Ohhhh mahhhh gawwwdd!! Did we miss you! Blue/White was phenom!!! Since you're one of my favorite blog readers and most missed this past weekend, this update is specifically for you. As I write this, I'm imagining you shirtless, in your bed, reading and giggling. (Maybe with chatroulette on in the background?) Nothing in this world could make me happier! Oh, and fair warning, this is going to be a long one.....
First things first- my flight. Why oh why did I book at 6:30 AM flight? The 12:09 arrival to Baltimore was great, but the 4:30 AM leaving my apartment was not so great. Also not so great? Flight through Atlanta filled with a high school volleyball team. They were awful. I did not smile at any of them. And the giggling.... You couldn't pay me enough money to go back to high school. I was in the back of the flight, so I was looking forward to some shut eye. Until someone's alarm went off during taxi/departure (Um HELLO- Respect the "please shut off ALL electronic devices"!). Everyone is looking around and after 8 minutes of the most terrible sound ever and huffing and puffing and "that person has a lot of nerve", "is it your phone?", "where is that coming from?" the idiot next to me pulls his iPhone (should have known) out of his pocket and turns off the alarm and goes "Oh, I'll get that." Really, dude? Will you get that now? After you've annoyed us all? Thanks so much. Idiot.
I did the awkward plane sleep- I was so tired. I'm sure my mouth was open. But, since I had the aisle I wasn't sleeping on my idiot neighbor. How embarrassing would that be!? But what was embarrassing was when I was just falling asleep... you know how you go to that in between sleep place and you jolt awake because you think you are falling? Well, that happened to me, except instead of thinking I was falling I was swatting a fly (weird, I know) and just shot my hand out like a total wackadoo. Super embar!!
I successfully landed in ATL and hopped on the plane to BWI. No luggage issues. No seating issues. No delays. It was... a miracle! I haven't had such smooth plane travel in... ages. Once I got to Baltimore, roominatrix Michelle picked me up and we went to her house to let out all of her dogs. Four, very happy, love to have their tummy's rubbed, me next me next puppies. So cute. Then we had our favorite Baltimore lunch- Sakura hibachi and I got to see her new apartment. That Mich, she's so grown up! Then we were on the road and we of course hit some traffic. We also of course made a stop for a DC on the ride. We missed a McDonald's so we went to a Wendy's and I got a SO TERRIBLE twisted frosty something with M&M's. DON'T EVER GET IT. I don't know why I got it, actually. Have you ever dipped a french fry in a Frosty? I know some B's that do that...
Mich did some complaining about her arm. I forgot how much she loves creating the sicknesses. She saysss that on Monday she did a body building class and then the next day her father asked her to grate fresh parmesan cheese and now her right arm hurts SO MUCH and it hurts EVERY TIME she bent it and she told me EVERY TIME. This illness is now called "parmesan arm" and is very serious.
So we arrived at the hotel, motel, Days Inn party. I feel like there is a lot of hype around the Days Inn- but let me tell you, it's the worst hotel ever! There was mold on the ceiling! The decor is worse than a grandma's decor. They cut us off from requests after our 3rd request for blankets. Literally they told PJH "This is the last thing we are doing for you". Rude.
Thursday we met up with PJH and Rosie in the room and waited on LH. We left to pick up Buddy and new bff for life Nate who were drinking old fashioneds. We went to the Cafe and the Grille. All plans to "stick to beer" were abanonded and we promptly ordered 2 $2 teas. Fabulous! I saw so many great people and got a lot of compliments on my hair. It made me really happy since Meredith gave me the so so awful haircut just before Austin- remember how much I hated Meredith that weekend? Gosh!
One thing I forgot about State College was the bad news bears of the duplicate ID situation. They gave me a bit of a hassle at Cafe, but I successfully got in. The Grille though... well, that was a little trickier. Bouncer man asked for back up ID and all I had was the debit card, Macy's card and Verizon Rebate card- no photo ID. Apparently (this is what I hear) I took my sass level a little too high and requested the manager. I got in. But, the bouncer told Nate to tell me to "stop being a bitch". Woops. Whatever, Thursday was fabulous.
When I left the Grille I ran into an undergrad friend of buddy that I met earlier in the night. Literally, stepped out of the bar and smacked into him. We went and got pizza and he lip kissed me on the corner!! I said "Undergrad, I'm not lip kissing you" and I left him to return to the roommates in the Days Inn. Undergrads... gosh.
Since Mich, Lise and me all work- we were up at 7AM the next day. Just in time for circle chit chatting like we so love to do. This helped us get ready for our day way faster. PJH was a total boss about my outfit and telling me what I can and cannot wear. After all the crap I packed, he gave me permission to wear a $5 tee from target... go figure. I got to have lunch with my brother and me and Michelle got our favorite ever- Rotelli's lunch special. And then we headed over to the Cafe where all the friends had pretty much taken over the entire top deck. Glorious. There was a little bit of a situation where it seemed like everyone wanted to sit at table 1 (I was at table 2) but then we began hand selecting recruits for table 2 and it quickly became the superior table. (I would have invited you to sit at table #2).
I also got to meet my friend that I gchat that I've never seen in real life. When I was explaining to the friends that I had never met him but gchat him, they could not understand this. I said "It's just like a pennnnnnnpalllll". But, I met him! He was wearing green shorts.
I have no idea how long we were at the Cafe for but we left after many hours to go to the Mad Mex to see Rucas. Such the long line at the Mad Mex so we found Cone, Nan and G and went to an apartment in Nicholas Towers. (Love). We purchased the Twisted Tea in the Cardboard Keg and had a great dance party, power hour and limbo session. I did not play limbo... not that anyone reading this thought that I would.... (Nan won and gave a lovely speech celebrating her victory.. thank you compression shorts.)
Next was the Phyrst which was the ultimate time. I always so so so love the Phyrst but this time they were controlling the crowd and you could actually move around a bit! I don't know how long I was there- but the Phyrst is always the tricky situation since it is in the basement... I was convinced it was midnight... and then I looked up the stairs and it was definitely just getting to dusk. Woops. I'm sure this was when we remembered how hoodrat lip kisses were... and every hello was followed up with a "lip kiss me!!". Lip kiss contest started at this point in time. Buddy doesn't mind when other humes lip kiss, but he told me to stop. He's so protective, that buddy.
There was a so annoying girl at the Phyrst also in a yellow shirt. She was so sloppy drunk and in my face- um, excuse me? So I said, in definite sass, "Listen, girl. You need to chill out or I will personally request that you are removed from the bar". The sass continued until other friend came over and made an excuse for her behavior (turned 21 three days ago). I did not forgive messy sloppy girl, and she seemed to sense this, and was directed somewhere else. Seriously.. she was the sloppiest girl there, and that's saying a lot. I think, in total, "only" 2 (Rucas and DNoga) friends were kicked out of the bar for their performances. But, in general, taking your shirt off and losing shoes would get you kicked out of most bars...
MK, queen hoodrat, and I decided to leave and go to the 324 to see what times were happening there. On the way, we stopped and got pretzels. MK must have been very hungry because she purchased 2 of every type of pretzel. Hotdog pretzel. Stromboli pretzel. Plain pretzel. And whatever else was there. We ate the pretzels on the bench and headed to the 324 for what was pre-times. I was very sleepy and left with Palalio and we were back at the hotel by 11:30.
Me and Palalio get to the hotel and we are chatting and getting into bed. I went to fix the air conditioner and I found a body in the corner!! We are looking at this ball of a human and wondering one who is she and two how did she get here??? I text all roommates telling them about the random who I think looks like a native american and they tell me to shake her. So I do.... surprise! It is Mary Katherine. I should have known. Although she is as Irish as they come, when sleeping in a corner she definitely looked like a Native.
We're only to Saturday now... can you stand it? Should I take a break? Is this so many words? Is any of this enjoyable to you? I guess I don't care... I'll reread this in a year to prep for next year's Blue/White, so I'm going to capture every detail I want. Feel free to discontinue reading and then tell me about it later.
During the sleep situation, LH and Riley come back with Smerrit and PJH. I did not know this and the snorefest that was occuring was very terrible and I couldn't imagine which one of my roommates had picked up snoring since graduation. When Palalio got up to use the bathroom at 5:48 AM she informed me that PJH was sleeping with his head in the bathroom and to be careful. LH sensed a potential chat coming up and put the kabash on that quickly and announced the humes in the room. Culprit of snorefest? Smerrit. At one point he finally stopped snoring and it crossed my mind that he had potentially stopped breathing... and I did not care at all. I was so happy for the 30 minutes of rest sans snorefest.
Another 7AM wake up occurred. MK and PJH did some Mcclan's shopping where she purchased a full body, reverse snuggie, lion suit for the tailgate. She is so hoodrat.
When the time came to head to the tailgate.. I think we got moving at, um? 10 or 11? We purchased some groceries and some 12packs and began the walk. Which turned into a hike. Which turned into a trek. I mean, really, we were behind the Ag Sci arena! SO FAR! And, carrying the beers and the groceries and the vodka and the chips and the purses.... and then parmesan arm set in for the entire group. It was awful. Then parmesan leg set in. And by the time we got to the tailgate, we had parmesan body. Even the beer had parmesan body and the case broke the second we got there.
We proceeded to sit in a circle and enjoy the groceries and beers. We eventually moved into the RV where times were being had. Lots of great hume sightings and chatting. I played a few tricks on people and told them the Droid was voice activated. They bought it. I tried droiding and walking and smacked my head into a pole, that wasn't very fun. I also got to meet grandbuddy who had a puppy named cowface (or something like that). Ker lost her purse and cried for 45 minutes. She cried harder when we found it on the chair she was sitting on. Silly Ker. Someone brought a bag of limes, I carried three of them in my purse. Limes are hard to bite into directly, and I don't recommend you try that. Also, one thing you will hear about, that I did not do, but apparently Greggy found a funnel under the RV and was drinking out of it (and others)... only to later find out it might have been attached to the bathroom-- I know: DISGUSTING.
Times bounced all over around dinner time- groups were split and headed to different tailgates or different places to eat dinner. I visited the K22 tailgate and then me and Ker went to get Rotelli's dinner and a glass of wine. Lots of great chatting and back to the hotel. Ker immediately passed out and I took a shower and waited for the return of LH and Riley.
Lines were OUT OF CONTROL on Saturday. We had lots of great ideas, but everytime we got there, it was a bad idea. A bunch of us ended up getting some beverages and having the hotel motel days inn party and then moving to the ASG. I decided that I would go in first because if I wasn't getting in, no one was getting in (duplicate ID, remember?). As soon as I hand over my ID the man says "You need a photo ID backup. Are we really going to do this again?". SO EMBAR! Same bouncer from Thursday that I gave total tude too. I didn't even recognize him!! I apologized for tude and then said "But, am I still getting in?" and he says "Yes- but you are paying cover". Of course of course! I paid the $2 cover!! ASG was just what you would expect especially when we were able to secure the middle booth. A shot was had just before leaving and we moved to MM's sister's apartment for the rest of the times. Bff for life Nate brought champagne. I took all my sips of champagne via shot glass.
Again multiple sleeps in the Days Inn occur. Zac Morris, Smerrit, Cone... a real full house. Early wake up on Sunday is also fabulous although I think everyone is aware that the hangover is coming.
I get to ride back to Pittsburgh with Kolan, new friend Steve, (both of them are doctors so we got to have lots of bodily function discussions) MK and Andy.... amazing. I know we've shared a car ride before, so I feel bad saying this... but it was the ultimate car ride. So much giggling and story telling. The last 30 minutes was rough (since Andy couldn't tell us the last time he showered) and the hangover set in. I asked new friend Steve if we could get married (so tall and handsome) but both of us acknowledged that I wasn't quite marriage material during the car ride. Oh well, next time I guess?
Made it back to Pittsburgh and spent about... 2 hours with the family before I decided that I've lived alone for too long and was feeling too crappy to be there. The questions. The noise. The talking. It was just a lot.
At this point in my life, I'm still not recovered. I'm still sick- man voice has moved on to no voice. Oh, and then there was the fever and the chills and the no appetite. I still haven't had 8 hour sleep night.... But, it was all totally worth it.
Plans for the next outing should be drafted soon. Please say you'll be there!
I hope I provided so much detail and made you laugh. There was a lot of hype with this blog since people have been reading and not following (still rude) and confessing they can't wait to read it and hoping to get a special mention....
I did the best I could with so much to report back on... I'll also be posting photogs to the FB for your enjoyment.
Love always,
Before I even get into my week, let me tell you how much I hate HP and iTunes right now!!! All I want to do is listen to my tunes but it's making this stupid skipping noise. I don't know how to fix it!! I've done a system restore, I've deleted useless programs, I've restarted and restarted... and, I just want to listen to my jammmsssss.
Following up on Monday's posts- wacko boy texted again on Tuesday. I ignored. Other things happened to me, but I've forgotten them. I need to get a little notepad to carry around...
Oh! I know what happened. The exterminator came and returned my kitchen to me! I hate bugs. And I hate people that say "the bug is more afraid of you than you are of it".. blah blah... lies! I'm really afraid of bugs! Spiders, lightning bugs, lady bugs, butterflies, ants, bees, ALL OF THEM. So, attack of the ants last week was not so much fun. They were all over my sink! And appeared as soon at the exterminator left. Weird, right? I called the office and let them know that when the exterminator comes I shouldn't GET bugs, I should GET RID of bugs. So the exterminator came back and did his magic and the ants are gone! This was much easier to deal with than when I had the ants in my car. Yes. MY CAR.
That was a disaster. I kept seeing these little ants come out of my center console and I kept killing them one, then another one, then two more and four more and then panic set in. I went through the car wash (they were on the outside too) and i vacuumed the inside of the car twice and still... one, then another one, then two more and four more and... more panic. I went to the home depot and went to th first orange apron I saw and said "You have to help me!! I have ants in my caaaarrr!!!" (Yes, whine included). He suggested bombing my car (um, not happening) and then gave me ant traps and this spray- which I used immediately in the parking lot. People were definitely looking at my funny. But! It was an independent woman moment and the ants are no more.
I don't know what else happened this week. On Friday I made plans with girlmance friend, who I will now just call S since I think we might be real friends! And other new friend L came too. Anyway, we make plans for dinner and drinks. We go to this burger place and get this container that has ice n the middle of it to keep the more than 2 beers chilled. Perfect. It's a very tight restaurant, and you are pretty much sitting on the people next to you. When I got to the table my chair was stuck and I was trying to pull it out and L says "Pull!" and man at next table says "Yea! Pull!". I smiled at this man but went back to my burger and beer.
We start girl talk and man from other table decides there are parts of the conversation that he wants to participate in. S, bless her heart, jumps the gun and asks him "Do you just want to sit with us?". He jumped up very fast and continued to antagonize L (which was amusing) and do his best to participate in our chit chat. He told me I was the best of the bunch since I went to Penn State and have the "whole corporate" thing figured out... (little does he know....). His name is Steven, I wonder if he spells it with the "ph" though... (I know I usually give just the letter, but I think Steven's full name is important to the story.) So, when Steven's had enough of us he tells us he's heading to another bar down the street and if we stop by next round is on him. He lingers with some weird eye contact and gets me and S new chilled glasses and leaves. S gets giggly and says we have to go find him because he "loved me". I know I'm lovable, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't so lovable stuffing my face with a messy hamburger and wearing a plaid shirt. (Nothing against plaid.) Anyway, finish our beverage and decide... "Ok, let's go see Steven".
We get to the other bar, which is really a restaurant with a bar. We get there, get a drink and scan the establishment... no Steven!! That's ok, we chit chat and make friends with this bartender who looked like a Kathy or a Dottie and snorted every time she laughed. Very enjoyable. L says she is tire but me and S decide that we could probably still find a great time so...
L goes home and me and S go to another bar. We play erotic photo hunt and made the switch from beer to rum and diets (woops). We meet a few people and our drink at last call is a redbull vodka. I don't know we thought this was a good idea. So now we're all wired and head back to their apartment for a dance party (I feel like my Dad might be reading this and judging my judgement... but, Dad, it was fine!).
6AM was the time I was supposed to be waking up to go to the charity walk with my company. God. I was in no position to drive on barely any sleep so I decide to skip it and sleep until 10. Me and S wake up and are slightly close to death and just mumble "Steven". This was all his fault! If he would have just been at the first bar we would have had just another beer and went home for the night.. but no, we made the switch to rum&diets and stayed out way past our bedtime. We try to get up and function- what do you need after a night of drinking? A diet coke. What do I have? ONE DIET COKE. What do you think I did? Well I DID THE OPPOSITE OF THAT. I gave the ONE DC to my new friend (I don't want her to break up with me) and didn't even make her split it with me or give me a sip. (I have a feeling my DC loving friends are reading this offended because I would never be so generous with them.)
We participate in sleep part 2 until 1 and are functioning enough to grab Sonic. I drop her off and go back to my house and drift in and out of consciousness. Saturday night was the best night sleep ever. At this point in my life I feel like I need to re-evaluate my behavior... but Blue/White weekend is coming up.. and that's a terrible time to start being well-mannered. Maybe in two weeks...
Today's been pretty uneventful. There is rain in Plano and it's getting cold. I'm not looking forward to what I'm assuming will be cold weather in State College this coming weekend, but I am looking forward to a fun filled alumni bash with the roominators and just everyone else that I have been missing so much!
I'll have to get a pocket notepad for the weekend so I remember every amazing detail.
Following up on Monday's posts- wacko boy texted again on Tuesday. I ignored. Other things happened to me, but I've forgotten them. I need to get a little notepad to carry around...
Oh! I know what happened. The exterminator came and returned my kitchen to me! I hate bugs. And I hate people that say "the bug is more afraid of you than you are of it".. blah blah... lies! I'm really afraid of bugs! Spiders, lightning bugs, lady bugs, butterflies, ants, bees, ALL OF THEM. So, attack of the ants last week was not so much fun. They were all over my sink! And appeared as soon at the exterminator left. Weird, right? I called the office and let them know that when the exterminator comes I shouldn't GET bugs, I should GET RID of bugs. So the exterminator came back and did his magic and the ants are gone! This was much easier to deal with than when I had the ants in my car. Yes. MY CAR.
That was a disaster. I kept seeing these little ants come out of my center console and I kept killing them one, then another one, then two more and four more and then panic set in. I went through the car wash (they were on the outside too) and i vacuumed the inside of the car twice and still... one, then another one, then two more and four more and... more panic. I went to the home depot and went to th first orange apron I saw and said "You have to help me!! I have ants in my caaaarrr!!!" (Yes, whine included). He suggested bombing my car (um, not happening) and then gave me ant traps and this spray- which I used immediately in the parking lot. People were definitely looking at my funny. But! It was an independent woman moment and the ants are no more.
I don't know what else happened this week. On Friday I made plans with girlmance friend, who I will now just call S since I think we might be real friends! And other new friend L came too. Anyway, we make plans for dinner and drinks. We go to this burger place and get this container that has ice n the middle of it to keep the more than 2 beers chilled. Perfect. It's a very tight restaurant, and you are pretty much sitting on the people next to you. When I got to the table my chair was stuck and I was trying to pull it out and L says "Pull!" and man at next table says "Yea! Pull!". I smiled at this man but went back to my burger and beer.
We start girl talk and man from other table decides there are parts of the conversation that he wants to participate in. S, bless her heart, jumps the gun and asks him "Do you just want to sit with us?". He jumped up very fast and continued to antagonize L (which was amusing) and do his best to participate in our chit chat. He told me I was the best of the bunch since I went to Penn State and have the "whole corporate" thing figured out... (little does he know....). His name is Steven, I wonder if he spells it with the "ph" though... (I know I usually give just the letter, but I think Steven's full name is important to the story.) So, when Steven's had enough of us he tells us he's heading to another bar down the street and if we stop by next round is on him. He lingers with some weird eye contact and gets me and S new chilled glasses and leaves. S gets giggly and says we have to go find him because he "loved me". I know I'm lovable, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't so lovable stuffing my face with a messy hamburger and wearing a plaid shirt. (Nothing against plaid.) Anyway, finish our beverage and decide... "Ok, let's go see Steven".
We get to the other bar, which is really a restaurant with a bar. We get there, get a drink and scan the establishment... no Steven!! That's ok, we chit chat and make friends with this bartender who looked like a Kathy or a Dottie and snorted every time she laughed. Very enjoyable. L says she is tire but me and S decide that we could probably still find a great time so...
L goes home and me and S go to another bar. We play erotic photo hunt and made the switch from beer to rum and diets (woops). We meet a few people and our drink at last call is a redbull vodka. I don't know we thought this was a good idea. So now we're all wired and head back to their apartment for a dance party (I feel like my Dad might be reading this and judging my judgement... but, Dad, it was fine!).
6AM was the time I was supposed to be waking up to go to the charity walk with my company. God. I was in no position to drive on barely any sleep so I decide to skip it and sleep until 10. Me and S wake up and are slightly close to death and just mumble "Steven". This was all his fault! If he would have just been at the first bar we would have had just another beer and went home for the night.. but no, we made the switch to rum&diets and stayed out way past our bedtime. We try to get up and function- what do you need after a night of drinking? A diet coke. What do I have? ONE DIET COKE. What do you think I did? Well I DID THE OPPOSITE OF THAT. I gave the ONE DC to my new friend (I don't want her to break up with me) and didn't even make her split it with me or give me a sip. (I have a feeling my DC loving friends are reading this offended because I would never be so generous with them.)
We participate in sleep part 2 until 1 and are functioning enough to grab Sonic. I drop her off and go back to my house and drift in and out of consciousness. Saturday night was the best night sleep ever. At this point in my life I feel like I need to re-evaluate my behavior... but Blue/White weekend is coming up.. and that's a terrible time to start being well-mannered. Maybe in two weeks...
Today's been pretty uneventful. There is rain in Plano and it's getting cold. I'm not looking forward to what I'm assuming will be cold weather in State College this coming weekend, but I am looking forward to a fun filled alumni bash with the roominators and just everyone else that I have been missing so much!
I'll have to get a pocket notepad for the weekend so I remember every amazing detail.
bonus monday night blog
omg. so in my first few months of chattanooga i tried to have a good attitude. so i'm trying to have a good attitude in dallas. so, when man from friday night (not so tall, handsome man.. other one)called, i answered.
big mistake.
he calls and i answer, really chipper. because at this point he could be a friend. uh. this thought quickly dissolved when he said he was leaving from "math class". and i said "ohhh, exciting" and he goes "is that sarcasm?" (monotone) and i say "yes" and he goes "oh. (monotone) i didn't catch that". awk. so then he asks me to lunch and thankfully we have a lot of execs in town and i want to be present in the office this week. so, i'm thinking, even though this already seems to have all the ingredients for disaster, maybe he's a bad phone talker. they exist. so i say, early next week would be good though so i'll let you know!
perfect ending to the conversation, right?
wrong. he capitalized on the awk pause "ok. so did you and ashley have fun?" omg. i continue to be nice for another minute and then he starts interviewing me. "what do you like to do" "what are your hobbies" etc. i turn off the charm and on the brat "i don't have really any hobbies", "i like reality tv", "i have to get up early tomorrow". he does not take the hint and tells me his hobbies: he referees 2nd grade basketball, he builds applications for his iphone and he likes camping. my response: i hate basketball, i have a droid, camping is disgusting and i hate bugs. still HE CONTINUES talking!! so, thank you conference calls for giving me the ability to hold a halfway conversation and message someone. i gchat friend kim and she says "i'm calling you, beep over!!" so she does (thank you!!!!!!) and i say it's my mom i have to go! and he says "oh, ok, i get it" and then i feel a twinge of guilt and say "i'll talk to you later!" and he says "yea, i get it. bye". woops.
you would think this means he won't call. but, remember my track record??
even worse? he called during dancing with the stars. can it get worse?!?? YES! he called during kate's performance!! thank god for DVR pause. and sorry for being sans grammar check, spelling check and capital letters.
big mistake.
he calls and i answer, really chipper. because at this point he could be a friend. uh. this thought quickly dissolved when he said he was leaving from "math class". and i said "ohhh, exciting" and he goes "is that sarcasm?" (monotone) and i say "yes" and he goes "oh. (monotone) i didn't catch that". awk. so then he asks me to lunch and thankfully we have a lot of execs in town and i want to be present in the office this week. so, i'm thinking, even though this already seems to have all the ingredients for disaster, maybe he's a bad phone talker. they exist. so i say, early next week would be good though so i'll let you know!
perfect ending to the conversation, right?
wrong. he capitalized on the awk pause "ok. so did you and ashley have fun?" omg. i continue to be nice for another minute and then he starts interviewing me. "what do you like to do" "what are your hobbies" etc. i turn off the charm and on the brat "i don't have really any hobbies", "i like reality tv", "i have to get up early tomorrow". he does not take the hint and tells me his hobbies: he referees 2nd grade basketball, he builds applications for his iphone and he likes camping. my response: i hate basketball, i have a droid, camping is disgusting and i hate bugs. still HE CONTINUES talking!! so, thank you conference calls for giving me the ability to hold a halfway conversation and message someone. i gchat friend kim and she says "i'm calling you, beep over!!" so she does (thank you!!!!!!) and i say it's my mom i have to go! and he says "oh, ok, i get it" and then i feel a twinge of guilt and say "i'll talk to you later!" and he says "yea, i get it. bye". woops.
you would think this means he won't call. but, remember my track record??
even worse? he called during dancing with the stars. can it get worse?!?? YES! he called during kate's performance!! thank god for DVR pause. and sorry for being sans grammar check, spelling check and capital letters.
I had such a busy week last week!.... Two visitors!!!
My dad came on Wednesday and we enjoyed two local establishments... a pub for a beer and then an Italian restaurant for some great spaghetti. We also did a walk through of my apartment and I gave him a heads up on all the projects he'll have to complete on his next trip (mostly storage contraptions and installing a fan).
I took off Friday since bff A was coming in from Chicago, so of course Thursday was crazy busy. I can't really complain though, I've been asking for it and the day flew! I actually had a few substantial things to work on! Work, work, blah, blah, moving on...
A got in late on Thursday which means I had to drive to the airport in the dark. I don't have poor vision or anything, but it is hard to recognize a new route in the dark in Texas so... that was an ordeal. I expected that though, and was there early anyway. Getting out of the airport was just as troublesome as getting in. It's a toll road to go in and so many terminals and parking and u-turn exits and the north entry and south entry and I pretty much had no idea where I was going and Droid (god love it) was only halfway helpful when lost on a service road. Ugh!! We successfully made it out of there, but it again took longer than it should have. We went to a local bar and had a beverage and great catching up, girl chat, gossip central. It was lovely and much needed!
Even though we took Friday off, we were both up around 9- super lame! Did some exploring and shopping and then enjoyed (you guessed it) Mexican for a late lunch. I had a dilla which is pretty standard, oh and the mambo taxi was pretty fabulous. As usual, there was a bird situation and they were flying VERY close and trying to eat our tortilla chips! I hate birds. Back to the apartment to enjoy the remainder of the afternoon poolside with beeritas (beer, tequilla and limeade mix that is heavenly). Sun and beeritas made a little snooze necessary and then getting ready party to explore Plano on a Friday night.
The song choice of the weekend was, my favorite, Train: Soul Sister. We now know all the words and it's so romantic! But, because we wanted to get wild we put on some wild dance party jams and shared Zumba moves and a cas beer.
A was wild, as expected. Which I didn't mind too much until we walk into the bar and she storms up to the bartender and yells "WOULD YOU MARRY MEGAN?". I'm left just staring at her, open mouthed, thinking "REALLY ASHLEY!? Thissss is how we are starting the night!?" Bartender is married, but wants me to know I'm a very pretty girl and who told me I wasn't pretty?! Embarrassing. So now everyone within 15 feet of Ash thinks I have a self-esteem issue that I'm trying to correct at the bar. Great.
So, bartender serves us quickly (obviously, I'm nursing a broken heart or something intense) and we have a seat at the bar. The guy sitting next to A comments on her blue nail polish to which she responds "DO YOU LIKE IT!?" and the story of why she painted it blue and other things people have said to her about the blue nail polish follow. Graceful is never a word I would use to describe A, bless her heart, and her hands were flying all over the place during story time. This engages man's weird friend who somehow knows A is a democrat. This gets too many people involved in a political discussion (which really was only: GET THIS DEMOCRAT AWAY FROM ME) past 11PM which just shouldn't happen. So next thing I know I'm forced sitting next to talking chatty weird man that is a republican.
Presentation Megan comes out at this point and I'm forcing interest and smiling and thinking "why the hell isn't A over here saving me" and that's when republican starts telling me about his awful childhood, his adopted parents, his time with the military, his friend that committed suicide and his stint in a mental health facility. I mean, seriously? Is this what you share with someone you JUST met at a BAR who isn't talking back to you???? God. I mean... God! I don't have words for this doofus.
I'm finally saved by A and we move onto the next bar. The walk over I tell her not to talk to randoms and then LEAVE ME. We get to the next bar, A (ever so graceful) goes up to the first guy she sees and says "DO YOU KNOW MEGAN" and then, again, walks away. Now, this man was very tall and handsome so at least she picked a good one, but seriously, she's inbelievable. So, chat chat chat and A disappears (go figure). Last call and she has still not returned. I call and text her, no response. I look around outside, no luck. So back to the apartment, and THEN I get the call. Crying. Hysterics. "MEGAN! YOU LEFT ME!!" I know this is not true, and that SHE left ME but I can sense that she is really not a happy camper right now. She tells me she is at the hotel and HELP ME!!!!! She tries to take a cab to my apartment, but it is literally two blocks away and I say "I'm coming, just SIT STILL".
What does she do? She continues calling me, crying. So what do I do? I run to her. I'm not the running type. I was RUNNING because she was crying like she was being ABUSED! I BURST through the hotel doors and there she is, sobbing at the front desk "meeeeeegggannn why did you leeeeeeeavvee me??? boohooboohoo" Wah wah blah blah. I didn't leave her! I take her home, make her a mini egg roll and put the terror to bed.
Saturday morning rolls around and Miss A is death. (Go figure.) We don't get up and moving until... 2? 3? We head into Dallas to hang out with A's aunt. (This is going to get tricky... we'll call Aunt: AA). AA is so fabulous!! We do some walking around and find the dirtiest (so gross) rooftop deck and enjoy some beverages and just chat and chat and laugh and laugh for hours! AA and A are wild together... birds of a feather. See, I spilled one of my beers when a fly went in it and I freaked out (obviously). Now we are slap happy and a few beers in and the waiter brings another beer "on him". This "on him" sets AA and A into a fit of plotting and they decide that I MUST befriend the waiter. (No thank you) His name is LJ, and I'm not abbreviating it. Larry. Jack. Those are the two oddest names to push together ever, right?? Why wouldn't you just keep Larry? Or why would someone combine Larry and Jack to be LJ as a first name? Weird. The rest of the night is more chatting and hanging out in the hotel and a very casual night. AA was a total gem.
Sunday rolls around and we have a parting meal... you guessed it, Mexican. God. Mexican. I can't take it. (But, it was good, and really spicy). It was a pretty established restaurant with lots of seating.. but it served Diet Coke in a can with a glass. At first sight, I thought, wow this is a really fancy way to drink a DC in the restaurant. But then when the cup was giant and the can didn't fill it, and I was pretty sure they would charge me by the can... well, it was immediately less fabulous.
We head back to Plano to get Ashley's suitcase and then make a trip to the western store so I can get some super sweet boots. Which I did. They are amazing. And this so nice woman gave me 30% off- which is a pretty significant % off and I LOVE a deal. We're down to 15 minutes before we have to leave and we decide to get ice cream. A checks her wallet and her debit card is missing. Now we have to back track back to the other restaurant and then back to the airport. Oh, and then there is the Droid directions, and the Garmin directions, and what way I think I should go and the way A thinks we were supposed to go... and, well, we were cutting it close. I dropped off the terror and shipped her back and I can't wait to do it again, but in Chicago!
I just need to recover.
My dad came on Wednesday and we enjoyed two local establishments... a pub for a beer and then an Italian restaurant for some great spaghetti. We also did a walk through of my apartment and I gave him a heads up on all the projects he'll have to complete on his next trip (mostly storage contraptions and installing a fan).
I took off Friday since bff A was coming in from Chicago, so of course Thursday was crazy busy. I can't really complain though, I've been asking for it and the day flew! I actually had a few substantial things to work on! Work, work, blah, blah, moving on...
A got in late on Thursday which means I had to drive to the airport in the dark. I don't have poor vision or anything, but it is hard to recognize a new route in the dark in Texas so... that was an ordeal. I expected that though, and was there early anyway. Getting out of the airport was just as troublesome as getting in. It's a toll road to go in and so many terminals and parking and u-turn exits and the north entry and south entry and I pretty much had no idea where I was going and Droid (god love it) was only halfway helpful when lost on a service road. Ugh!! We successfully made it out of there, but it again took longer than it should have. We went to a local bar and had a beverage and great catching up, girl chat, gossip central. It was lovely and much needed!
Even though we took Friday off, we were both up around 9- super lame! Did some exploring and shopping and then enjoyed (you guessed it) Mexican for a late lunch. I had a dilla which is pretty standard, oh and the mambo taxi was pretty fabulous. As usual, there was a bird situation and they were flying VERY close and trying to eat our tortilla chips! I hate birds. Back to the apartment to enjoy the remainder of the afternoon poolside with beeritas (beer, tequilla and limeade mix that is heavenly). Sun and beeritas made a little snooze necessary and then getting ready party to explore Plano on a Friday night.
The song choice of the weekend was, my favorite, Train: Soul Sister. We now know all the words and it's so romantic! But, because we wanted to get wild we put on some wild dance party jams and shared Zumba moves and a cas beer.
A was wild, as expected. Which I didn't mind too much until we walk into the bar and she storms up to the bartender and yells "WOULD YOU MARRY MEGAN?". I'm left just staring at her, open mouthed, thinking "REALLY ASHLEY!? Thissss is how we are starting the night!?" Bartender is married, but wants me to know I'm a very pretty girl and who told me I wasn't pretty?! Embarrassing. So now everyone within 15 feet of Ash thinks I have a self-esteem issue that I'm trying to correct at the bar. Great.
So, bartender serves us quickly (obviously, I'm nursing a broken heart or something intense) and we have a seat at the bar. The guy sitting next to A comments on her blue nail polish to which she responds "DO YOU LIKE IT!?" and the story of why she painted it blue and other things people have said to her about the blue nail polish follow. Graceful is never a word I would use to describe A, bless her heart, and her hands were flying all over the place during story time. This engages man's weird friend who somehow knows A is a democrat. This gets too many people involved in a political discussion (which really was only: GET THIS DEMOCRAT AWAY FROM ME) past 11PM which just shouldn't happen. So next thing I know I'm forced sitting next to talking chatty weird man that is a republican.
Presentation Megan comes out at this point and I'm forcing interest and smiling and thinking "why the hell isn't A over here saving me" and that's when republican starts telling me about his awful childhood, his adopted parents, his time with the military, his friend that committed suicide and his stint in a mental health facility. I mean, seriously? Is this what you share with someone you JUST met at a BAR who isn't talking back to you???? God. I mean... God! I don't have words for this doofus.
I'm finally saved by A and we move onto the next bar. The walk over I tell her not to talk to randoms and then LEAVE ME. We get to the next bar, A (ever so graceful) goes up to the first guy she sees and says "DO YOU KNOW MEGAN" and then, again, walks away. Now, this man was very tall and handsome so at least she picked a good one, but seriously, she's inbelievable. So, chat chat chat and A disappears (go figure). Last call and she has still not returned. I call and text her, no response. I look around outside, no luck. So back to the apartment, and THEN I get the call. Crying. Hysterics. "MEGAN! YOU LEFT ME!!" I know this is not true, and that SHE left ME but I can sense that she is really not a happy camper right now. She tells me she is at the hotel and HELP ME!!!!! She tries to take a cab to my apartment, but it is literally two blocks away and I say "I'm coming, just SIT STILL".
What does she do? She continues calling me, crying. So what do I do? I run to her. I'm not the running type. I was RUNNING because she was crying like she was being ABUSED! I BURST through the hotel doors and there she is, sobbing at the front desk "meeeeeegggannn why did you leeeeeeeavvee me??? boohooboohoo" Wah wah blah blah. I didn't leave her! I take her home, make her a mini egg roll and put the terror to bed.
Saturday morning rolls around and Miss A is death. (Go figure.) We don't get up and moving until... 2? 3? We head into Dallas to hang out with A's aunt. (This is going to get tricky... we'll call Aunt: AA). AA is so fabulous!! We do some walking around and find the dirtiest (so gross) rooftop deck and enjoy some beverages and just chat and chat and laugh and laugh for hours! AA and A are wild together... birds of a feather. See, I spilled one of my beers when a fly went in it and I freaked out (obviously). Now we are slap happy and a few beers in and the waiter brings another beer "on him". This "on him" sets AA and A into a fit of plotting and they decide that I MUST befriend the waiter. (No thank you) His name is LJ, and I'm not abbreviating it. Larry. Jack. Those are the two oddest names to push together ever, right?? Why wouldn't you just keep Larry? Or why would someone combine Larry and Jack to be LJ as a first name? Weird. The rest of the night is more chatting and hanging out in the hotel and a very casual night. AA was a total gem.
Sunday rolls around and we have a parting meal... you guessed it, Mexican. God. Mexican. I can't take it. (But, it was good, and really spicy). It was a pretty established restaurant with lots of seating.. but it served Diet Coke in a can with a glass. At first sight, I thought, wow this is a really fancy way to drink a DC in the restaurant. But then when the cup was giant and the can didn't fill it, and I was pretty sure they would charge me by the can... well, it was immediately less fabulous.
We head back to Plano to get Ashley's suitcase and then make a trip to the western store so I can get some super sweet boots. Which I did. They are amazing. And this so nice woman gave me 30% off- which is a pretty significant % off and I LOVE a deal. We're down to 15 minutes before we have to leave and we decide to get ice cream. A checks her wallet and her debit card is missing. Now we have to back track back to the other restaurant and then back to the airport. Oh, and then there is the Droid directions, and the Garmin directions, and what way I think I should go and the way A thinks we were supposed to go... and, well, we were cutting it close. I dropped off the terror and shipped her back and I can't wait to do it again, but in Chicago!
I just need to recover.
A few weeks ago, my friend J called me and said he was going to Austin and did I want to come? OF COURSE! I just got back and can't wait to blog all about it... but first I'm going to blog about two insignificant things that happened before Austin.
I met a neighbor in the elevator - there is never anyone in the elevator with me... but last week, there was. Of course, he was brown, and of course he lives on my floor. He made some awkward small talk and then invited me to his restaurant opening!!! I was very friendly and smiley and said that would be great, thanks! But, I probably won't go. On the fun scale, this guy didn't look like he had too many points and I hate Indian cuisine. I had to go to an Indian cuisine buffet in Chattanooga with two local browns and other work humans. It was terrible. There are so many too bright colors and so many weird smells. I only enjoyed a little bit of rice (but I was even afraid of that) and lots of water. I would drop 20 lbs if I was on an Indian cuisine diet.
Insignificant thing number two was that I did laundry last week. I haven't done laundry since Chattanooga and I was close to running out of clothes. I mean, I still had some variety left (I guess I have a lot of clothes) but I was missing some of my standard go-tos (i.e. new fave jeans) and... well, it was just time. I ended up doing 8 loads of laundry and I still have some sheets and towels to do! But, that isn't the point of this... it was my first trip to the laundry room. It was terrible. 2 old machines and weird settings. Also, no timer so I had to keep checking on my laundry. I got tired of checking so I took my book (not Twilight, I've already finished all of them) down there with me and sat on the washer waiting for it to finish. Well, this girl came in 3 different times wanting to do laundry. She got angrier with me each time she came in and saw me staking out the machines. Even though I wasn't so much staking them out as I was just waiting for them to be done. If she would have spoken to me and said "are you almost done?" I would have said "yes" but because she opened the door, looked at me, breathed heavy and left, I felt no need to tell her I'd be happy to share. And, anyway, she was probably in a bad mood because she fell asleep with her glasses on in the sun and she had weird raccoon eyes and a red face.
On to Austin. Have you ever met someone with something bad to say about Austin? I don't think that person exists. I'm smitten over the city! The glorious weather and fabulous company helped a bit, but really, the city is great. I went with my friend J from NOLA and he came with his friends K and J2. (It was so great to be hanging out with the boys- my favorite thing ever to do.) Friday I met them for outside happy hour beverages and then a went back to the hotel. We had a great view and SLEEP NUMBER BEDS!!!! The SNB's were a pretty big deal, until we couldn't figure out how to work them and had to sleep on a rock! We couldn't get it off of 80! My sleep number is not 80.
Anyway, Friday night we went to this great establishment via a taxi driven by Santa Clause. Santa was explaining to us that all Mexican food is the same because it has lettuce. Yes, it was that weird of a conversation. The restaurant was crowded and the party was in the parking lot. You get pitchers of margs and then take them out to the parking lot and just enjoyed the conversation while you waited for your table. A big part of our conversation was about this so weird cat that I guess lives at the restaurant. People were touching it! A weird, stray, beady eyed, Mexican cat. And they pet it. Inbelievable! Another round of margs and dinner was great. We then went to the "fratty" bars. The street was blocked off and everyone is just roaming and enjoying the scenery. So many rooftop decks! The bar we landed at had a so wild dance party with super sweet moves and beer cans and a terrible DJ. I mean, he was awful. On the rare occasion he was playing a song that you liked, it only lasted 45 seconds and then he had on another terrible song. Idiot. We still managed to dance and have a great time.
Saturday we woke up and the weather just got better. I did my best to be as low maintenance as possible since I was the only girl. I don't know how the boys think I did, but I think I did pretty well. We went to Patagonia (apparently a store very much liked by the boys but I've never heard of it) so J2 and K could by swimming trunks for the natural spring pool party we were going to and so J could by flippy floppies. We had lunch in a trailer park. People did not live there, but they served food out of them. Breakfast tacos. Barf. If I have to look at Mexican food again, I'll die. That's all they eat down there. And seriously- breakfast tacos? Yuk. BREAKFAST. TACOS!? Is that necessary? No.
Things that are not yuk? Barton Springs. It's a natural spring that the park people turned into a pool. It's huge! So you can really understand, you can view more photos on the website: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/parks/bartonsprings.htm. Even better, this amazing pool was voted number one teen hangout by local readers. We walked the entire perimeter of the pool and I got a great lesson from J2 on lifeguarding policies. And we also used up all of our SPF 30 to keep us safe from the sun. After some time chatting me and J2 decided to give the springs a try. We heard that the water was only 68 degrees, which I know is cold, but I don't think I understood HOW COLD 68 degrees is. Well, it's really cold. And since it's a natural pool, the bottom is rocks and algae and weird growing plants and did I mention, COLD? The most amazing part of the spring was getting out, not because you returned to a normal body temperature (which you did) but because the water was so fabulous to your skin!! We were all so soft after our dip in the water. It's the fountain of youth. We've found it. And that is probably why so many people are so fit in Austin and love running around without their shirts on. Despite our SPF application, everyone was pink when we left the number one teen hang out. Oh, and there was a man there wearing boxer briefs as a swimsuit.
Then it was on to dinner at this fabulous resort-type place (photos are on the FB) that has all these decks with tables everywhere and a live band and everyone watches the sunset over the lake. There was a 20 minute line to put your name on the list. And then 90 minutes for a table! We decided on drinks at the bar and watching the sunset (yes, it is as romantic as it sounds.) The view was so beautiful. And I'm not one for romantic, breathtaking views, but, honestly, it was gorgeous. Most exciting (besides photo ops) was when the sun actually sets, the entire restaurant breaks out into applause! I don't know how they all knew to do it, but they did.
We drove back into the city to get dinner somewhere else... NOT Mexican!! I don't think I've ever been happier to see a chicken caesar salad before! And, as far as chicken goes, mine was cooked fabulous. And the frozen marg, yum. I guess I can't complain about Mexican food so much if I love the Mexican drinks? Whatever, I'm going to.
Next stop was what I think they called the more "young professional" side of Austin... as opposed to the "fratty" night we had on Friday. Again, gorgeous weather and a great rooftop bar. While we are at the rooftop bar me and J have a PSU sighting! When we spy him, we do some giggling and some "we know him! we know him!", "what do we say! what do we say!" and decide that the best next course of action is to rush up to him and go "YOU WENT TO PENN STATE!" to which he responds "Yea?". Hahaha, anyway, chat chat chat he now lives in Austin but is originally from Dallas (this explains his nickname at PSU: "Tex") and he says I should meet his brother who lives in Dallas and is a year older than I am. (Um, husband alert!) It gets better! brother is in Austin and coming to the bar right now and I have to meet him! At this point i'm thinking, fabbbuuullousss!!! Brother gets there, just as tall as Tex (which is super tall), but more... hmm, what's the word.. stiff. Tex is so handsome and I think he is so so handsome because he is so smiley and friendly. Brother I just met was, um, I don't know, either not following my words (which is possible) or is just difficult to talk to. I don't know. Still, I need to make more friends in Dallas so I texted Tex (haha sounds funny) and "great to see you" blah blah "if your brother needs a new friend in Dallas, let me know" etc etc "let me know next time you're in Austin" blah blah, xoxodroid. I forget brothers name, but it doesn't start with a B (unless I continue to call him 'brother'), so according to the psychic he is not my husband. But maybe he knows my husband. Hmm..
That's a lot of words for what was really only 10 minutes of time at the bar. I rejoined my group and started into a great conversation with K (he's just so charming!). And this is when my crush on him was cemented. What I need to do now is find myself a K in Dallas and keep him for myself. Now, I'm thinking that K doesn't read my blog, but J does. And he may share this (Which, I guess that means now he might be reading this? - Hiiii K!) but, whatever. K is super cute and I had a fabulous crush on him all weekend, and since it's still the weekend....well... I love having crushes!
We had a great rest of the evening and went to another bar (and another rooftop deck!) and then back to the hotel for a rager. At this point in time we now know how to work the SNB's (hold in the buttons) but 30 is not my sleep number either. These SNB's are crap. Don't get one. And don't stay in a hotel that has them. It's a terrible sleep situation. Also a terrible situation? When I thought we were being robbed at 3AM, but really it was just J2 going to the bathroom. I was half asleep but trying to plot what I would do with this robber in the room, but then I realized that he belonged to us. And I went back to bed.
We woke up and watched the Food Network and got ready to checkout and go to the TGIFriday's Easter buffet in the hotel (Yes, TGIFriday's. Easter. Buffet.), but, apparently everyone goes to the TGIF's and since we didn't have a reservation that was a no go. Next best thing? You guessed it, Mexican. And more breakfast tacos. The filling of this taco was a basic egg, cheese, potato, bacon situation and I didn't eat it with the tortilla so that made me hate it less. But still, I'm over Mexican. We had great conversation and story telling, oh, and bird sightings. One flew into the back of my head. If you know me, which you probably do since you are reading this, you can imagine the squealing I did upon impact. I didn't see it (because I was mostly concerned about avian flu on my hair), but I guess I might have made a scene and caused people to stare. BUT! You would have done the same thing if the bird flew into you!
Andddd, you know how I have the dead bird issue, right? Well, of course one was spotted. On Saturday we saw a lot of crows and J2 shared with us "One crow for news, two for mirth, three crows a wedding, four a birth.." - so we were looking for crows in doubles and getting really excited for mirth! Now you're thinking, that sounds like alive birds? They were. Until this morning. Driving to brunch there were two crows on the side of the row, except one was dead and the other one was either trying to move it out of traffic or pick out it's eyes. Seriously, why do I see dead birds everywhere?? I'm sure I'll see more this week. Go figure!
Drive back was much easier than the drive there. Not so much stop and go, and clear skies. I also had my most favorite cd of them all with me: Train, Save Me San Francisco. I listened to it on repeat the entire drive. I love it. You should go DL it on the iTunes. Immede.
I wonder what J will think of this recap, and if it is appropriate. If he tells me I left something amazing out, well, I'll update later. Also, you may be wondering about the title. I don't think the story translates well via blog, so you'll just have to ask J for the story. But really, you should ask J2 since it is his story. A Spanish speaking housekeeper is involved. And a dead bird! (GO FIGURE!)
I met a neighbor in the elevator - there is never anyone in the elevator with me... but last week, there was. Of course, he was brown, and of course he lives on my floor. He made some awkward small talk and then invited me to his restaurant opening!!! I was very friendly and smiley and said that would be great, thanks! But, I probably won't go. On the fun scale, this guy didn't look like he had too many points and I hate Indian cuisine. I had to go to an Indian cuisine buffet in Chattanooga with two local browns and other work humans. It was terrible. There are so many too bright colors and so many weird smells. I only enjoyed a little bit of rice (but I was even afraid of that) and lots of water. I would drop 20 lbs if I was on an Indian cuisine diet.
Insignificant thing number two was that I did laundry last week. I haven't done laundry since Chattanooga and I was close to running out of clothes. I mean, I still had some variety left (I guess I have a lot of clothes) but I was missing some of my standard go-tos (i.e. new fave jeans) and... well, it was just time. I ended up doing 8 loads of laundry and I still have some sheets and towels to do! But, that isn't the point of this... it was my first trip to the laundry room. It was terrible. 2 old machines and weird settings. Also, no timer so I had to keep checking on my laundry. I got tired of checking so I took my book (not Twilight, I've already finished all of them) down there with me and sat on the washer waiting for it to finish. Well, this girl came in 3 different times wanting to do laundry. She got angrier with me each time she came in and saw me staking out the machines. Even though I wasn't so much staking them out as I was just waiting for them to be done. If she would have spoken to me and said "are you almost done?" I would have said "yes" but because she opened the door, looked at me, breathed heavy and left, I felt no need to tell her I'd be happy to share. And, anyway, she was probably in a bad mood because she fell asleep with her glasses on in the sun and she had weird raccoon eyes and a red face.
On to Austin. Have you ever met someone with something bad to say about Austin? I don't think that person exists. I'm smitten over the city! The glorious weather and fabulous company helped a bit, but really, the city is great. I went with my friend J from NOLA and he came with his friends K and J2. (It was so great to be hanging out with the boys- my favorite thing ever to do.) Friday I met them for outside happy hour beverages and then a went back to the hotel. We had a great view and SLEEP NUMBER BEDS!!!! The SNB's were a pretty big deal, until we couldn't figure out how to work them and had to sleep on a rock! We couldn't get it off of 80! My sleep number is not 80.
Anyway, Friday night we went to this great establishment via a taxi driven by Santa Clause. Santa was explaining to us that all Mexican food is the same because it has lettuce. Yes, it was that weird of a conversation. The restaurant was crowded and the party was in the parking lot. You get pitchers of margs and then take them out to the parking lot and just enjoyed the conversation while you waited for your table. A big part of our conversation was about this so weird cat that I guess lives at the restaurant. People were touching it! A weird, stray, beady eyed, Mexican cat. And they pet it. Inbelievable! Another round of margs and dinner was great. We then went to the "fratty" bars. The street was blocked off and everyone is just roaming and enjoying the scenery. So many rooftop decks! The bar we landed at had a so wild dance party with super sweet moves and beer cans and a terrible DJ. I mean, he was awful. On the rare occasion he was playing a song that you liked, it only lasted 45 seconds and then he had on another terrible song. Idiot. We still managed to dance and have a great time.
Saturday we woke up and the weather just got better. I did my best to be as low maintenance as possible since I was the only girl. I don't know how the boys think I did, but I think I did pretty well. We went to Patagonia (apparently a store very much liked by the boys but I've never heard of it) so J2 and K could by swimming trunks for the natural spring pool party we were going to and so J could by flippy floppies. We had lunch in a trailer park. People did not live there, but they served food out of them. Breakfast tacos. Barf. If I have to look at Mexican food again, I'll die. That's all they eat down there. And seriously- breakfast tacos? Yuk. BREAKFAST. TACOS!? Is that necessary? No.
Things that are not yuk? Barton Springs. It's a natural spring that the park people turned into a pool. It's huge! So you can really understand, you can view more photos on the website: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/parks/bartonsprings.htm. Even better, this amazing pool was voted number one teen hangout by local readers. We walked the entire perimeter of the pool and I got a great lesson from J2 on lifeguarding policies. And we also used up all of our SPF 30 to keep us safe from the sun. After some time chatting me and J2 decided to give the springs a try. We heard that the water was only 68 degrees, which I know is cold, but I don't think I understood HOW COLD 68 degrees is. Well, it's really cold. And since it's a natural pool, the bottom is rocks and algae and weird growing plants and did I mention, COLD? The most amazing part of the spring was getting out, not because you returned to a normal body temperature (which you did) but because the water was so fabulous to your skin!! We were all so soft after our dip in the water. It's the fountain of youth. We've found it. And that is probably why so many people are so fit in Austin and love running around without their shirts on. Despite our SPF application, everyone was pink when we left the number one teen hang out. Oh, and there was a man there wearing boxer briefs as a swimsuit.
Then it was on to dinner at this fabulous resort-type place (photos are on the FB) that has all these decks with tables everywhere and a live band and everyone watches the sunset over the lake. There was a 20 minute line to put your name on the list. And then 90 minutes for a table! We decided on drinks at the bar and watching the sunset (yes, it is as romantic as it sounds.) The view was so beautiful. And I'm not one for romantic, breathtaking views, but, honestly, it was gorgeous. Most exciting (besides photo ops) was when the sun actually sets, the entire restaurant breaks out into applause! I don't know how they all knew to do it, but they did.
We drove back into the city to get dinner somewhere else... NOT Mexican!! I don't think I've ever been happier to see a chicken caesar salad before! And, as far as chicken goes, mine was cooked fabulous. And the frozen marg, yum. I guess I can't complain about Mexican food so much if I love the Mexican drinks? Whatever, I'm going to.
Next stop was what I think they called the more "young professional" side of Austin... as opposed to the "fratty" night we had on Friday. Again, gorgeous weather and a great rooftop bar. While we are at the rooftop bar me and J have a PSU sighting! When we spy him, we do some giggling and some "we know him! we know him!", "what do we say! what do we say!" and decide that the best next course of action is to rush up to him and go "YOU WENT TO PENN STATE!" to which he responds "Yea?". Hahaha, anyway, chat chat chat he now lives in Austin but is originally from Dallas (this explains his nickname at PSU: "Tex") and he says I should meet his brother who lives in Dallas and is a year older than I am. (Um, husband alert!) It gets better! brother is in Austin and coming to the bar right now and I have to meet him! At this point i'm thinking, fabbbuuullousss!!! Brother gets there, just as tall as Tex (which is super tall), but more... hmm, what's the word.. stiff. Tex is so handsome and I think he is so so handsome because he is so smiley and friendly. Brother I just met was, um, I don't know, either not following my words (which is possible) or is just difficult to talk to. I don't know. Still, I need to make more friends in Dallas so I texted Tex (haha sounds funny) and "great to see you" blah blah "if your brother needs a new friend in Dallas, let me know" etc etc "let me know next time you're in Austin" blah blah, xoxodroid. I forget brothers name, but it doesn't start with a B (unless I continue to call him 'brother'), so according to the psychic he is not my husband. But maybe he knows my husband. Hmm..
That's a lot of words for what was really only 10 minutes of time at the bar. I rejoined my group and started into a great conversation with K (he's just so charming!). And this is when my crush on him was cemented. What I need to do now is find myself a K in Dallas and keep him for myself. Now, I'm thinking that K doesn't read my blog, but J does. And he may share this (Which, I guess that means now he might be reading this? - Hiiii K!) but, whatever. K is super cute and I had a fabulous crush on him all weekend, and since it's still the weekend....well... I love having crushes!
We had a great rest of the evening and went to another bar (and another rooftop deck!) and then back to the hotel for a rager. At this point in time we now know how to work the SNB's (hold in the buttons) but 30 is not my sleep number either. These SNB's are crap. Don't get one. And don't stay in a hotel that has them. It's a terrible sleep situation. Also a terrible situation? When I thought we were being robbed at 3AM, but really it was just J2 going to the bathroom. I was half asleep but trying to plot what I would do with this robber in the room, but then I realized that he belonged to us. And I went back to bed.
We woke up and watched the Food Network and got ready to checkout and go to the TGIFriday's Easter buffet in the hotel (Yes, TGIFriday's. Easter. Buffet.), but, apparently everyone goes to the TGIF's and since we didn't have a reservation that was a no go. Next best thing? You guessed it, Mexican. And more breakfast tacos. The filling of this taco was a basic egg, cheese, potato, bacon situation and I didn't eat it with the tortilla so that made me hate it less. But still, I'm over Mexican. We had great conversation and story telling, oh, and bird sightings. One flew into the back of my head. If you know me, which you probably do since you are reading this, you can imagine the squealing I did upon impact. I didn't see it (because I was mostly concerned about avian flu on my hair), but I guess I might have made a scene and caused people to stare. BUT! You would have done the same thing if the bird flew into you!
Andddd, you know how I have the dead bird issue, right? Well, of course one was spotted. On Saturday we saw a lot of crows and J2 shared with us "One crow for news, two for mirth, three crows a wedding, four a birth.." - so we were looking for crows in doubles and getting really excited for mirth! Now you're thinking, that sounds like alive birds? They were. Until this morning. Driving to brunch there were two crows on the side of the row, except one was dead and the other one was either trying to move it out of traffic or pick out it's eyes. Seriously, why do I see dead birds everywhere?? I'm sure I'll see more this week. Go figure!
Drive back was much easier than the drive there. Not so much stop and go, and clear skies. I also had my most favorite cd of them all with me: Train, Save Me San Francisco. I listened to it on repeat the entire drive. I love it. You should go DL it on the iTunes. Immede.
I wonder what J will think of this recap, and if it is appropriate. If he tells me I left something amazing out, well, I'll update later. Also, you may be wondering about the title. I don't think the story translates well via blog, so you'll just have to ask J for the story. But really, you should ask J2 since it is his story. A Spanish speaking housekeeper is involved. And a dead bird! (GO FIGURE!)
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