
Back in action!

I have SO MUCH to blog about!!!

For starters, I got a NEW job!!! A promotion, per se. And, I'm only saying "per se" there to sound coy, even though that is not really a coy sentence and I'm not really a coy person. But anyway, new job starts 10/10 and I have to do some job share with my existing job so I will have a very busy 4th quarter. But, I cannot say how TICKLED (yes, I'm using the word tickled) I am to start this new job! I'm doing big things, humes (abbreve for humans). BIG! Speaking of big....

When I went to visit the office where my new manager is, I parked next to a big-ass-Texas truck with an AWESOME monster on the side. Scary.

But, the BIG things won't start until the 10th. And this week all of the supervisors and directors and people that create work for me are out of the office, so I've stumbled into some free time, which I am using to be productive and get some things off the back burner. The most important item is deleting emails. My favorite thing to do is to delete my deleted items and yesterday I purged 1,500 emails! Do you know what a relief that is? If you haven't permanently deleted an email lately- DO IT! It's AMAZING! My inbox is at 71. My inbox has not been at 71 for AGES! I'm so happy about that. Today I deleted my "sent" emails. There were 3,000 emails in there. 3,000!!!! WHO NEEDS TO SAVE THOSE EMAILS? Consider them purged. I feel so LIGHT!

Sans stach, thank you very much.
What else is going on? I got my eyebrows waxed today. I know, who cares? Well, let me tell you why I care. I go to these Asian salons (xoxo Asia) and these women in their broken English ask me what I want and I point to my eyebrows and I saw "Wax. Clean up.". If they say anything else I don't really understand I just look at them and smile. Well, today they said "Lip too?" BITCH! NO I DON'T WANT MY LIP WAXED BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A MUSTACHE! That is, I feel, the most offensive thing someone can ask in a salon. I don't know if she is IMPLYING I have a mustache, but I do not. And to prove it, there's a picture of my upper lip that is not flattering of my nose (but I am confident with the size of my nose, so I'm posting that picture anyway.)

Disclaimer: If you think I need to wax my upper lip, TELL ME. Don't let me walk around with a stache! But those salons are just trying to STEAL MY MONEY. No tip for them.

The other thing I wanted to tell you about was me. (Duh). Last week, or something, friend Natalie (TNCLFM) sent an email talking about a great hair day and the fact that a stranger on the street complimented her. She ended this email with "I felt like Megan". This made me think: Doesn't everyone get compliments from strangers on their gorgeous manes? Apparently not. For all of my readers (following and not), you know how great my hair is. I've only received one comment that made me cry, but now that Jarrod thinks that it was his insult and uses it all the time... I'm immune to it. And, the number of compliments I receive from strangers far outweighs the recurring insult Jarrod likes to toss my way, on a regular basis, for no reason.

So, my count for hair comments is 1 mean, thousands of nice and 2 weird comments. Let me tell you about the two weird comments. The first one was an Asian (if I was guessing, I'd say he was Chinese) man in NYC that sniffed my hair at the bar and was caught doing it (creep). And then last weekend at the bar this man in cargo shorts (gross!) pet my hair. Pet it. Like I was a dog. Twice. PET MY HEAD AND TOUCHED MY HAIR! That was really weird. But, I think both "weirds" count toward the thousand of nice compliments (if you subtract the creepy).

What I'm saying to you is, I've been really busy lately emailing and preparing for my new job and combing my hair. BUT! It doesn't stop there! I made these strawberry champagne cupcakes with a new whipped frosting last weekend. I made them for someone's birthday at work, but I REALLY made them for all the compliments. I love watching people enjoy my delectable desserts and giving me so many compliments on how great my tasty treats are. Don't they look beautiful!!?? You want one.


double rice

Friend Leigh just started blogging and you should check it out here: ellefoster.blogspot.com

You shouldn't follow it, unless you are already following my blog. If she gets more than 50 followers I plan on removing this post to prevent her from getting more followers than me.

Anyway, Leigh is blogging under the guide of less than 250 words a day and she has pretty much stuck with that... except weekends and last Friday. Today's blog was about Spanish or Mexican food (I'm truly unsure of the difference) and I thought this was very timely for MY life. See - I love Mexican rice. I hate the beans so I always get double rice when I'm out to eat and I love every bite of it. Last night I was thinking of the taste of Mexican rice in my mouth so much so that I, out loud, wished for a Spanish/Mexican friend who would make me their abuela's special recipe for rice!

Then I thought about all my Asian friends and how useless they are for fried rice and completely dismissed that thought about the Spanish/Mexican.

Although Leigh has a culinary background, she is also useless when it comes to fried rice because she buys long grain rice and... WHO has the patience to wait for that to cook?


Coffee date

I went on a date last night.

Tequila Megan set up this date and I pretty much knew nothing about him except he called, ON THE PHONE, to ask me to meet him. Not a lot of guys call on the phone so I thought he might actually be a nice guy. I paid no mind to the fact that I had absolutely no idea what he looked like or what he did or ANYTHING.

Things only got worse from there.

He asked me to get COFFEE. Lame. Yellow flag. I mean, don't all young, working professional  NEED a glass of wine or beer sometimes??! But I agreed. Then he asked me to meet him in Highland Park Village. Red flag. This is where a lot of STUDENTS live. I know immediately in my gut he does not have a job and has to be younger than me: BARF.

I get to the Starbucks and immediately have a bad feeling about everything. He shows himself and taps me on the shoulder. I should have said "Sorry, I don't know you" right there. Right then. But I didn't. I saw the funny story potential and said "Oh Hey!". (Presentation Megan).

This boy (22) was wearing (I swear to GOD): dirty Adidas sneakers and high white sweat socks (mid calf). I could see his socks because he was wearing my most hated article of male clothing: the khaki cargo short. Pause.


Play. He was also wearing a faded from age and not from style red tshirt to top off his number one ensemble for this Thursday evening.

The conversation was so awkward, but the highlights are:

1) He's living at home with his parents
2) He has a degree in neuroscience
3) He was an EMT but does not want to be a doctor
4) He is training for the Navy Seals
4A) He can hold his breath for 30 meters underwater
5) He works at Eatzi's and makes $9/hour
6) He wanted to know if I smoke pot and drink a lot

and, the exchanged that ended the date after 25 minutes:

me: So besides training for the Navy Seals and working at Eatzis, what else do you like to do?
him: I like going out and picking up chicks like you.
me: Well, I've got to go. Have a good night!



Wow! So my last post was over a month ago. I know, I'm terrible.

This blog is dedicated to friend Jonathan (Follower 49): Jonathan thank you for gchating me these past 4 weeks, even if I never responded.

1) Phoenix. I went there. It was HOT. 117 hot. That is really, really hot. I will no longer complain about 104 in Dallas. Which... I won't have to since we are enjoying a lovely mid 80s week. Phoenix was so much work, but lots of fun because we had a bunch of people travel in to assist. I love putting a face to the name and having so many chat chat chatting sessions with people that I usually wouldn't have over the phone. I am definitely the youngest in the group and was carded when I ordered a glass of wine at dinner. Oh boy did my coworkers loveeee that. God.

2) Pittsburgh. I went there too! It was my mom's surprise 50th so I came in for the event. All you need to know about the surprise was that she was on to us. All you need to know about the party is that we had the BEST CAKE EVER!
Total Diva.

The cake was SOOO legit, it had condensation on it! And - it was DELICIOUS too!

My grandparents moved in with my parents and now sleep in what was formerly known as my room. Brother Adam was also home for the surprise event. This is 4 bonus bodies in the home for the weekend which means Sister Allie had to share her bed with me Friday night. She was UNHAPPY about this! She also woke me up at 7:30 in the morning. The next night my Mother put me in the attic to sleep. It isn't actually as bad as it sounds, but all of the old furniture from the room formerly known as my room is up there with all of the older furniture from other rooms formerly known as something else. As soon as the lights went out I was basically stranded because there was no clear path to the light switch and also there was no clear path to anywhere.

3) Connecticut. I went there. I graduated my program for work! Woohoo! Diploma city! We had a not good dinner at a restaurant called Dish in Hartford and we worked on a group project. Neato!

4) Philadelphia. I went there. Got to have great driving situation with Kim and Drew from CT down to Phila. So much chat chat chatting!! Had a great family dinner with Doylestown Millers and watched the Philadelphia news: Terrible. Death, Murder, Thieves. Hide your kids.

5) Across the stat of PA: I traveled it. With my Father. He was a great driver from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. Less chat chat chatting and more sleeping happened on this car ride. I was such a tired girl.

6) More Pittsburgh. So much rain. Lots of shopping. And, I was moved to the living room couch for sleeping. Please cross your fingers that home improvements continue to go as planned and I have a bed to sleep in at Thanksgiving!!!

Now, on to the future: I'm going back to Pittsburgh tomorrow. And since I am doing that, I am going to go to Happy Valley for the Bama game! I cannot wait!!