
Dear Rohrbach,

Dear Rohrbach,

Of all my followers and non followers you have the least amount of 'sense' in the humor bank. Your snarky remarks are no longer acceptable and I do not care if you laugh -ever. That's an uphill battle I have no desire, or time, to climb.

I imagine your v-neck is white and came in a three pack from Walmart: That's not the kind of v-neck I'm talking about. Nice try though.

Yours truly,

1 comment:

  1. g.lo here, short time reader, first time post-er... Rohrbach's responses have actually become the main reason I visit the blog. It's got to the point where I actually read the comments first to see if he posted and then go back to blog to see what it's referencing. Please do not impede his creative juices (haha, nice).

    ps - Walmart has colors too and if they're good enough for Michael Jordan, they're good enough for me.
