

Alright, so Twitter Day 2 has been an adventure in learning.

I was on this really long conference call and I was doing a great job at not paying attention and I was trying to get Twitter on my phone and I did and it has this great feature "see who you can follow through your contact list" or something. And I thought "SO GREAT!". So my phone does this scan or something and comes back with this ginormous list of people I can follow based on everything my smartphone knows.

My smartphone knows a lot more than I do. It remembers things from gmail and saves them. It steals people's phone number from Facebook (which, why does anyone put their number on Facebook?). It knows so many things! I was not surprised at this long list of people I could follow.

But the entire purpose of my tweeting is to link to my blog and I just can't have all these non-randoms but randoms following my blog. (I mean, that is bound to get me in trouble.) I selectively went through the list and picked the ones I wanted to follow and I hit "done". And then it decided to undo all of my hard work and follow everyone.


People from work who should't see my tweets ever? Following.
Allie Gabriel, avid runner? Following. (#ironic)

I couldn't get home from work fast enough to frantically unfollow everyone. I have no idea what I'm doing.