
Busy week

Ok, so in two months, I've really had a successful transition to Plano.. . at least I think. And, this week was busy with things going on every day!

Tuesday MM flew through Dallas (three sightings in three weeks...!). Me and Sarah and new friend Pete(r) met with them at a great restaurant and slowly enjoyed appeteasers and then dinner. It was a fabulous 3 hour dinner extravaganza. Me and Sarah had champagne which was oh so classy.

Wednesday was Cinco de Mayo- we met with Lizzie and Jessica and new friend Amber. Mambo taxis were consumed... which, have I mentioned what is in a mambo taxi? It's a frozen margarita mixed with sangria and topped off with brandy. Two will easily put you under the table. Lizzie said she was having "just one" because she was "medicated" but the next thing I know she's sipping on her third... good thing I live close by! We walked to my apartment and watched some DVRed American Idol (Aaron is finally gone, thank God!) and Modern Family (funniest show on TV) to cool down from post work happy hour.

Thursday I had a fate- fake date- for drinks with some kid I met a few weeks ago. We met at... my favorite... a sushi bar. I agreed because I do make an attempt to be agreeable/charming when first meeting people. But- sushi? Barf! Get there and he's waiting and comes up and meets me at the door- first thing out of his mouth "I don't remember you being so tall". Idiot. Height complex- great. I mean, really, I'm the one that should have the height complex with him. (He's 6'0 if you're wondering... and didn't laugh as hard as I'd like at 5'12. Actually, he barely laughed and was like "Oh, so we're the same height"- didn't even acknowledge the joke! Maybe I'm so pretty he was just so nervous. Yea, that's it.) Anyway, I had the Zumba class with Sarah at 8 that I was going to.. but chat chat chatting away and it was 7:57 and I stood up Sarah for Zumba! There was no way I would make it in time. When I told boy this he said "I know, you aren't going to make it"- Like it was his plan all along. Rude. Anway, chat chat chatting, we walk around the town center thing and stop in another establishment. I get only water because it is a school night and I have an 8am meeting I know I will be running late to... And next thing we know, 10:30. Awkward parting in the garage and two weird hugs goodbye and he asked to see me again... I dont know. He's moving in two months, so something to pass the time? Oh! And- he hates DC. Not hates DC and prefers DP, he thinks it will give me cancer.

I came home and watched the new episode of The Office- it was laugh out loud funny. Michael as a mistress? Perfect. Do other people laugh out loud when they are alone? I do. A lot.

Today was an early day for me. Stupid east coast. They don't get the time change (they = most if not all of you reading this). I am an hour behind!!!! A 9AM meeting for you is an 8AM meeting for me and with computer start up time and meeting prep time... well I just don't want to come in around 7 or 7:30 to prepare for your meetings and fresent! (Fake present). Oh, and while we are at it- Don't schedule meetings during my lunch! Super RUDE! I love lunch! By lunch I haven't had anything to eat in FOUR HOURS! Gosh. And, also, while I'm sharing- I do schedule 4:00PM CST meetings on purpose if I can't find "any other time".....

Also, today at work, one of my peers called me from my last rotation and asked me a question. I miss knowing the answers!!! But, he's so fabulous and when I'm in CT in June I'm looking forward to catching up over a great cafeteria lunch and chat chat chatting away!

So, plans for tonight? Catching up on all my week's DVRed TV and watching Glee online. Hopefully tomorrow's a great weather day because I plan on enjoying the pool.

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