

Even though I just posted, I wanted to share with you this totally normal email I received from Cone:

Subject: CFDC

I've been saving a caffeine free Diet Coke all day and I CANNOT WAIT to crack that baby open, I just don't know when. I currently have gum in my mouth so I'm going to need to remove that 15 minutes prior to opening, so my pallet is cleansed and ready for a PARTY! My tongue will be wearing a doo-dad like your's on NYE.

If you are a true DC aficionado, you nodded in agreement with Cone's note that he would remove his gum at least 15 minutes before consuming the glorious DC. I can't wait for mine tomorrow with lunch... maybe I'll treat myself to one with breakfast too.

And, while I'm posting things I forgot to post before, you MUST watch this video and visit this website. If you do not watch Parks and Recreation you are MISSING OUT!!

Seeking: Protection in Bar Fight

Ok, followers, I saw the "him" from the WWMFD on Friday and confirmed that he is not my type. I also added another reason to my list of "why I don't like him" which will also be added to the list "things boys will do that will make me crush on them".

See, I went to the beer garden with Roommate Erin on Friday night - roommate Erin had a concert and I had a beer or two while I delayed my own getting ready party before meeting Erin post concert at the beer garden. I was definitely having the times and we met up with two of Erin's friends who happened to be short guys. Chat chat chatting, whatever. I spy the guy I went on a date with and I go up and say hi and I'm not into the conversation and I just want to get back to my seat and the other conversation so I awk slide out of conversation and back to chatting with Erin and Sterling (first name, not last) and Jimmy. And then - a bar fight breaks out! I don't know if it was really a bar fight so much as it was a scuffle/commotion, but, whatever - short Jimmy jumped in front of me to PROTECT me and Sterling jumped in front of Erin and I was thinking "This is so nice of them to protect us from the bar fight" while I also decided to just stay put and possibly in the line of danger. That's when I see date-guy who is much taller than everyone and with friends (one of which was a girl) protecting no one. Now, I have a more substantial reason besides being uninterested to discredit this one and one more thing I'd like to find in a handsome man.

This brings my list of requests to: Tall, good teeth, job, can carry a conversation and will protect me in a bar fight. I don't think I'm asking too much. Right?

Saturday morning I got a too early call from an unknown number that I had to answer - I love unknown numbers. And, now that I think about it, unknown numbers are pretty much the only unknown I like. The unknown turned out to be a known from work to let me know about the tornado in St. Louis since that is where I was flying into on Sunday night. Cool. I spent some time on the phone with the travel agency and my manager and we decided to wait until Sunday to see if the airport became operational. This was fine by me because Erin and I had plans to go to the Earth Day event in Dallas.

Earth Day in Dallas which was celebrated on Saturday was SO HOT and full of so many informational pamphlets!! We signed a petition for cleaner water, got recyclable bags, decided to recycle and Erin signed up to donate bone marrow (I did not). We walked to the State Thomas part of town and enjoyed a chilled Donkey Punch which is a great beverage with moon shine and peach and pineapple and other great flavors served in a mason jar and is quite delicious.

Saturday night Jessica and Sarah also came over for dinner and me and Erin pretty much showcased our domestic goddess-ness with a fabulous homecooked meal that included this amazing tomato/avocado salsa (Erin), salad with a great homemade dressing (Erin), pretzel crusted chicken with a honey dijon sauce (me), baked vinagerette asparagus (Erin) and homemade strawberry champagne cupcakes (me) for dessert! So tasty! After we were fat and happy we went out for the evening and had a great time. Greatest time included attending 3 new gay bars including Round Up.

Round Up is Brokeback Mountain meets Lady Gaga with $1 jello shots and line dancing. I can't think of anything else I can say that will paint a better mental picture for you and make you want to go there... NOW. Other gay bar was S4 which is a 2 story dance party with intense strobe lights and a live drag show and inside and outside seating. Everything was amazing, I only wish Jarrod was there to experience it all with me!

However, waking up on Easter morning at 8AM after 5 hours of sleep and needing to plan travel to STL and get to church was not such a great time. I wasn't hungover from beverage consumption, I was over hung from exhaustion! I had to rush rush rush to do travel, packing, cleaning and church all before 12. Not so fun - but I did get to the airport on time and off to STL in on piece!

And now I'm back. In Dallas. And it's only 61 degrees. I mean, come on Dallas! I leave for three days and you think it's ok to drop 30 degrees? Unacceptable.

Acceptable: Two new followers!!!!!

Follower 64 is none other than Mom Daly. She is probably my most unexpected follower and Mom Daly is also the first Mom following (yes, actual Mother, that is a direct dig at you) and I cannot wait to arrange a Meet My Followers with her. Mom Daly has consulted on serious issues in my life - including skipping the date with Jesus lover and agreeing that woman who didn't talk to me at work when I got to Dallas was terrible. Oh! I also had a panic attack at her house. She's so great. The only issue I think I've ever had with Mom Daly is that I'm pretty sure she was team Kris Allen when I was team Adam Lambert. But, this I can forgive.

Follower is 65 is friend Jessica who I think is only following because she was mentioned in the last blog post. She is so self-absorbed and thinks EVERYTHING is about her.... gosh, she is a handful!! (Just kidding, Jessica!!!) Oh!!! And, my favorite thing is that she is Korean. She is actually 100% Korean which makes her my favorite 100% Korean that I've ever met. She is also part of the 1% of marrieds I actually like. The only issue I think I've had with Jessica is she is Team Edward and I am Team Jacob. This I cannot forgive, but will ignore.



Two new followers!! Woohoo! These two must be credited to the one and only Shubes who had a funny gchat status for a week, until it became annoying a month later. I emailed him to let him know my feelings on this "SHUBES! CHANGE YOUR GSTATUS" to which he updated his status with my comments and a link to my blog. Thank you, Shubes.  Because of his plug, I now have two new followers!

Follower 62 is CP, fellow Penn Stater and red head. We really bonded, almost exactly a year ago, at the Blue/White tailgate in the RV. We were having great laughing chatting times and then someone came in and said "Are you two sisters?" to which both of us took immediate offense. Not because we wouldn't love to be sisters (I mean, how pretty would our Thanksgiving table be?), but because the only reason they asked was because we both had red hair. All red heads are NOT related! I do think we both enjoyed making more of a scene than was necessary.

Follower 63 is an unknown, mysterious person named Ashley with no photo. I tried to figure out who the H is 63 by looking at my friends on Facebook with the first name of Ashley. I have 5 friends named Ashely and the only two I would expect to be following are following (woohoo Rosie and Netz!). Of the other 3, 1 is definitely not my follower (said in the tone of Maurry annoucing paternity) because that would be weird. Of the remaining 2- either one would be out of left field, but not totally random. If it's anyone else, well, I just don't know what I would say. So, Ashley Follower 63, please reveal yourself in comments.

Do you know how close I am to 100?? This is the closest I've been!! Do you think for my 25th birthday, I could get 100 followers?? That would be the best birthday present ever!

Actually, second best. The first best birthday present for my 25th birthday is the one I'm giving to myself which includes roundtrip airfare to Philadelphia and a weekend at OCMD with nonstop adventures at Seacrets with the girls. Do you know how excited I am? VERY.

The other thing I need to tell you about is I met this guy for drinks. It did not go as planned. I was really hoping to LOVE him since he is 6'4, and because I was having a great hair night. I was not so lucky. We met at the beer garden down the street from me and he was really, truly, awkward for the first... 20 minutes of the encounter. There were no tables so he was always looking for a table and he also could not answer the question "Give me the 5 minutes scoop on you". Totally disappointed. We "randomly" ran into some of his friends and joined them for a bit and he seemed to loosen up and was finally more chatty. I've talked it through with a few people, and I can only imagine he was wildly intimdated by beauty and peacock earings. It's the only thing that makes sense.

While sitting with his friends I forgot how ANNOYING other groups of friends can be. I am certain that me and my friends have irritated a newcomer, and, to be perfectly honest, I don't care. I think we were most irritating to that man in the tapas restaurant in Baltimore who was trying to enjoy his meal but we were just trying to have the times. Whatever. In general, my group of friends are inclusive and have a number one priority of giggling and talking about situations that just happened (we really love recapping about ourselves). Not so much with this new group of friends I had the "pleasure" of sitting with who were mostly irritating - with the exception of one girl who I wish I could have full court pressed for friendship, but could not because I was so irritated by "Let me put my hand up like a 3rd grader in English class and wave it around to get the attention of the waitor who will probably continue to ignore me but I will keep my hand up anyway" and also by "I bring my cell phone charger everywhere and even though we are outside at the bar and there is no plug in sight, I'm going to keep the charger on the table in case a magicina makes an outlet plug appear". Oh, and then there were the two rugby bro's who loved smoking cigs and talking about mountains. Dude, it was awesome. God.

Anyway, I was so charming and pretty funny so of course this kid is enjoying my company. And he holds me hand at the table. The problem with this is, I didn't really want him to hold my hand, but in that situation it was just easier to let him hold my hand than to awkwardly remove my hand from his grasp. So now, I'm thinking, he's thinking I'm interested. And really, I'm not. I mean, he needed to brush his hair, he wasn't that funny or witty to me, and, in general, he just isn't my type. I think I should be allowed to ignore him for these three reasons alone. But, friends Jessica and Sarah say "No! You are so picky! Be nice! Give him a second chance!" blah blah blah whatever. But, I think because I am not going to marry the guy, and probably not even friend him since his friends were mostly irritating, that I should not have to pretend to be nice when, in reality, we know that is not the person I am.

He did text me this weekend on both Friday and Saturday night - I only have my charm and great hair to blame. I did not meet up with him because I just didn't feel like faking interested. I don't know if he will or will not text again, we shall see. But, if he does communicate with me again, I guess this leads to a new question for you:

What Would My Followers Do?


The Big Move!

Before we get to the trivial things, I want to take this time to acknowledge TWO new followers.
Follower 60 is Cousin Becca! Cousin Becca dates not cousin Jeff. She lives in Philadelphia and was maid of honor in July's most beautiful wedding ever with Cousin Jessie (follower) and Gibber (not a follower...!). Becca is very pretty. But then again, all us Miller ladies have been blessed with legs and beauty. Heyyy pretty cousin Becca!
Follower 61 FINALLY is Jarrod. Who insists he has BEEN following, but finally we had a breakthrough in communication and he now understands he has been following annonymously for WEEKS AND WEEKS which did not make him a follower. I feel like I don't even need to introduce Jarrod to you since he is regularly mentioned in the blog, but I know he is waiting for it, so here it goes: Jarrod and I were friends in college, obviously. We did lots of giggling, but I did not expect our friendship to move to the level it has post college. We have played together in PA, NC, NY, LA, MD, VA, WV and TX. That's a lot of places! And we have giggled together in bed, on the phone, in hotels, in bars, on beaches, at the swamp. EVERYWHERE! And now he is following. So I'll have to showcase him in a future interview!!
Next up: I moved! To Dallas! To Uptown! With a roommate! In a beautiful new apartment! I'm so excited!

My dad got here on Wednesday and we started by packing up little things in my apartment to prepare for Thursday's big move of all large items into the truck. Once we were loaded up we were going to head out to dinner and we drove past this so old car, blocking half of the road, with the hood propped up by a broom and a giant black man who was in a white tee and gym shorts. Just sitting there. If you've seen Plano and PDP - this was a pretty good example of "what does not belong". And he's just sitting there, with cables hooked to his car and no other car. My father and I are chatting so we notice him but continue talking.
When we leave the complex my dad says "Oh, I wonder if that guy wanted a jump?" And I say - Oh, that makes sense. So we loop around the block and pull back up to this stranded man and I say "Do you need some help?" And he says "OH my OH my! Why yes I do!". Turns out he does need a jump and his friend hasn't shown up yet and if we could help him, oh my gosh! He continues "You must be my angels from below! Wow!". Yes. Angels from BELOW. What the heck? I'm too uncertain of the situation to question this. But I am positive that is what he said. We tried and tried to help Mr. Jiles jump his 250,000 mile car - but with no success. After about 15 minutes, Mr. Jiles said that it wasn't going to work and we could go, so we left him in the middle of the road just like we found him.

Being angels from below really paid off in the way of good karma later in the week - when me and my dad were unloading the truck at my new apartment there was BIG DOG MOVERS or something moving someone OUT of the 4th floor. So on their way up, they took my big stuff and on the way down they did the job they were actually there to do! Miracle! So easy! The new apartment is so great and me and my Dad spent the rest of the weekend installing. 

The apartment has since then been unpacked, but ya'll can take the tour right here:

Even though there are no dogs in the dog park, there are lots of dogs in the apartment complex. Including a GREAT DANE that lives on my floor - so cute!! More footage of the dog park, coming soon!!

The first work week with the commute was a total work nightmare. By the time Friday rolled around, I was so happy! Smerritt 2.0 (Baby Sister of Smerritt) was interviewing in Dallas so I picked her up on my way into town and we had the first night out in town with Roommate Erin!  We tried a new beer garden called the Ice House that is just out the back door and 10 steps down the Katy Trail. Roommate Erin and I think we might get into some trouble here! Then we went to Common Table which is Erin's favorite place and had a great time chatting and laughing and moved onto another bar that is something with an R and had a rooftop deck which is great for the times but not great for heels as I kept slipping into the cracks. GOD! Anyway, having the times and bar closes and me and roommate Erin are so excited that we are able to walk home that we decide to forgo the cab and walk home. Except, we get lost and can't figure out how to get home so we take a cab .5 miles for $6 but all we have is $4 and the cab driver says he will only accept $4 if I give him my number. I say "Oh my gosh, my boyfriend wouldn't like me giving my number out" thinking my new made-up would deter him, but no. So he says "You don't need to tell him". And I say, "You're right! My name is Michelle and my number is 410925....! Goodnight!!" 

That is not my number. That is Roominatrix Michelle's number. And the only cell phone number I have memorized. For moments just like this! 


Meet Follower 49: Jonathan

I've blogged about Jonathan before. He's incredible. I met him in Austin and had an absolute amazing time. Our favorite time spent together was in the Fountain of Youth, also known as Barton Springs. We squealed, we laughed, we played... a friendship was born.

Most of you SHOULD know Jonathan, but you don't because Jarrod totally RUINED IT by never introducing ANY of us to Jonathan when we were down there (New Orleans) on multiple occassions. This makes Jarrod rude.

I've wanted to make Jonathan my next meet my follower for some time, but I think I put so much pressure on "this is the meet my follower gchat interview" that, Jonathan's charisma and the pure bliss he brings to my life through sporadic gchat was not clear.

The first one started like this on March 13th:

me: Are we ready for your interview!?? Or do you need to gather your thoughts?
Jonathan: oh shit, I forgot about that. Sure, why not.

The conversation was enjoyable, but it just didn't hit the spot. And then I forgot about the gay mafia. So our next "interview" went like this:

Jonathan: rule number 1 about the gay mafia, don't talk about the gay mafia.
me: hahahahahahaha
Jonathan: unless you've got a big mouth like me.
me: cracking up. so is that's all i get on the gay mafia?
Jonathan: It's deep and it's real.
They're out there.
They control everything.
what would i be most surprised to learn they control?
Jonathan: From the tailor accidentally fucking up the hem on my new jeans to me getting a barstool with good lighting.
me: barstool with lightning???
ohhh lightttt ING
i get it
Jonathan: You need to look good at happy hour. Lighting is key.
me: i thought you meant electric current from the sky

Obvious chatting and giggling (at least on my side) ensued. However, it was still missing that Jonathan charm I so badly wanted to attack your mind while reading the interview. And then, when I least expected it, and figured I'd just have to do my best with what I had, well, I received three... not one, not two but THREE emails from Jonathan telling me that he wanted to share his location with me and he was home.

I forwarded his email to him and the ghcatting begin. The conversation below, while not an interview, is everything I want you to know about Jonathan. And then you will want to be friends him immediately. As you should.

Jonathan: ugh.
I hate my phone.
me: hahahahaha
Jonathan: I downloaded google maps
and it emailed my entire address book a map with my house on it.
I also
me: lollllll
that is funny
Jonathan: had one too many margaritas at happy hour
and may or may not have called QVC
me: did you get something good!?
Jonathan: and may or may not have gotten on the air.
me: LOL
ok wait a second
Jonathan: and may or may not have bought this:
me: let's do this in order
you worked
went to happy hour
which involved margaritas
and then on your way back to your house
you got lost
so you downloaded google maps
which took a long time to download
because you found your house
by the time it DLed
and emailed your entire address book
that you were home
and then you called QVC
and purchased....
talked to the seller
Jonathan: more like
me: and then purchased...
Jonathan: I went to work
then happy dinner (as I like to call it)
me: i love that!
Jonathan: then came home, and my blackberry has upgraded to the new operating system
so I was playing with it and downloaded google maps.
I drunk dialed QVC
and may or may not have pretended to be my mother on air
and bought this:
me: LOL
shut up
tell me every word you said to QVC
Jonathan: brown out.
I just remember lots of "you knows" and "I means"
me: did someone film this?
put a tape in the vcr and record it?
Jonathan: No.
me: is there any memory of this i can see???
Jonathan: because I don't tell people I call QVC for fun.
me: you did this... alone?
Jonathan: because that would mean I have a problem.
me: i am dying
Jonathan: maybe.
me: so
if i come to your house on a thursday
when you are at work
and turn on your tv
it would turn on to qvc?
because that is the last channel you watched?
while falling asleep?
in the servants quarters?
where will you do the insanity workout in the small space!?
Jonathan: things i haven't thought about.
I'm not telling anybody I'm doing it in case it doesn't work.
since I Just dropped 150 bucks on it, I will fucking complete the program.
and I will be skinny
me: but you're telling me?
so when i see you at "memorial day weekend?"
i will say WOW
you are a MEGA BABE!
Jonathan: I mean, Megan....you know I can't actually keep my mouth shut about anything.
me: HUNK
hahahahaha this is why you are so great
my sister is coming to dallas memorial day weekend
well possibly
she says
we have yet to see if she is reliable
Jonathan: sisters can be so NOT reliable sometimes.
mine has been "coming to visit for a weekend" for two years now.
me: god sisters
Jonathan: sursly

And, let's end this Meet Jonathan with the basics:

Jonathan: My name is Jonathan Charles McCarty.
I live in New Orleans, Louisiana.
My favorite TV show is probably something on Bravo.
and I'm currently eating ritz crackers for breakfast. Classy, eh?

How are you not in love right now?!