all we have is $4 and the cab driver says he will only accept $4 if I give him my number. I say "Oh my gosh, my boyfriend wouldn't like me giving my number out" thinking my new made-up would deter him, but no. So he says "You don't need to tell him". And I say, "You're right! My name is Michelle and my number is 410925....! Goodnight!!" 

That is not my number. That is Roominatrix Michelle's number. And the only cell phone number I have memorized. For moments just like this! 

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