
water is for fish

Yea, you heard me! I'm starting this blog at 5:59 and I haven't had a sip of water yet today. Some people probably think that isn't healthy - well hold your nutrition horses because I have a glass of water next to me - I'm just waiting until 6:00 pm to drink it.

Speaking of horses, Spot is gone. He has been gone for weeks. Where ever I was last, I don't remember, now that I'm back in town - I haven't seen him. Glue factory.

I've been in the valley at work - I was peaked, and I knew a peak was coming, but these past two weeks things have been so low stress, I really didn't know what to do with myself. And then it was Monday. God. I had 5 scheduled hours of calls, was sent 2.5 extra hours of calls that morning and 2 of my calls went over for a total of 90 minutes. You do the math. I was high stress yesterday.

But all that stress was ok since I raged on Friday. I did not mean to rage on Friday... well, maybe I did mean it. Last week Lee said Aaron was in from California and that they were going to come down to Dallas (Plano) to visit (=rage). So great! I got everything done at work and was heading out around 5:30 and I saw the light that's been on my dashboard for too long (I'm not going to give the actual length since my dad reads this and I'm going to get in trouble...) Anyway, I decided that yes I had 10 minutes to stop at Walmart and ask them to check the pressure on my tires - since I don't know how to put air in my tires (that's a boy job anyway). So, the man tells me to bring my car around and goes to the front passenger tire and then he looks at me through the windshield and waves me over. He says "Ma'am - THIS IS A NAIL IN YOUR TIRE". And I said "Oh, that's really not convenient right now" and he said I should really get it fixed. And I did have this internal chatter where I said "Well, Megan, you've been driving around this way for X days, just get it fixed tomorrow".

You're probably wondering why I didn't want to just get the damn tire fixed - well, I slept in for work. And I did not shower. And while I did not smell. I felt like I should probably get a shower before a rage. Now, don't get me wrong - I had a great work outfit on, and even if I didn't I was so beautiful on Thursday I definitely got a free pass for Friday. ANYWAY, enough about me- I wanted to shower and I was already behind schedule and Lee/Aaron would be there soon and that is why I had an internal debate.

The man promised it would be quick, and I figured the damn nail was a safety hazard so I let him fix it. For 55 minutes. I was so behind by the time Lee got to my apartment I was still in putzing clothes, sans make up and finished hair. But she was so great and just snacked around, had a glass of wine (or two) while I got ready and then we left for dinner...

Only to learn Aaron was 5 minutes away. So we turned around, took two shots of tequila and waited for him to get here. And then we went to a bar where Lee was so badass and only was drinking crown and we had a shot of that. And then another shot of rumplemintz. And a beer or two. And christ, you would have thought I was in college. But I'm not. But I raged anyway. I even went to Sambuca which is a prime location for 40 year old tonsil hockey but actually on Friday is more of a 30 year old scene. Whatever I was totally raging even if Lee and Aaron wouldn't dance with me. Rude. We really didn't even make it until 1:30 - went home, went to bed. Aaron was gone for his flight by 6am, Lee and I were stirring around 8? 9? I knew I was death.

I have not been that hungover.... uh, I don't know. I remember one time in college being that hungover - I don't know what I did the night before, but it was terrible. So all day Saturday I literally could not move. In the morning I could move because I might have still been a little intoxicated, but as soon as Lee left I sobered up quick and wanted to die. I mean, I could not walk without wanting to vom. I did not vom, but I wanted to. I had no diet coke. It was pretty much the worst situation ever. Diet Coke would have healed me. I just didn't have it in me to go to a store. When I had strength to move to my bed, I turned on the TV (which, Saturday DAY tv is terrible) and watched an LA Ink marathon and went back to bed.

If I ever get a tattoo it will be like Rhianna's gun tattoo. On my side. Gun. High, by my armpit. But not my armpit at all.

Anyway, because I raged so hard I had to decline the invitation to rage in Fort Worth on Saturday.... but don't worry - we've rescheduled.

Ok, so I'm really just writing to get back into it. If you haven't figured it out, I have nothing to say. Sorry I'm not sorry. This blog is for me! I don't have to apologize! (Right, Harper? Is that how it goes??)

Tomorrow I'm going to blog about Nanny. She just called. She cracks me up. She will crack you up too. Just wait for my next blog. (Yep, started this at 6, ending at 9:12, 2 glasses of water later.)


  1. I don't get it. Why do you keep mentioning me in your posts? Here's my comment because I know that's what you want!

  2. we sent my horse to the glue factory (or so my father tells me). i guess thats just how it rolls in the tejas.
