I've blogged about Jonathan before. He's incredible. I met him in Austin and had an absolute amazing time. Our favorite time spent together was in the Fountain of Youth, also known as Barton Springs. We squealed, we laughed, we played... a friendship was born.
Most of you SHOULD know Jonathan, but you don't because Jarrod totally RUINED IT by never introducing ANY of us to Jonathan when we were down there (New Orleans) on multiple occassions. This makes Jarrod rude.
I've wanted to make Jonathan my next meet my follower for some time, but I think I put so much pressure on "this is the meet my follower gchat interview" that, Jonathan's charisma and the pure bliss he brings to my life through sporadic gchat was not clear.
The first one started like this on March 13th:
me: Are we ready for your interview!?? Or do you need to gather your thoughts?
Jonathan: oh shit, I forgot about that. Sure, why not.
The conversation was enjoyable, but it just didn't hit the spot. And then I forgot about the gay mafia. So our next "interview" went like this:
Jonathan: rule number 1 about the gay mafia, don't talk about the gay mafia.
me: hahahahahahaha
Jonathan: unless you've got a big mouth like me.
me: cracking up. so is that's all i get on the gay mafia?
Jonathan: It's deep and it's real.
They're out there.
They control everything.
what would i be most surprised to learn they control?
Jonathan: From the tailor accidentally fucking up the hem on my new jeans to me getting a barstool with good lighting.
me: barstool with lightning???
ohhh lightttt ING
i get it
Jonathan: You need to look good at happy hour. Lighting is key.
me: i thought you meant electric current from the sky
Obvious chatting and giggling (at least on my side) ensued. However, it was still missing that Jonathan charm I so badly wanted to attack your mind while reading the interview. And then, when I least expected it, and figured I'd just have to do my best with what I had, well, I received three... not one, not two but THREE emails from Jonathan telling me that he wanted to share his location with me and he was home.
I forwarded his email to him and the ghcatting begin. The conversation below, while not an interview, is everything I want you to know about Jonathan. And then you will want to be friends him immediately. As you should.
Jonathan: ugh.
I hate my phone.
me: hahahahaha
Jonathan: I downloaded google maps
and it emailed my entire address book a map with my house on it.
I also
me: lollllll
that is funny
Jonathan: had one too many margaritas at happy hour
and may or may not have called QVC
me: did you get something good!?
Jonathan: and may or may not have gotten on the air.
me: LOL
ok wait a second
Jonathan: and may or may not have bought this:
me: let's do this in order
you worked
went to happy hour
which involved margaritas
and then on your way back to your house
you got lost
so you downloaded google maps
which took a long time to download
because you found your house
by the time it DLed
and emailed your entire address book
that you were home
and then you called QVC
and purchased....
talked to the seller
Jonathan: more like
me: and then purchased...
Jonathan: I went to work
then happy dinner (as I like to call it)
me: i love that!
Jonathan: then came home, and my blackberry has upgraded to the new operating system
so I was playing with it and downloaded google maps.
I drunk dialed QVC
and may or may not have pretended to be my mother on air
and bought this:
me: LOL
shut up
tell me every word you said to QVC
Jonathan: brown out.
I just remember lots of "you knows" and "I means"
me: did someone film this?
put a tape in the vcr and record it?
Jonathan: No.
me: is there any memory of this i can see???
Jonathan: because I don't tell people I call QVC for fun.
me: you did this... alone?
Jonathan: because that would mean I have a problem.
me: i am dying
Jonathan: maybe.
me: so
if i come to your house on a thursday
when you are at work
and turn on your tv
it would turn on to qvc?
because that is the last channel you watched?
while falling asleep?
in the servants quarters?
where will you do the insanity workout in the small space!?
Jonathan: things i haven't thought about.
I'm not telling anybody I'm doing it in case it doesn't work.
since I Just dropped 150 bucks on it, I will fucking complete the program.
and I will be skinny
me: but you're telling me?
so when i see you at "memorial day weekend?"
i will say WOW
you are a MEGA BABE!
Jonathan: I mean, Megan....you know I can't actually keep my mouth shut about anything.
me: HUNK
hahahahaha this is why you are so great
my sister is coming to dallas memorial day weekend
well possibly
she says
we have yet to see if she is reliable
Jonathan: sisters can be so NOT reliable sometimes.
mine has been "coming to visit for a weekend" for two years now.
me: god sisters
Jonathan: sursly
And, let's end this Meet Jonathan with the basics:
Jonathan: My name is Jonathan Charles McCarty.
I live in New Orleans, Louisiana.
My favorite TV show is probably something on Bravo.
and I'm currently eating ritz crackers for breakfast. Classy, eh?
How are you not in love right now?!