

I had such a busy week last week!.... Two visitors!!!

My dad came on Wednesday and we enjoyed two local establishments... a pub for a beer and then an Italian restaurant for some great spaghetti. We also did a walk through of my apartment and I gave him a heads up on all the projects he'll have to complete on his next trip (mostly storage contraptions and installing a fan).

I took off Friday since bff A was coming in from Chicago, so of course Thursday was crazy busy. I can't really complain though, I've been asking for it and the day flew! I actually had a few substantial things to work on! Work, work, blah, blah, moving on...

A got in late on Thursday which means I had to drive to the airport in the dark. I don't have poor vision or anything, but it is hard to recognize a new route in the dark in Texas so... that was an ordeal. I expected that though, and was there early anyway. Getting out of the airport was just as troublesome as getting in. It's a toll road to go in and so many terminals and parking and u-turn exits and the north entry and south entry and I pretty much had no idea where I was going and Droid (god love it) was only halfway helpful when lost on a service road. Ugh!! We successfully made it out of there, but it again took longer than it should have. We went to a local bar and had a beverage and great catching up, girl chat, gossip central. It was lovely and much needed!

Even though we took Friday off, we were both up around 9- super lame! Did some exploring and shopping and then enjoyed (you guessed it) Mexican for a late lunch. I had a dilla which is pretty standard, oh and the mambo taxi was pretty fabulous. As usual, there was a bird situation and they were flying VERY close and trying to eat our tortilla chips! I hate birds. Back to the apartment to enjoy the remainder of the afternoon poolside with beeritas (beer, tequilla and limeade mix that is heavenly). Sun and beeritas made a little snooze necessary and then getting ready party to explore Plano on a Friday night.

The song choice of the weekend was, my favorite, Train: Soul Sister. We now know all the words and it's so romantic! But, because we wanted to get wild we put on some wild dance party jams and shared Zumba moves and a cas beer.

A was wild, as expected. Which I didn't mind too much until we walk into the bar and she storms up to the bartender and yells "WOULD YOU MARRY MEGAN?". I'm left just staring at her, open mouthed, thinking "REALLY ASHLEY!? Thissss is how we are starting the night!?" Bartender is married, but wants me to know I'm a very pretty girl and who told me I wasn't pretty?! Embarrassing. So now everyone within 15 feet of Ash thinks I have a self-esteem issue that I'm trying to correct at the bar. Great.

So, bartender serves us quickly (obviously, I'm nursing a broken heart or something intense) and we have a seat at the bar. The guy sitting next to A comments on her blue nail polish to which she responds "DO YOU LIKE IT!?" and the story of why she painted it blue and other things people have said to her about the blue nail polish follow. Graceful is never a word I would use to describe A, bless her heart, and her hands were flying all over the place during story time. This engages man's weird friend who somehow knows A is a democrat. This gets too many people involved in a political discussion (which really was only: GET THIS DEMOCRAT AWAY FROM ME) past 11PM which just shouldn't happen. So next thing I know I'm forced sitting next to talking chatty weird man that is a republican.

Presentation Megan comes out at this point and I'm forcing interest and smiling and thinking "why the hell isn't A over here saving me" and that's when republican starts telling me about his awful childhood, his adopted parents, his time with the military, his friend that committed suicide and his stint in a mental health facility. I mean, seriously? Is this what you share with someone you JUST met at a BAR who isn't talking back to you???? God. I mean... God! I don't have words for this doofus.

I'm finally saved by A and we move onto the next bar. The walk over I tell her not to talk to randoms and then LEAVE ME. We get to the next bar, A (ever so graceful) goes up to the first guy she sees and says "DO YOU KNOW MEGAN" and then, again, walks away. Now, this man was very tall and handsome so at least she picked a good one, but seriously, she's inbelievable. So, chat chat chat and A disappears (go figure). Last call and she has still not returned. I call and text her, no response. I look around outside, no luck. So back to the apartment, and THEN I get the call. Crying. Hysterics. "MEGAN! YOU LEFT ME!!" I know this is not true, and that SHE left ME but I can sense that she is really not a happy camper right now. She tells me she is at the hotel and HELP ME!!!!! She tries to take a cab to my apartment, but it is literally two blocks away and I say "I'm coming, just SIT STILL".

What does she do? She continues calling me, crying. So what do I do? I run to her. I'm not the running type. I was RUNNING because she was crying like she was being ABUSED! I BURST through the hotel doors and there she is, sobbing at the front desk "meeeeeegggannn why did you leeeeeeeavvee me??? boohooboohoo" Wah wah blah blah. I didn't leave her! I take her home, make her a mini egg roll and put the terror to bed.

Saturday morning rolls around and Miss A is death. (Go figure.) We don't get up and moving until... 2? 3? We head into Dallas to hang out with A's aunt. (This is going to get tricky... we'll call Aunt: AA). AA is so fabulous!! We do some walking around and find the dirtiest (so gross) rooftop deck and enjoy some beverages and just chat and chat and laugh and laugh for hours! AA and A are wild together... birds of a feather. See, I spilled one of my beers when a fly went in it and I freaked out (obviously). Now we are slap happy and a few beers in and the waiter brings another beer "on him". This "on him" sets AA and A into a fit of plotting and they decide that I MUST befriend the waiter. (No thank you) His name is LJ, and I'm not abbreviating it. Larry. Jack. Those are the two oddest names to push together ever, right?? Why wouldn't you just keep Larry? Or why would someone combine Larry and Jack to be LJ as a first name? Weird. The rest of the night is more chatting and hanging out in the hotel and a very casual night. AA was a total gem.

Sunday rolls around and we have a parting meal... you guessed it, Mexican. God. Mexican. I can't take it. (But, it was good, and really spicy). It was a pretty established restaurant with lots of seating.. but it served Diet Coke in a can with a glass. At first sight, I thought, wow this is a really fancy way to drink a DC in the restaurant. But then when the cup was giant and the can didn't fill it, and I was pretty sure they would charge me by the can... well, it was immediately less fabulous.

We head back to Plano to get Ashley's suitcase and then make a trip to the western store so I can get some super sweet boots. Which I did. They are amazing. And this so nice woman gave me 30% off- which is a pretty significant % off and I LOVE a deal. We're down to 15 minutes before we have to leave and we decide to get ice cream. A checks her wallet and her debit card is missing. Now we have to back track back to the other restaurant and then back to the airport. Oh, and then there is the Droid directions, and the Garmin directions, and what way I think I should go and the way A thinks we were supposed to go... and, well, we were cutting it close. I dropped off the terror and shipped her back and I can't wait to do it again, but in Chicago!

I just need to recover.


  1. Megan! AMAZING! You forgot one important part though! :)

    Oh and note that I made you three friends!!!!!!!!! Make me some in Chicago when you are a terror!

    Love you!!!

  2. anything omitted was intentional.

  3. So, I'm confused... technically, if you went home by yourself when you couldn't find A, you actually would have "left" her. So, are you saying because you didn't "leave her" that you weren't alone when you went home?

    Just trying to clarify...

  4. SHE left ME! I was always just where I was supposed to be!

  5. i think rohrbach has a valid point! so were you alone when you went back to your place?

    and what are your thoughts on mankinis?

  6. hahaha an unlikely team... you and rohrbach!
